Showing posts with label Larvotto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larvotto. Show all posts

17 September 2015

Beach scene

Beauty at Larvotto Beach.

19 August 2015

Larvotto Beach

Larvotto Beach, Monaco.  Three stars ...

13 June 2015

The bang of the volleyball

Volleyball on Larvotto Beach.That ball makes a helluva bang when it hits the wire netting - especially if you are standing right there and taking a photo!

08 June 2015


Larvotto Beach is not just for the rich and famous to sunbathe.  (Well, actually it's more likely to be the locals as the tourists don't always find Larvotto.) Here you can play volley-ball, there's a gym, you can waterski.  The kids in the centre of the photo are taking off on surfboards. Not sure what they are doing though as there are no waves!

13 May 2015

Lunch at Miami Plage.

Lunch at Larvotto Beach.  Good place to eat - 'Miami Plage'.

08 May 2015

Bucket and spade

Larvotto Beach

Give a kid a bucket and spade and he's happy.

03 May 2015

Summer on Larvotto

Looks like summer has arrived on Larvotto Beach ...

28 April 2015

Photo shoot

Photo shoot on Larvotto Beach. This is the French Olympic swimmer, Alain Bernard. Two golds, one silver, one bronze.  Merci beaucoup Olivier Perrin​!

17 April 2015

Monte Carlo Rouge

Monte Carlo Rouge ...

15 April 2015

In step!

Early morning at Larvotto.  Even the dog is in step with its owners.

31 March 2015


Last week there was an anti-aging and cosmetic surgery conference at the Grimaldi forum.  You couldn't find a place in a car park and restaurants were full, delegates everywhere with name tags around their necks... and selfies galore.

28 March 2015

11 March 2015

Spring at the Note Bleue

It's spring at the Note Bleue on Larvotto Beach.

09 March 2015

Lamb shank at the Baobab

The food at the Baobab on Larvotto Beach is always freshly cooked with a menu that changes every day.

This is a 'souris d'agneau' which could be confusing as 'souris' means 'mouse' in French but when followed by 'd'agneau' then it's a 'lamb shank.'  It was served with squashed potatoes (not mashed) and gravy. Yet another of the delicious dishes served by talented chef, François.

03 March 2015

Baobab on Larvotto

The Baobab is one of my favourite restaurants in Monaco.  You'll eat great fresh food (the menu changes daily) cooked by chef François, who - by the way - is a superb photographer. 

There's not much wrong in life when you are sitting in the sunshine, overlooking Larvotto beach, drinking wine and eating lunch at the Baobab.

And it's not just the beach that is good-looking. Here are two of the beautiful servers. Meet Sonia on the left, and Vaitiare on the right (that's a Tahitian name, by the way).  Thanks for the photo, girls! x

24 February 2015

Hopeful seagulls

Seagulls queue up near a restaurant on Larvotto Beach, hoping someone will throw them a crumb or two.

19 February 2015

Thumbs Up!

Skateboarders at Larvotto Beach. Thanks for the smiles guys - and the thumbs up - as you whizzed by. 

25 November 2014

Singing Practice

Singing practice at Larvotto Beach.  This photo was taken at the end of June.

29 August 2014

Larvotto Beach in August

Larvotto Beach in August.  Bodies, bodies.  I wonder what those two green plastic dolphins are for? (foreground left)

23 August 2014

Miami Plage

Miami Plage on Larvotto, before the lunchtime crowds.
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