Showing posts with label Gardens - Japanese Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardens - Japanese Garden. Show all posts

18 January 2015


The teahouse in the Japanese Gardens.

20 June 2014


A delicate wisteria in the Japanese Garden against the hard lines of the apartment building opposite.

20 February 2014

Waiting for the Lotus

Waiting for the lotus.  The pots you see on the upper right are filled with lotus plants waiting to burst into leaf and then glorious flower.  The crazy patterns are reflections of apartment buildings on Avenue Princesse Grace.

18 February 2014

Pebble in the Brook

'The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone.' 

~ Japanese proverb.

16 February 2014

Japanese Garden - the Greens and the Blues

If you can't cope with the madness of the Menton Lemon Festival or the Nice Carnival, take a stroll in the Japanese Gardens of Monaco.  You'll soon de-stress and relax.

19 October 2013

A Rock and a Cigar

A rock, a cigar and fish to look at in the Japanese gardens.

30 August 2013


Another photo of the beautiful Japanese Gardens on Avenue Princesse Grace.  If you are stressed - and who isn't? - it's a good place to go and sit and stare at the water ...

25 August 2013

Upside Down

Reflection in the pool near the entrance to the Grimaldi Forum and the Japanese Gardens.  The reflection is of apartments along Avenue Princesse Grace.

16 August 2013


The railings of apartment balconies reflected in the pool of the Japanese Garden.  Note the white fish.

07 August 2013

Light, Shade and Calm

Everywhere you look in the Japanese Garden, you'll find perfect vistas, reflections, light, shade and calm.

06 August 2013

Fractured Stone

More reflections from the Japanese Garden. Today: fractured stone.

05 August 2013

The Reflection of Life

François Truffaut said:

 'I have always preferred the reflection of life to life itself.'

28 July 2013

Lotus Land

The lotus has to be one of the most beautiful of flowers. 

Here it is in the Japanese garden and in all its stages of life:  the bud, the flower, and the beautiful seed pod emerging from the dead blossom.

22 July 2013

Japanese Garden - Walk with Me ...

A pretty walk-way in the Japanese Garden on Avenue Princesse Grace.

19 July 2013

The Japanese Garden

Cloud sits on the hills, it's hot and humid.  So a great place to cool down is in the peace  and tranquility of the beautiful Japanese gardens on Avenue Princesse Grace.

12 April 2013

Cherry Blossom 2

Cherry blossom in Monaco. Yesterday, we saw it from a distance, set against the backdrop of the sea.  Today, up close and personal.

11 April 2013

Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom outside the Japanese gardens on Avenue Princesse Grace.

28 June 2012

Dance of Colour

Colour dances in the pool at the Japanese Gardens.

23 April 2011


Luscious blooms cover a small wall in the Japanese garden.

04 April 2011

For Japan

Bracelets (martenitsa) in memory of those lost in the Japanese tsunami hang on a cherry tree at the entrance to the Japanese Gardens.

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