07 February 2012

Oceanographic Museum - and Monte Carlo Daily Photo's 5th Birthday!

The Shark Lagoon is enormous! It contains 450 square meters of water with sharks, rays, groupers, jacks, moral eels and turtles, on a coral reef that teems with tropical fish and live corals. The presentation of live corals in such a space is a first. This tank can be viewed from four different angles. One panel alone is 5.90 metres high and 7.90 metres wide.


Monte Carlo Daily Photo and Menton Daily Photo celebrate their 5th birthdays today - that's one photo (sometimes more) every single day for five years - twice! Not quite sure how it happened, but it did!

In fact, it all started with Eric Tenin's Paris Daily Photo and his vision for a world-wide City Daily Photo community of which today there are 1452 representing cities all over the world. I will be forever grateful to Eric for starting something that was to totally change my life and in ways I never could have imagined. Who knew I'd fall asleep at night reading books on photography!

According to Google, Monte Carlo Daily Photo has 13,000 visits a month (of which 7,500 are unique visits) and with 27,000 page views. You can see, with these monthly numbers, why I can't stop and indeed I don't want to! It's such a honour and a privilege to know so many people are enjoying the photos. A heartfelt thank you to my wonderful readers, for your loyalty, encouragement, kind emails and comments - without you, I think I'd have faltered long ago.

But along with the numbers have come friends - blogging friends, photography friends, people who come and visit and who I'd not have known but for the blogs. People who write me - we've never met - but are friends nonetheless. And one thing is particularly important to me, acceptance by the people of the amazing village where I live - Gorbio. Gorbio is 11 kilometres from Monaco. I adore this village, its traditions and its people who have so generously made me (a foreigner) welcome. They know me as the English woman, with the blogs - the one who always has a camera in her hand! I feel very much a part of this medieval hill village and I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me.

Please hop over to Menton Daily Photo for a photo of me, taken by the Mayor of Gorbio, smiling at you all and saying thanks so much.


  1. You are a wonderful, inspiring woman! Your photos rekindle so many emotions about the area of the world I love.
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Bonjour Jilly, like I already said on Menton Daily Photo, I know what it's like to post a photo a day, so I can really say out loud: congratulations.

    Let's meet next time I'm in Nice.

    Again: un grand bravo !

  3. jameson, you are so kind and Eric, yes please, I'd so love to finally meet you when you next come down south. x

  4. Happy blog birthday, Jilly! You are absolutely amazing managing these two blogs for such a long time. And this is such a joyful photo to celebrate the day with. I don't get to visit as often as I'd like, but I hope you keep on photoblogging for many more years to come.

  5. I just left a congratulatory note over on your Menton site, although I should add that it was your Monaco site that drew me in to all of your sites, as I searched out for Monaco rather than Menton initially because we had enjoyed visiting Monaco in 2002, and hope to return and do so again.

  6. Jilly I love your photos and descriptions - thankyou for sharing with all of us and happy 5th Birthday from a dedicated follower from Perth, Australia.

  7. Hilda, Dave and PJ, thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment - really means a lot to me. Hope we get to meet up one of these days, Dave when you come back to Monaco.

  8. Happy Birthday Jilly and a job well don!

  9. Happy Birthday Jilly! I read your blog almost for 1 year and it's really fascinating! Wish you all the best, warm regards from Ukraine =))))

  10. I have visited almost everyday for the past year as a moment of escape from my ordinary life. It is a wonderful page and I appreciate it very much. Happy 5th anniversary

  11. Oh oh so well done. And for years now. And I've been following along.
    Thank you.

  12. Well, a belated and very heartfelt: joyeux blogaversaire!!! 5 years, wow!

  13. Happy anniversary to you and your great photo blog!!! Love your work and dedication. All the best to you.

  14. Happy 5th Birthday!! Blogs like yours are a huge inspiration to me.

  15. Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!Congrats!

  16. Congratulations on your 5 years of the Monte Carlo blog! I just hope their Monaco majesties sent you a letter of thanks and congratulations, too!

  17. Congratulations for 5 great photo-blogging years. You know that I visited both blogs time to time, but I really love your photos and comments. Next 5 years I will be here again.
    I don't know how you can post all days in 2 blogs. I have problems to do in one. Next june, MuDP turns 4.
