Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

14 April 2010

Monaco Dog Show - Shelties with Friend

It's not easy photographing dogs - or anything else - in the circus tent in Fontvieille. It's dark with the odd bright light. A friend suggested I try the camera at a much higher ISO. This shot of two Shelties and a Pyrenean Mountain Dog was taken at 2000 ISO and personally I like the graininess and the feel of it. Do you?

10 April 2010

Monaco Dog Show - Cigarette Break

The Monaco International Dog show takes place each year in the circus tent in Fontvieille. It's a two-day event and this year 170 breeds were on display with exhibitors coming from 15 different countries. This exhibitor has a long wait before entering the ring - time for a cigarette.

To see more dogs exhibited at the show take a look at Riviera Dogs.

'To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.'

~Milan Kundera

23 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Dogs

These two dogs were behind bars in a large pen. I really should have asked someone if they are performing dogs or simply dogs belonging to a member of the circus. Neither looked very happy.

The dog in the main photo and below is a Newfoundland and the one standing on a bale of straw (left) is a mix of some sort.

20 November 2009

Where's the Chocolate?

Wot, no chocolate on my cappuccino?

This is Lou, the French bulldog who belongs to Mister Brian - owner of Monaco's best known delicatessen. They are taking a coffee by the port - or rather Lou is allowed to taste Mister Brian's cappuccino - and yes, she's already had the chocolate - off the spoon, of course. Not that Brian would mind sharing the cup with Lou - he's besotted.

Lou is celebrated in Monaco - she's appeared in a book about the Principality and if you saw Piers Morgan's television programme you will have seen him interview Mister Brian - and Lou.

And remember when Lou was stolen? If not, you can read about it by clicking on the link.

13 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Dog

Look around any harbour and you'll find dogs on boats.

"Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement."

~ Charles M. Schulz

05 August 2009

The Child and the Dachshund

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

In June we met a real Monte Carlo Dog, a tiny chihuahua, all dressed up in pink and owned by the owner of an art gallery in the Winter Sporting. That day in the gallery, I photographed this wonderfully effusive and adorable child with her 5 month old dachshund puppy called Titta. They were in gallery because her mother was helping the owner with the vernissage. They live in Genoa, along the Ligurian coast in Italy.

24 June 2009

The Monte Carlo Dog

Meet Nina, a Monte Carlo dog in the arms of a Monte Carlo lady - owner of the G.A.M Galerie d'Art in Monaco.

Nina is half Chihuahua and half Papillon and nearly one year old - still only a puppy.

I was walking through the Gallery of the Winter Sporting in Casino Square and noticed a vernissage taking place in this beautiful art gallery. One of the owner's assistants kindly invited me in and put a glass of vin rosé in my hand. The vernissage was for two talented artists, one a sculptor and the other a photographer - yes, I know I should have taken note of names but put a glass of wine in my hand and give me a dog to photograph and that's it!

You can see another photograph of Nina and a little more of the gallery on Riviera Dogs today - second photo.

30 January 2009

Circus! - the Popcorn, the Dog, the Children & the Tigers

We are outside the tiger enclosure. The dog doesn't take his eyes off a bag held by the child - a bag of popcorn.

No one is holding the dog's lead but then a labrador isn't going anywhere when popcorn is around...

26 January 2009

Circus! - the Performing Dogs

The Performing Dogs were kept in three separate exercise areas along the walkway where we saw the catering vans.

Look at the intensity in this little one's eyes.

You are see more of these lovely Circus Dogs on Riviera Dogs today and over the coming days.

The dogs come from Germany and are part of Wolfgang Lauenberger's Performing Dogs. See photo below - not one of mine, but taken, with thanks, from the non-official Festival International de Monte Carlo website. If you want to see photos of other circus acts performing in Monte Carlo, this is the place to go.

29 January 2008

Pug watch

This little pug seems more interested than his owner in watching the skaters. This is the swimming pool in front of the main port - the very one the Formula One cars whizz around during the Monaco Grand Prix in May. For Christmas and well into January it is transformed into an ice-rink.

If you'd like to meet Prickle, whose home is one of the most famous gardens in Menton - click on the link.

18 September 2007

Doriana - 2

Notice the little chap in the middle of the photo. He's the Doriana's dog, a wire-haired dachshund. Later I saw him out walking with one of the crew. Click HERE to see him stretching his sea legs by the port of Monaco. You can also click on yesterday's link for the Doriana - then on 'photos' and you will find a photo of him (last pic) curled up in the middle of some ropes.

08 September 2007

We don't like Japanese gardens anyway!

As you can see, dogs are not allowed in the Japanese garden, so the husband waits outside with the dogs whilst the wife looks around the beautiful gardens. Later, I saw this couple walking - one Yorkie was in a basket, another on lead. You can see more photos of these little dogs at Riviera Dogs.
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