Showing posts with label Casino area. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casino area. Show all posts

29 September 2013

Vineyard in Sky Mirror

The vineyard planted in the garden in front of the casino is reflected in 'sky mirror.'  You can see the Casino building top centre.  The Cafe de Paris is to the right - everything is the wrong way around of course! In reality, the Cafe de Paris is off to the left ...

28 September 2013

The Casino Vineyard

The small round garden in front of the casino is happily untouched by the renovations in the upper gardens.  In fact, it has been transformed into an ephemeral vineyard!  Right down to the traditional rose bush at the end of each row.

This is to mark the 150th anniversary of SBM (Societe des Bains de Mer).  In fact, you can now order a Bordeaux Grand Cru by the glass in any of the SBM hotels, restaurants or casinos.  There is a choice of 150 different wines.  This started on June 22nd and continues for 150 days.

27 September 2013

Progress at Casino Square! - the Silk Floss Tree and the Digger

The scoop of a digger seen though the beauty of a Silk Floss Tree as the destruction of the Casino gardens continues.  The Latin name of this gorgeous tree is Ceiba specioso - it's the same family as the Baobab tree.

Let's hope it survives ...

26 September 2013

Progress at Casino Square! - the Winter Sporting

This is the Art Deco Winter Sporting - the building that is to be replaced.

25 September 2013

Progress at Casino Square! - the Palms

It would appear (one hopes!) that the trees and palms are to be saved.

At the moment, the machines are being used to dig around the massive palms and beautiful trees.  Presumably they will  be left in place or will be lifted and hopefully replaced when the building work is finished.  Who knows? Doubtless we'll eventually know the answer ...

This photo shows the Café de Paris and the Casino.

24 September 2013

Progress at Casino Square!

This is called progress!  The casino gardens are being dug up and the building you see to the right - the Winter Sporting (a beautiful Art Deco building) - will be knocked down in favour of a massive shopping complex. The building in the centre is the Hotel de Paris and you can just see a corner of the Casino to the left.

More tomorrow ...

22 September 2013

People Watching at the Café de Paris

On the terrace of the Café de Paris, everyone faces Casino Square so they can 'people watch.' 

And if you sit at the back with a camera, you can watch people watching people!

21 September 2013

Puff Puff

Seen on the terrace of the Café de Paris yesterday.  Presumably it's an electronic vapour pipe?

16 July 2013

Different Directions

'Life is not a one-way street. You can go in different directions, but be prepared for those people who act like they own the road.' 

~ Unknown

17 May 2013

Passing Strangers ...

La Reine Mariana and a passing stranger.  She was sculpted in 2004 by Manolo Valdés, the well-known Spanish artist who lives in New York.

08 March 2013

Jules Massenet

Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet was a French composer best known for his operas. His compositions were very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he ranks as one of the greatest melodists of his era.

This statue stands, where it should, outside Monte Carlo's opera house, which is to our left.

Today, Monaco doesn't look like this photo - it's raining heavily and has been for days ... 

06 March 2013

The Fur Coat

You'd need to be rich to trail a mink on the ground like this, wouldn't you?  

And for all you animal lovers, I'm one too!  No animal should be killed for its fur - or for anything else, come to that.   I'm simply your friendly Monte Carlo photographer reporting on what I see ... on this occasion at the Cafe de Paris. 

01 March 2013

Café de Paris - Coffee?

The terrace of the Café de Paris in Casino Square.  Fancy a coffee in the sunshine?


Click HERE to see how other City Daily Photo bloggers around the world have interpreted the theme of  'Café Chairs.'

06 February 2013

Mini Brit

Got a feeling the Mini might be British ...!

The doorman of the Hôtel de Paris has just moved it forward about a foot,  so now it's nose to tail with the Ferrari. Not sure why he moved it.

21 January 2013

The Opera House

We're looking at the back of the beautiful casino building in which you'll find the Monte Carlo Opera.  To the left is the Hotel de Paris.  On the right, in the foreground, is Botero's bronze sculpture - Adam and Eve.

18 January 2013

Drunken Lamps

Even in in their drunken state these beautiful lamps, reflected in a window, look beautiful.  And below the lamps?  Are they loudspeakers or surveillance cameras?

13 January 2013


The Casino seen from the rear - perhaps the more beautiful side of the building

11 January 2013


Bulustrades near the Hotel de Paris reflected in a puddle.

09 January 2013

Winter Mode

A Monte Carlo lady, in her winter gear, crossing Casino Square.

06 January 2013

The Bicycle and the Ferrari

The lady on the left rode her bike into casino square, parked it alongside the Ferrari outside the casino and is taking a photo of it - much to the amusement of the doorman and policeman alongside. They seem rather non-plussed by the whole thing but I'm sure if she doesn't move it soon, she'll be told to do so ...

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