09 August 2013


It's painstaking work keeping Monaco's beautiful gaff cutter, Tuiga, in great condition.  She celebrated her 100th birthday in 2009 and is the flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club.

She was originally comissioned by the Duke de Medinacelli, a close friend of the King of Spain, Alphonse XIII.  Tuiga has known ten owners in 100 years.

In 1995, seduced by the slender lines of this yacht – regarded by Eric Tabarly as 'one of the world’s most beautiful yachts.' - H.S.H. Prince Albert II expressed his desire to own her, benefiting from the support of the 'Tuiga Committee.'

1 comment:

  1. Jilly, I noted your message earlier this week. At 100 years of age I'd say she's in her prime. Seduced,would be the correct world. I know you're a fan, so here is one for you; http://on.fb.me/13T0Kqc

