05 July 2014

The NEW Monaco Yacht Club

The new Monaco Yacht Club is finally open.  Looks like a cruise liner, doesn't it?  It had its grand opening on the 20th June with 3,000 guests including the Princely family of course. 

It was designed by the studios of leading British architect, Lord Norman Foster, in collaboration with Monaco-born architect, Alexandre Giraldi, and is the new headquarters for the Monaco Yacht Club (YCM).

It was a grey day when I took this photo, but a few days ago, I went there for lunch and the sun shone!  Next time we'll explore the building...  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous05 July, 2014

    Yeah. I've been wanting to see more about this interesting new building so thanks for covering it. Always like your architecture shots - you've pulled off a very good shot here. @extradiagetic
