In the smaller photo, my friend Lynda's first course:
Fumet de homard breton à peine crémé, fins raviolis de champignons des bois et châtaignes.
Stock of Breton lobster stock with cream, raviolis of wild mushrooms and chestnuts.
Our wine: Domaine du Loou 'Esprit de Blancs' 2010 - a delicious light and fresh Provence white wine from the Var.
A very fine meal. Happy birthday!
The mirror enhances the view of the dining room. I, for one, would not want to be seated at a table where the view in the mirror shows me eating.
The mirror reveals wonderfully warm room and the first course sounds heavenly. I'm kind of wishing I could reach through my computer screen and have a small taste.
I've read many Ducasse recipes and quickly learned that he produces some very complex flavors.
Aaaaah, I'm salivating.
Simply elegant!
Wonderful atmosphere Jilly - elegant - stylish - classy.
I have seen the door to this famous establishment but never been inside - the attention to datail is what stands out! magnifique!
Very interesting!
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