Showing posts with label Larvotto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larvotto. Show all posts

02 October 2013

Squashed Balconies

Mirrored glass reflecting balconies and a road (notice the white van in the lower left section) is always fun to photograph.  This was taken on Boulevard Princesse Grace on Larvotto.

23 September 2013

La Spiaggia

Early morning at La Spiaggia on Larvotto beach.

19 August 2013

Beach Prices at Larvotto

Neptune Plage. This is what a day on Larvotto Beach will cost you.

18 August 2013


This triathlon athlete is running along the promenade above Larvotto Beach, around this pool and fountain and back again. 

17 August 2013

Symphony in Brown

Symphony in brown ...

15 August 2013

Contre-jour on Larvotto Beach

Taken against the sun on Larvotto Beach. That's the edge of the jelly-fish net in the foreground.

03 August 2013

Getting the Lowdown ...

A view of the sea through the railings that are part of the wall overlooking Larvotto Beach.  That's the handrail running along the top.

31 July 2013

Oleanders on the beach

Love the white oleanders on Larvotto Beach.

30 July 2013

Blue Belt

Presumably this is a sort of floatation helt?  Really I don't know. Whether you can swim or not, I'd think it must be rather nice - just float and dream.

Note the cat on the earpiece of the headset - love it.

27 July 2013

18 July 2013

Larvotto Beach - Raked

The beach is raked early every morning ready for the day's influx of bathers and sun-worshippers.

17 July 2013

Larvotto Beach before the crowds ...

Early yesterday morning on Larvotto Beach.  The loungers haven't yet been tidied, the parasols haven't been put up ... they soon will be though.

21 June 2013


This is a scene you often see on Larvotto Beach.  Nearly everyone in beach gear and suddenly you spot a man in a suit or in a shirt a trousers - doubtless an escapee from one of the many conferences held during the year at the nearby Grimaldi Forum.

20 June 2013

Hot Pink

A server at a bar on Larvotto Beach. 

Love the hot pink but it so clashes with the orange parasols ...

19 June 2013

Thos lazy, hazy days of summer ...

'Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer ...

15 June 2013

Monte Carlo Ladies and their Dogs

A Monte Carlo lady walking her dog on the end of that long lead - as you can see in the smaller photo.

14 June 2013

The Cruise Liners

The cruise liners get bigger and bigger and on the days they are in Port Hercule, Monaco gets more crowded!  This one, Carnival Legend, takes 2124 passengers, has 930 crew members and is 963 feet long.

This photo was taken from Larvotto Beach.

11 June 2013

Is this finally summer?

Oh... let's have a beach scene. The sun is shining, yachts out at sea, pretty clouds hover over the horizon - perhaps summer is finally here. We've keep thinking this and then the wind comes up, it rains, it's cold. But so far, so good...

This was the far end of Larvotto Beach yesterday - La Rose des Vents, which is a private beach and restaurant.

10 May 2013

Larvotto Beach - la Rose des Vents

Yesterday on the private beach of La Rose des Vents at the end of Larvotto

09 May 2013


Time for an aperitif at La Rose des Ventes on Larvotto.
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