03 July 2011

The Wedding - the Jean Michel Jarre concert

These strange structures appeared on Port Hercule a few days before the wedding and of course they were for the Jean Michel Jarre concert - a gift to anyone who wanted to come to Monaco to hear it.

It was absolutely fabulous and so beautiful incorporating magical music, colour (such colour!) images of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene and towards the end, delicate fireworks - stars cascading down amidst unimaginable rays of laser colours.

The short video below gives you an idea of what it was all about.


  1. Saw much of it through pictures and videos of others that attended. Sounds like it was a great night. I was longing to be there.

  2. Thank you for posting daytime pics of it all and the video.

  3. Loved the video Jilly, what a fabulous concert and the wedding, such a happy and beautiful event for Monaco.

  4. What a great happening, the colours and the music.

  5. It must have been just a blast to be there for the concert and everything else going on this weekend!
    Congratulations Prince Albert and Princess Charlene!

  6. What a great day for everyone. JMJ is amazing. Hopefully the full concert will be on DVD soon.

  7. Really spectacular. Enjoyed both videos very much.

  8. Jilly you're a great reporter. So, please, tell us what do resident in Monaco think about those three attempts by Princess Charlene to escape back at home before wedding? And what about Prince Albert clearly bothered by her tears after the religious ceremony?

  9. Fabrizio, the Monegasques are very loyal to their Prince and hope all this is going to work out beautifully. The story seemed to be common knowledge in Monaco before the story broke in the newspapers - I suppose that happens in a tiny place.
