Showing posts with label Guest Photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guest Photographer. Show all posts

20 April 2013

Telling Tales: The Art of Creating Stories in Images and Words

Yesterday was the 5th and last day of a superb Photography/Writing Workshop in Monaco called:
Telling Tales: The Art of Creating Stories in Images and Words

With Nick Danziger, award-winning photojournalist, author and documentary filmmaker and Rory MacLean, best-selling author.

It was fabulous, inspiring, exhausting - we each worked on a specific project and left with the tools to put it into practice.  This is probably the only course where writing and photography are combined. It was such a privilege to be taught by and work with Nick and Rory - they really cared about us and our projects and that we should learn as grow as the course progressed.  Do click on the links above to read about the work of Nick and Rory.

There will be another workshop, I believe in September, in Monaco, so if anyone gets the chance, I'd say --- don't miss it!   Click on the link where you'll find contact details to reach Nick. Note - the workshop is in English.

Thank you Nick and Rory for a truly great workshop.

And thankyou to my fellow participants, wonderful talented photographer Tiziana from Monaco who cooked a regu to die for one evening.  To Jon (that's going to be a wonderful book!)  and Claire from the UK and her photographs representing poetry and to beautiful Elisa from Hongkong who has an old soul and will enchant us with her future work. 

The first photo was taken by Nick Danziger.  The one below by me.

09 February 2012

Oceanographic Museum - Colour and Corals

Aren't the colours and the corals wonderful! Today Monte Carlo Daily Photo welcomes guest photographer, Jean- François Deligeard.

Jean-François lives in Menton and had posted some of his fish photography, taken at the Oceanographic Museum, on the Facebook photography group to which we both belong - and so here he is!

Take a look at Jean-François' fascinating website - you'll see he's an experienced hiker, he runs marathons and he's a great photographer. What a guy! Thanks for sharing the photos, Jean-François.

16 August 2011

Monte Carlo or Bust... (Guest Photographer)

This is what happens when four young Scottish guys, passionate about the 1920s and 1930s lifestyle (the clothes, the music, etc) decide to drive from Glasgow to Monte Carlo in a very old Morris Minor. Their names: Rory, Eddy, Neilson and Andrew. They stopped off in Burgundy and, once they got to the south of France, stayed in the medieval village of Gorbio - (Neilson is the nephew of a friend of mine who lives in Gorbio village - the second photo shows them driving down her track).

They then drove to Monte Carlo - their aim, of course, the Casino. Not difficult, you'd think except they drove right around the square, ignoring the No Entry sign in front of the Hôtel de Paris...naughty, naughty. After that, a visit to the Loire Valley and then home to Glasgow.

Today - a guest photographer - these shots were taken by Carla Castañeda who is the beautiful Mexican fiancé of my friend's son. Thankyou, Carla.

05 July 2011

The Wedding - Music, Lights, Fireworks!

Not my photography today but I really wanted you to see how fabulous the Jean Michel Jarre concert was. I was dining at a restaurant on the side of the port and not in a position to take photos myself (yes, I should have left the table I know but that would have been rude to my host).

Our guest photographer is Sylvie Mathieu who lives in Menton. I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting Sylvie face-to-face but have met her via a great Facebook photography group of 120 mostly local photographers to which we both contribute a daily photo.

I saw some of these great shots on that Facebook page and Sylvie agreed to my reproducing them here. They show so well the talent of Jean Michel Jarre - the colours, the lasers, the fireworks.

Thanks Sylvie - I look forward to meeting you in person shortly. Click on the link above to see Sylvie's travel blog.

22 December 2009

Prince Albert II and Charlene take to the Icy Waters

Each December Prince Albert II takes part in the traditional 'Bain de Noël' on Larvotto beach but this year it took bravery, following our recent snow falls. As you can imagine, the water of the Mediterranean was really cold but this year the watching crowd had a treat when Prince Albert brought along his beautiful long-time companion, Charlene Wittstock, the South African Olympic swimmer. Another member of the Royal Family of Monaco, Pierre Casiraghi, son of Princess Caroline, took part too. They all took to the sea for a full 10 minutes and afterwards Charlene met Woolite the sheep, dressed as Santa Claus. The swim raised 1200 euros for the Thai After Tzunami Schooling Aid charity.

