Showing posts with label Daily Photo Theme Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Photo Theme Day. Show all posts

01 March 2012

Jean-Michel Jarre and electricity!

It's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community and this month's theme is ' electricity' so we're going back to the fantastic Jean-Michel Jarre concert on the port - given by Prince Albert and Princess Charlene in July last year to celebrate their wedding.

It was a great night and it took a lot of electricity!

To see how others around the world have interpreted this theme click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 February 2012

Oceanographic Museum - the Whale

In the west wing of the Museum, the Hall of Applied Oceanography, renamed the Whale Hall in 2004, displays a series of skeletons of marine mammals.

The emblem of this hall is the 20 metre skeleton of a fin whale (balaenoptera physalus).

Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants in CDP's theme: Animals

01 January 2012

Favourite Photo of 2011

The 1st January is traditionally the day members of the City Daily Photo community choose their favourite photo of the previous year. My favourite has to be this one taken in November. I was drawn by the cloud formations and so walked towards the sea near to the heliport in Fontvieille. Standing there was this man, in perfect silhouette. I love that sky and the feeling of space - something we don't think of when we see the built-up nature of Monaco.

And for a little extra, I give you the joy on the faces of this mother and daughter as they played with bubbles at a festival on le rocher in summer.

Happy New Year to everyone (let's hope it brings peace to the crazy world of ours) and thankyou once again to readers of Monte Carlo Daily Photo - for your support, your comments, your private emails and encouragement - it really does mean so much to me.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 November 2011

Don't Fence Me In

A fenced-in cat who lives at the Riviera Palace in Beausoleil.

To see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme 'Fences' please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 September 2011

Joana Vasconcelos - Marilyn's Perspective

Outside the exhibition at Pavillion Bosio you'll find Joana Vasconcelos' high heeled shoe inspired by Marilyn Monroe and made entirely of stainless steel saucepans and lids. This enormous shoe rather messes up our idea of perspective, don't you think...

To see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme of 'perspective' please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 July 2011

The Wedding - the Civil Ceremony

Today is the first day of Monaco's Royal Wedding (or more correctly, Princely wedding). The civil marriage between Prince Albert II and Charlene Wittstock takes place at 5 pm. Tomorrow is the big religious ceremony when we see THE dress!

At 8 p.m. this evening there are cocktails on Port Hercule for Monegasque citizens offered by Prince Albert and at 10 p.m. Jean Michel Jarre has designed a concert show with an incredible, 200 metre-long stage set, which will include a light show, HD video, lasers and fireworks - a magical, high-tech extravaganza to the rhythm of his music, which will be performed live on the central stage. This is a free concert gifted by the newly married couple who will also be there. 100,000 people are expected to attend.

You can see and here the concert live HERE from 10 p.m. CET.

I'm invited to dinner with friends at a restaurant on Port Hercule which will be a great place to see and hear the concert and people-watch. Getting to Monaco tho is a nightmare. Already all the parking places are taken - hardly surprising as they are free for this special weekend. So the bus or train seem to be the answer and extra trains and buses are laid on for the Monaco to Nice route but they seem to have forgotten the Monaco to Menton and Ventimiglia route - not good. If you don't hear from me on Saturday, send a search party...

Of course, this is Theme Day in our City Daily Photo family - the subject is 'the colour green' so I give you the sign seen outside the palace over the last few days. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

As a little extra - an interview with Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock.

01 June 2011

La Turbie - Under Construction

If you are doing any construction work in the medieval village of La Turbie, then watch out as you carry old doors through the narrow streets. La Turbie stands at over 500 metres on the Grande Corniche above Monaco.

Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants in this month's theme of Under Construction.

01 May 2011


It's not easy to find a private mail box in Monaco. Eventually I found these three in a small street at the back of the Hotel Hermitage.

More usual are rows of mailboxes inside the foyers of apartment buildings (which can't, of course, be photographed) or private mail boxes in Monte Carlo's post office which you see left and below.

Please click here to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme.

01 April 2011

An Edgy Theme Day

The marble balustrade on the stairs that lead from the Buddha Bar down to the Fairmont Hotel - originally Loews Hotel for any the F1 fans. Sharp edges, curved edges, straight edges for today's Theme Day.

Please click here to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme.

01 March 2011

Peace in a Garden

It's Theme Day and deciding on 'my favourite part of town' wasn't easy. So much depends on one's mood. You can sit on the terrace of the Cafe de Paris and watch the world go by, you can wander Port Hercule and drool over the mega yachts, you can stroll le rocher and enjoy the narrow ancient streets and the beauty of the cathedral or you can do what we are doing today - sit in a garden and absorb the peace.

Monaco has many beautiful gardens - my favourites are the Saint Martin Gardens on le rocher and this one - the Japanese Gardens on Avenue Princess Grace with views of the Mediterranean through the trees.

To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted this month's theme please click HERE.

