A beautiful covered trolley arrived with more cheeses than I could count. We each chose three. One of mine was a Roquefort and Lynda chose a different blue cheese. Of course we had to compare and I loved her choice. The attentive and friendly (and handsome!) Maitre 'D wrote down its name - a Fourme l'Ambert which is from the Auvergne region of France. It's far milder than a Roquefort and creamier too.
With it we chose a different bread from the trolley - a wholemeal fig and walnut. Perfect!
On to dessert. In the main photo: Compotée de pommes reinettes, glace à la vanille et pommes sauvages râpées crues.
Stewed Reinette apples, vanilla ice cream and raw slices of wild apples.
In the smaller photo: Fruits d'automne en tartelette friande, glace au lait, fleur de sel.
A delicate tart of autumn fruits, milk ice cream, sea salt.
You can see Lynda couldn't wait to stick her spoon into the milk icecream - me too!
very delicious looking!
Do have a wonderful weekend!
The large blue plates for desert come as quite a surprise. The stripes make yours look like a gril - weird. So far these plates are the only thing in your report that I find rather incongruous. Maybe they worked well in real life?
Nathalie, I absolutely agree. They surprised me too. One was round, one was square. They are probably some incredibly expensive designer platter?
Hi Jilly - your blogs have been on my blog roll ever since I knew I was moving to this area from mexico city, and I have really enjoyed following both your blogs and seeing all your lovely photos. I would certainly love to meet up with you - I live in Cap D'Ail and work in Monaco - it is always interesting to get together with fellow bloggers...hope it will work out...regards Catherine
Complex combinations all the way down to the dessert. Both sound just heavenly. This has been a wonderful experience even if all I got to do was watch.
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