Showing posts with label Fontvieille. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fontvieille. Show all posts

23 April 2015

Lunch break

Lunch break at the port of Fontvieille.

20 May 2014

Living in a Science Fiction film ...

If you take the lift from opposite Monaco's market down to Fontvieille, you end up on this walkway, which has been cut deep into the rock - it leads to the Carrefour shopping centre. For a moment, you feel as if you are in a magic grotto or a science fiction film ...

07 May 2014

Monaco's Ladies - the Harley-Davidson Club of Monaco

One of Monaco's lady bikers. LOVE that jacket!

In the small photo some of the Harley-Davidson's parked outside Saint Nicolas Church in Fontvieille.  

06 May 2014

Saint Nicolas Church and the Bikers

Fontvieille's beautiful St. Nicolas' church as you won't often see it - surrounded by bikers and their beautiful Harley-Davidson bikes - see yesterday's post.  Happily the sun came out in time for their barbecue.

05 May 2014

Father Julien and the Monaco Harley-Davidson Club

Father Julien, the priest of Saint Nicolas' church in Fontvieille, Monaco is a biker - a member of the Monaco Harley-Davidson Club.  Each year he gives a service in the church for the bikers of the region - Monaco, France and Italy - and after the service there is a massive barbecue held outside the church. In this photo you see Father Julien third from left.

Who knew there was a Harley-Davidson club in Monaco? Who knew Monaco has a biker priest? I love it! 

Come back tomorrow - of course you want to see the bikes! And more bikers.

Art Monaco will return in a few days.

21 April 2014

The Bull's Sore Leg

Ooops! Looks like the bull in the carousel in the children's playground in Fontvieille won't be going far!

28 February 2014

The Antique Car Museum

The entrance to HSH Prince Rainier's collection of old cars in Fontvieille.  Here is a Mclaren Mercedes Formula One sports car.

24 February 2014

The Bees are a-buzzing...

Rosemary tumbles over a wall alongside St. Nicolas' Church in Fontvieille.  We have sunshine, we have rosemary, we have bees a-buzzing. Spring can't be far away ...

23 February 2014

The Port of Fontvieille and the Tunnel

This is the edge of the port of Fontvieille and the tunnel that runs under le rocher (where you find the Palace, the Oceanographic Museum and so on).  If you drive thru this tunnel you come to the main port of Monaco, Port Hercule. 

This photo is so typical of Monaco. Extreme beauty alongside roadworks, or massive cranes looming into the sky.

22 February 2014

Upside-down steeple

The steeple of St. Nicolas' church in Fontvieille, reflected in a puddle.

22 December 2013

Fontvieille Harbour

A part of Fontvieille harbour.  Yesterday was glorious.  Today - so far - rain. The buildings you see are on land reclaimed from the sea.  The rockface above is known as the 'Head of the Dog.'

17 December 2013

Wibbly wobbly

Reflections at the port of Fontvieille.

14 December 2013

Christmas Lights

Conversation whilst sorting Christmas lights for this restaurant in the port of Fontvieille.

11 December 2013

Bruce's Brute?

Look at this brute of a car parked by the boats in the port of Fontvieille.  Perhaps it belongs to Bruce Springsteen! - after all, it says 'Born in the USA' on the numberplate. 

I gather this is a Cadillac Hummer and can't imagine how the owner manages to manoeuvre it through the tiny streets in the south of France and parts of Monaco.

10 December 2013

Two Men ...

You never know who you will run into at the shops in the port of Fontvieille.

04 December 2013

Kermesse - the Workers for Charity

The ladies who man (!) the stalls at the Kermesse work tirelessly for charity.  For weeks before the event they beg, borrow and steal (not really!) items for their stalls and then have to price them, pack them up and get them to the circus tent on the morning of the Kermesse.  Then they work non-stop all day selling, selling, selling and always they raise thousands for charity.

In these two photos, on one of the British Association of Monaco stalls (BAM) you see the ebullient Anne Batt and behind her, Caroline Casely.

Those of you who are regular followers of this Facebook page will know Anne and her wonderfully funny and ascerbic comments on the style - or lack of it - when I post pics of people.

03 December 2013

Kermesse - the Books

Books, books, books.  There is an English bookstall and a French one at the Kermesse with thousands of second hand books for sale.   And in the middle of the afternoon all the books unsold are on offer at 1 euro each.  The lady in the first photo is looking at a book on punctuation.

I bought 27 books so have a feast of reading ahead ...

01 December 2013

Kermesse - Tiger on my Table

The annual Kermesse in aid of charity was held yesterday in the circus tent in Fontvieille.  This is the 44th year of the year of this event which has been held annually in Monaco since 1970 when it was created by the British Association of Monaco (BAM), St. Paul’s Church and the Saint Vincent de Paul charity. Nowadays others are involved in the organization including the Reform Church of Monaco, the Spanish Community, and the Greek Orthodox parish.

There were over 25 stalls including two book stalls (one English and one French), lots of clothes stalls, a toy stall, an antique stall, a flower stall, a tombola stand and loads of Christmas food for sale.

Everyone has the best fun meeting up with old friends, however this lady is making is quite clear she has no intention of having a conversation with a tiger.

29 November 2013


Conversation outside the shopping centre in Fontvieille. 

28 November 2013

The Red and the White for Monaco's National Day

Not the most exciting photo in the world but I thought you might like to see Monaco's windows decorated with the Principality's red and white flags. Monaco celebrated its National Day last week - I didn't take photographs because I was exhibiting at PhotoMenton - but the flags are still on display and in this case with pots of red and white flowers to match. These pics were taken around the port of Fontvieille yesterday.
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