04 June 2011

A Curtain of Bougainvillea

The Parc Princesse Antoinette is a garden for children high up in Monaco - it's near the Jardin Exotique and the new national museum of Monaco, the Villa Paloma.

This sculpture is almost hidden in the bougainvillea - there's a curtain of it along another wall. This is not my favourite colour bougainvillea - others love it. I find the colour too strident, too harsh when there are beautiful soft reds and apricots available. No matter - it's the toughest variety which is doubtless why it's used so much in the south of France, Italy and Monaco.


  1. The first image is an amazing one...
    Its almost as if designed ♥

  2. Beautiful! Bougainvillea will always remind me of the first time I actually went there, to the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. Special place to me.

  3. just gorgeous...picking as one of my top 5 posts of the week!! so lovely!

  4. BEAUTIFUL images !

    Have a super weekend.
