31 May 2012

Marc Quinn at the Oceanographic Museum - Planet

Last year the Oceanographic Museum mounted an exhibition by Damien Hirst.  This year it features another British artist, Marc Quinn.

This monumental baby called Planet (painted bronze and steel) waits for you outside the museum.

The exhibition is called 'The Litteral Zone.'

Jerry Brotton wrote 'The litteral zone, where sea meets the shore, where life on earth begins and ends, it is the location of origins, where chaos solidifes into form, where travel starts and concludes, a point of departure and a place of arrival, it is a space of fusion and of separation, where we try - and often fail - to distinguish nature from culture. And as a direct consequence, this is a space where creativity is at its most extreme and profound.'

Here's a timelapse video showing the installation of this 6 tonnes baby:


  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great picture! I'd like to visit this exhibition.

  3. He is naked?! Is this allowed in Monaco?

  4. Great shots for a wonderful sculpture. Well done and take care!

  5. I would expect a giant statue of marine life rather than an infant in front of the Oceanographic Museum. When this infant gets a little older, he will certainly enjoy the Oceanographic Museum like so many other children do.

  6. Looks like something from Pink Floyd or 2001 A Space Odyssey. Can't say it is something that appeals though

  7. This is too weird for words. It stirs up horrifying thoughts about the mother.
