31 January 2012

Oceanographic Museum - Huang Yong Ping's Giant Octopus

When Prince Albert I of Monaco created the Oceanographic Museum, he wanted to associate art with science and so throughout the building and on the facades outside, you'll find many incredible works of art.

One that really hits you in the face - and almost literally - is this sculpture of a giant octopus that measures 25 metres from tentacle to tentacle. It's the work of Chinese artist Huang Yong Ping - note one of the tentacles touching a plastic shoe, plastic bottles: the detritus of man on the ocean floor ...

You can read a full account of this work, the exhibition and see photos of the installation at CityOut Monaco. Thanks, Alex.

Below you'll find a video of the installation.

This exhibition - 'Méditerranée: Spelndide, Fragile, Vivant' - continues until the 21st March.


  1. Aquariums have become very popular tourist attractions in many cities, and the buildings are often quite striking, but none of the modern aquariums can match the elegance of your Oceanographic Museum, as your photos show so well.

  2. This is amazing Jilly...thanks for the little video clip.
