05 June 2012

Marc Quinn at the Oceanographic Museum - Fire!

As I said yesterday, this area of the exhibition is forbidden to children unless accompanied by an adult. Whether it's because of the subject matter of the sculptures or because an unaccompanied child and fire could be dangerous, I don't know.

This piece is called Matter into Light: the Discovery of Fire (2011).  It's made of hand-treated cobalt-plated bronze, concrete, stainless steel, cement board, ceramic and bioethanol liquid.  This is one of a series of burning sculptures which thanks to new technology, can burn with real fire inside the museum without a flue.


  1. Anonymous05 June, 2012

    This is just amazing keep it up Jilly! I wonder if each bone is carved individually.......,?

  2. Funny, I was there a few days ago and saw the exhibition. Rather bizar those skeletons and the fire. I preferred the fishes in the aquarium more...

  3. It looks a bit wierd, but at the same time interesting!

  4. I don't know that to think. I looks like it is rather late for that couple. I hope they took advantage of their time together while they were alive.

  5. Anonymous05 June, 2012

    Well, I think I wouldn't like this exhibition... Hopefully there will be something else when I'm there...
    Otherwise the aquarium and the new turles must be sufficient!
    Barbara from Germany

  6. I know it is the law of silence, but this really looks like Monaco by night.

  7. Wonder what prompted the artist to have this idea? Very interesting . . .

  8. Amazing pieces....I wonder what goes on in his mind!
