08 July 2015

'De l'Inutile a l'essentiel.'

Last night there was a large crowd for the vernissage in Cap d'Ail of Maxime Peregrini's and Barbara Lecomte's beautiful book 'De l'Inutile a l'essentiel.' 

Each page of the book and each display in this exhibition features one of Maxime's photos from New York City and one of Barbara's from India.  Each duo of photos displaying so beautifully the differences and the similarities in each culture.

Bravo to Maxime and Barbara - beautiful work!

The exhibition continues until the 22nd July at the Chateau des Terrasses at Cap d'Ail, just along the coast from Monaco. 

05 July 2015

Beach scene

Papa and child. This wasn't actually taken in Monaco but just along the coast in France.