Regular readers of this blog have met Woolite before - she's the sheep who swims in the sea, is the mascot of Les Foulées Roquebrunoises (runners) and, of course, is Philippe Mazza's constant companion. Woolite has her own blog HERE. Thanks Philippe for the photos.

20 December 2009

Snow on the Pansies

Casino Square and more of Maggie Calkin's great photos, all showing the ever-changing light show on the Christmas trees.

Unusual to see the square so deserted but not surprising considering the weather. In the last photo, you see the scene reflected in Anish Kapoor's Sky Mirror. Thanks again, Maggie!

19 December 2009

Snow in Casino Square!

Snow in Monte Carlo! Such a rare occurrence and what luck that my friend, Maggie Calkins, a professional photographer who lives in Monaco, whizzed out to Casino Square after midnight last night and took these great shots.

In fact, we get a double whammy - snow and part of the ever-changing light show in Casino Square.

Thanks Maggie so much for permission to publish these.

Meanwhile, I'm snowed in at Gorbio, just above Menton. Click on the link to take a look.

19 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Monte Carlo - the Porsche

A older Porsche outside the Hôtel de Paris, photographed by Chuckeroon. It's great fun to come to Casino Square, any time of the day or evening and look at the cars.

This is the last in this particular 'Guest Photographer' series on Monte Carlo Daily Photo - after all, we were only in Monaco for one evening and most of that was spent eating and drinking! - but it continues on Menton Daily Photo. Thanks so much to Nathalie, Peter, Richard and Chuckeroon for sharing their favourite photographs.

I learned so much watching these talented photographers at work but I learned even more when their photographs arrived. Just fascinating to see how differently each sees a particular scene. All so different, all so brilliant. Thanks, guys. Come back soon!

18 May 2009

Peter's Monte Carlo - Champagne & Chandeliers

Champagne in the American Bar of the Hôtel de Paris by Peter.

We saw Richard's B & W version a few days ago. (Please click on the link) Again, it's so fascinating to see how different photographers approach the same subject. Personally, I'm happy to see champagne photographed ad infinitum - so long as I'm there to drink it!

In the smaller photographer you see Peter's shot of the ceiling in the foyer and its beautiful chandelier.

17 May 2009

Richard's Monte Carlo - the Casino

It's been fascinating to see how each photographer sees this iconic building. Look back a few days at Nathalie's reflection - and also her lamps yesterday, Chuckeroon's buzz of life and today, Richard's glimpse through the palms - all different, all wonderful. Tomorrow Peter has something rather wonderful for us...

16 May 2009

Nathalie's Monte Carlo - Ornate

Nathalie took this photograph on an earlier trip to Menton and Monte Carlo - in February. Dark skies show off the beautiful wrought-iron lamps of the Casino.

15 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Monte Carlo - the Casino

Crowds, lights, cameras - the Casino at night by Chuckeroon.

To enter the Casino you must produce your passport - a photocopy is taken. However, if you are a Monaco citizen, you are never ever allowed to enter the casino. A Monaco resident - yes. A Monegasque citizen - no.

14 May 2009

Peter's Monte Carlo - the Café de Paris

The Café de Paris is on the opposite side of Casino Square to the Hôtel de Paris that we saw yesterday. In this photograph by Peter of Paris, we are looking at the entrance - straight ahead are slot machines but we turned right and dined in the beautiful restaurant decorated in the Art Nouveau style. You can see one of the beautiful screens by clicking on the link.

Peter has created a wonderful montage and reportage of his time in Menton - do click on his link to take a look.

13 May 2009

Richard's Monte Carlo - the Hôtel de Paris

If it's Black and White, it must be Richard from Zurich.

The Hôtel de Paris, which is where we five Bloggers started our evening in Monte Carlo. Champagne in the American Bar, which is on the left as you enter the hotel. We drank Pommery poured at the table from a Magnum.

What has been so fascinating to me is how, as photographers, we all see the same thing differently. Over the next days, we'll be seeing more shots of our time in Monte Carlo.

Do click on the link to Richard's blog where you'll find yourself in the medieval village of Roquebrune.

12 May 2009

Nathalie's Monte Carlo - the Casino

Last weekend, four fabulous blogger/photographers came to stay in Menton: Richard from Zurich, Nathalie from Avignon, Chuckeroon from Richmond-upon-Thames and Peter from Paris. To see them climbing Roquebrune's famous 2000 year old olive tree, please click on the link.