01 February 2011

The Dragon Fountain

This dragon breathes water, rather than fire. You can find him in the Casino gardens.

The intention had been to photograph an elephant peeing (it's veritable fountain!) and I duly waited two hours by the elephant enclosure at the circus but no joy...the things we do for Theme Day! These are photos I took last summer with my old camera.

To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted today's 'fountains' theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Tomorrow: back to the Circus!

01 January 2011

Theme Day - Favorite Photo of 2010

On the first of January each year, bloggers in the City Daily Photo community post their favourite photo of the previous 12 months. Here's mine - a shot of the magnificent Oceanographic Museum, seen through the legs of Damien Hirst's enormous sculpture 'The Virgin Mother.'

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and peaceful 2011 and thankyou SO much for your visits to Monte Carlo Daily Photo.

Please click here to see other bloggers' favourite photos of 2010.

01 December 2010

No Finish Line - Distance and Time

No Finish Line is a charity run in Monaco which takes place over 8 days each November. During that time you walk, jog or run as often as you want. Here you see one of the participants checking the screen to see how many kilometres she has run and how much time she has left. Each year No Finish Line raises thousands of euros for children's charities. You can read more in yesterday's post.

To see how other bloggers in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted today's 'time' theme, please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 November 2010

The Bateau Bus

The solar-powered Bateau Bus is Monaco's most fun form of public transport. It takes off from the
Terminal CroisiĂšre (where the big cruise ships come in) and crosses Port Hercule every twenty minutes. And at only 1 euro it's probably the world's cheapest charter and a fabulous way to get up close and personal with the mega yachts in the harbour.

To see how other bloggers in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted today's theme of 'Public Transportation' please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

01 October 2010

Monaco Yacht Show - Ohana

This month's Theme Day is 'graffiti' and whilst this isn't graffiti (but a child's drawing) it sort of fits the bill. The young daughter of the owner of this beautiful yacht at the Monaco Yacht Show drew this design - Ohana means 'family' in Hawaiian. Later, as you see, he had her drawing painted onto the yacht.

Ohana is 43 metres long and is for charter in the Mediterranean in summer and the Caribbean in winter. She's also for sale at $24 million.

To see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 September 2010

Monaco's Market

Monaco's market is in Place d'Armes and fits the bill for today's City Daily Photo Theme Day which is ... drum 'Open Air Market.'

To see how others throughout the world have presented this theme do click here to view thumbnails for all participants

01 August 2010

Le Grand Tour

Monaco's latest tour bus - le grand tour! There are twelve stops taking in the whole of Monaco. You can get on or off as often as you like. A day ticket costs 17 euros for adults and 7 euros for a child. Included in the 12 stops is the Bateau Bus stop and the complete tour lasts approximately one hour.

As you can see in the smaller photo, there is a running commentary in your own language via individual disposable head sets.

It's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community and today's theme is BRIGHT COLOURS. Click on the link to see colour from around the world.

01 July 2010

Reverse Reflections

Reflections of the sea on the side of the boat - rather than the other way around! We're in the beautiful port of Beaulieu-sur-Mer.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how others around the world have interpreted the theme of 'reflections' do click on the link. You won't be disappointed. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

01 June 2010

A Sign of the Buddha

This sign is part of the hoarding that surrounds the soon to be open Buddha Bar in Monaco. There are fifteen Buddha Bars in the world from Peking to Prague to Paris where the concept was launched 14 years ago.

The Monte Carlo Buddha Bar will cost €5 million and will feature a 160-seat mezzanine, sumptuously decorated in the trademark red and gold. Access will be by the old stairway entrance to the Cabaret, with access to two terraces and the Casino Gardens. Developed by the SBM, the main draw will be the restaurant featuring first-class Asian cuisine produced by a team of chefs especially trained at the Buddha Bar in Budapest. The Buddha Bar opens on the 24th June.

Being the first of the month, it's Theme Day (Funny Signs) on City Daily Photo so to see how this subject is covered by other bloggers in many cities around the world please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

01 April 2010

The Virgin Mother

Tomorrow, the Damien Hirst exhibition opens at the Oceanographic Museum on le rocher. This coincides with the centenary of the museum, which has undergone extensive renovation for the occasion. However, more than normal renovation was needed as one of Damien Hirst's 60 pieces is a massive shark weighing 33 tonnes - called 'The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.' The fish, in its tank of formaldehyde, has been flown from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to Monaco. To accommodate it on the first floor of the museum, aluminium reinforced beams were installed - iron doesn't support the promimity of water in the nearby aquarium. It took 21 hours to unload the piece and install it.

Here you see his famous sculpture - The Virgin Mother. She stands at the end of the jetty in the port of Fontvieille. In the main photo, you see the cathedral behind her - in the smaller photo the Oceanographic Museum. Such is her value, she is being guarded 24 hours a day. More tomorrow...come back for the photo I like best.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how around 100 bloggers from around the world have interpreted the theme of 'Red' please Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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