23 January 2012

A Jenson Button and Jessica Michibata sort of day...

Yesterday was a glorious day - t-shirt weather.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a mad Formula One fan and never miss a race. Jenson Button is my favourite driver. He drives for Vodafone McLaren Mercedes with intelligence, sensitivity - he's brilliant - and there he was, running towards and then past me. Too late for a shot so I turned around and clicked. Jenson is in the red t-shirt in the smaller photo.

A few minutes later Flavio Briatore (ex director of the Renault F1 team) walked past La Rose des Vents.

And 15 mintes afer that, Jenson's beautiful girlfriend Jessica Michibata came along, running in the opposite direction. That's her in the main photo.

And after that - to make it a real Grand Prix Sunday - I went to lunch with my friend Sue, who is married to Roy Salvadori - another F1 driver from what is now a bygone era. My interest in Forumula One started years ago when I became friends with Roy and Sue.


  1. What a happy day!
    I think if I had seen them in "real life" maybe I wouldn't have recognized them...
    Btw. I wish I'd be in shape like Jessica...
    Barbara from Germany

  2. What a fun day! And love the perspective on both of these photos - especially the main one.

  3. Love this story!


    manhattan beach ca

  4. Wow, such a lucky Sunday morning, and such wonderful weather. At the moment I'm using T shirts as a vest. Far too cold to have bare arms yet

  5. :-)
    A great day for you...
    Enjoy !