From today on Monte Carlo Daily Photo and from tomorrow on Menton Daily Photo - and for the next couple of weeks - you'll be able to see photographs of Monte Carlo and Menton through the eyes of these talented photographers.

Today, we see Nathalie's photograph of the Casino - a reflection in Sky Mirror, by the British (Mumbai-born) artist, Anish Kapoor.

Fabrizio from Turin was to have been here too but sadly, at the last minute, he couldn't make it. We missed you, Fabrizio and do hope you can make it on another occasion.

24 February 2009

Nathalie's Apartments

Unattractive apartments galore in Monaco, seeming to grow out of the hillside.

This photograph is by Nathalie from Avignon in Photos. (see yesterday's post on Menton Daily Photo to read about her visit)

We were up on the Rocher, looking down over the harbour. These apartments surround the port, so they have a wonderful view. But look closely and amongst the horrid buildings you find the odd gem. Sadly, when these villas come up for sale, they are often knocked down to make room for yet another massive apartment block.

The late Prince Rainier III was known as the 'Builder Prince' and it was during his reign that Monaco grew so massively. He built, for instance, the area of Monaco known as Fontvieille on land reclaimed from the sea. At Fontvieille, you find some beautiful blocks of apartments, not like these.

This is a view of Monaco I'd probably never have shown you, simply because I don't like it. Nathalie shows you the truth!

Tomorrow: We visit the famous cellars of the Hôtel de Paris - this is a treat not to be missed!

23 February 2009

Nathalie's Bentley

Fellow CDP Blogger, Nathalie from Avignon in Photos has long been an inspiration to me. I love the detail in her work, her shadows and her reflections. I love her photography. Recently Nathalie came to visit - you'll find a photograph I took of her on Menton Daily Photo today and can read more about the great time we had together.

Here is Nathalie's Bentley, taken on le Rocher in Monaco. Nathalie sees shadows and reflections before anything else and this is a perfect example of what I love about her work.

On Avignon in Photos today you'll find shots Nathalie took of Gorbio village, near to Menton.

Tomorrow you'll see another of Nathalie's photographs on Monte Carlo Daily Photo and it's something I would never have photographed. Do come back and see what it is!

28 December 2008

The Christmas Eve Swim - Prince Albert and Woolite, the Sheep

Readers of Menton Daily Photo will have met Woolite, the sheep before. She is the mascot of Les Foulées Roquebrunoises and runs with the group and swims in the sea - always with her proud owner, Philippe Mazza. Thankyou, Philippe (who you see in the smaller pic) for both photographs.

Taken just before the 4th Bain de Noël on Christms Eve at Larvotto Beach, you see Prince Albert in the centre of the photograph, wearing sunglasses and green shorts under his Father Christmas robe. The swim was in aid of TATSA (Thai After Tsunami Schooling Aid). Woolite was proud to swim in the sea in such exalted company.

This was reported live on television - to view the video, to see everyone including Prince Albert, swimming in the sea and to hear the Prince speak, click on the link.

To see Woolite swimming in the sea please click on this link.

06 December 2008

Fête Nationale - the little Princess

Little girls are little girls, even if they are royal. Here you see Princess Alexandra with her mother, Princess Caroline - the eldest of Prince Albert's two sisters. Red stockinged foot through the balustrade, watching the excitement below.

In the smaller photograph you see Princess Alexandra with her father Prince Ernest August of Hanover and her half sister, Charlotte Casiraghi.

Both photographs taken by Maggie Calkins - thankyou Maggie!

05 December 2008

Fête Nationale - Prince Albert II

Here is Monaco's much-loved, Prince Albert waving at the crowds. This photograph was taken by my friend, Maggie Calkins, a professional photographer. She has a Canon EOS 40D.

I didn't know, at the time - (as Maggie did) - that the crowd rush forward and stand below the balcony - see yesterday's photograph. I'd stayed on the Press Stand. None of my zoomed shots are sharp enough. I ran forward too late and the one below is all I got. Taken in a rush and as you see, not remotely of the quality of Maggie's. You see Prince Albert with Princess Stephanie on the right. In the background, their nephew, Pierre Casiraghi, the son of Princess Caroline.

For anyone who doesn't remember, Albert, Caroline and Stephanie are the children of the late Prince Rainier and Princess Grace (formerly Grace Kelly, the American actress).

Tomorrow - more of Maggie's photographs of the Prince and his family. Thankyou, Maggie!

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