Showing posts with label Gardens - Japanese Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardens - Japanese Garden. Show all posts

25 March 2011

Right Side Up in the Japanese Gardens

'The world is wrong side up. It needs to be turned upside down in order to be right side up.'

~ Billy Sunday

22 March 2011

HSH Princess Antoinette

After all the razzmatazz of the Venetians, let's pause for peace in the Japanese Garden.

A sad time in Monaco at the moment as Princess Antoinette died a few days ago. Princess Antoinette was the sister of Prince Rainier, father to Prince Albert and his sisters, Princesses Caroline and Stephanie. She was 90 years old. The Principality is now in mourning for two weeks with the funeral taking place on Thursday. She had quite a life and was married three times - click on the link.

Princess Antoinette adored dogs, indeed she kept many dogs at her house, Au Bout du Monde, at Eze-bord-de-Mer. She was involved in animals rights and was President of Monaco's Society for the Protection of Animals. She was very knowledgeable on the subject of dogs and I remember a lovely conversation I had with her at one of the Monaco dog shows when I sat opposite her at lunch that day.

03 March 2011

Koi Carp

Last day at the Japanese Gardens - but I'm sure we'll be back. This, as is fairly obvious (!) is a reflection in a pool that contains Koi Carp.

02 March 2011


Let's pause a little longer in the Japanese Gardens...

'I am a part of all that I have met.' ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

01 March 2011

Peace in a Garden

It's Theme Day and deciding on 'my favourite part of town' wasn't easy. So much depends on one's mood. You can sit on the terrace of the Cafe de Paris and watch the world go by, you can wander Port Hercule and drool over the mega yachts, you can stroll le rocher and enjoy the narrow ancient streets and the beauty of the cathedral or you can do what we are doing today - sit in a garden and absorb the peace.

Monaco has many beautiful gardens - my favourites are the Saint Martin Gardens on le rocher and this one - the Japanese Gardens on Avenue Princess Grace with views of the Mediterranean through the trees.

To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted this month's theme please click HERE.

26 November 2010


Let's have a bit of peace and quiet today. The Japanese Gardens on Avenue Princesse Grace are always a good place to visit when stressed!

If you've been following Menton Daily Photo you'll know I'm exhibiting for the first time at PhotoMenton. Please click on the link if you'd like to see the photos I chose - some of which have featured on Monte Carlo Daily Photo in the past.

17 September 2010

Reflections in the Japanese Garden

This is an upsidedown reflection in one of the pools of the beautiful Japanese Garden on Avenue Princesse Grace. Look carefully and you see the white painted balconies of an apartment building.

This peaceful garden is a great place to relax in Monaco.

29 July 2010


The Japanese Garden in Avenue Princesse Grace is probably the most relaxing garden in Monaco. There is water everywhere, carp in pools, reflections, changing vegetation and it's cool in this heat. Lean on a bridge, look down into the water and go zen...
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