Showing posts with label Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Market. Show all posts

23 May 2014


"I haven't yet met a woman who told me, 'I wish I had shorter legs.' "

~ Christian Louboutin

10 August 2013

Black Hat

A black hat for the lady who serves in this bar in Monaco's market.

02 August 2013

Flower Lady

The flower lady at near Beausoleil market waits patiently ...

01 August 2013

Courgette Flowers

Courgettes flowers. ( Zucchini in America). The smaller photos (posted a week ago) shows where them in context - the market of Beausoleil.

They are normally served as beignets (fritters) or stuffed and baked. And they are delicious!

26 July 2013

Summer berries

Beausoleil market:

Summer berries - the strawberries were further along the stall ...

24 July 2013

Courgettes as far as the eye can see ....

Courgettes (zucchini), with or without their flowers, for sale in Beausoleil's market. This sort are called 'trompette.' 

14 July 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Soap

Market in Beaulieu

Look at all the wonderful choices you have if you simply want to buy a bar of soap.

13 July 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Spice

Indian spices for sale in Beaulieu's market seem appropriate to show you today as last night, Gorbio (the medieval village near Menton) was 'in Fete' to celebrate the opening of a major exhibition of Indian art 'The Year of India.'

Click on Menton Daily Photo to see the stunningly beautiful and expressive dancer of Bharatanatyam classical Indian dance,  Jessie Veeratapillay.

11 July 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Heart for Sale

Hearts for sale in Beaulieu's Saturday market.

07 July 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - the Market Square

The market square is a pretty one, fountains, old trees, delicate mini- balanconies with tall French windows.

05 July 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Colour!

 Handbags for sale in Beaulieu's Saturday market

'All colours are the friends of their neighbours and the lovers of their opposites.'

~ Marc Chagall

28 June 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Painted Ladies

On sale at Saturday's market in Beaulieu-sur-Mer.

And what or who are these ladies?

How about the handle of a nail file!

25 June 2013

Beaulieu-sur-Mer - the Fish Man

Beaulieu has a really good Saturday market.  Meet the fish man - serving one of his customers with one half of a large fish.

10 June 2013

Market - the Queue

In Monaco's market, you'll find individual sellers with their fresh veggies and fruit -  and always a queue of customers.

06 June 2013


Market, Place d'Armes

In Monaco, even the plastic flower pots match the flowers!

05 June 2013

Monaco's Market

Scene/seen inside Monaco's market.  Note the sign for pizza is written first in Italian, then French, then English. In the past, I've heard people say that Monaco would collapse in a heap if the Italians left.  Nowadays, they'd be more likely to say the Russians.

04 June 2013


Market, Place d'Armes

Is there anything more evocative of a Mediterranean summer than succulent, thinly sliced, fresh tomatoes, served with buffalo mozzarella,  generously drizzled with the best olive oil and scattered with fresh basil?

Add a baguette, a glass of rosé - heaven!

03 June 2013

'Get Closer and come to the M.Zone'

These signs saying 'Get Closer and come to the M.Zone' are all over the market area at Place d'Armes in Monaco. Included in the sign is a barcode and also the usual warning about smoking.

The M.Zone appears to indicate a WiFi zone but why the warning about cigarettes?

Anyone know? I clicked on the link but don't understand ...

PS. I now understand this is an advert for Marlboro Cigarettes so who knew?  What happened to Marlboro Man!

26 March 2012

The Pig

It seems strange to me that a butcher would display a cute pig with a pink ribbon around its neck and expect people to order pork chops!

10 March 2012


We're in Beausoleil market today - so near to Italy that it's no surprise to find signs for produce written in Italian. This is Agretti - looks like grass, doesn't it? In fact it's a tender succulent, native to the Mediterranean. It's also known as Barba di Frate (Monk's Beard) and in English, Barilla Plant, Opposite Leaved Saltwort or Russian Thistle.

Frances Mayes, author of the wonderful Bella Tuscany, wrote of this plant: 'Spinach is the closest taste, but while agretti has the mineral sharpness of spinach, it tastes livelier, full of the energy of spring.'

Remove the roots, steam for 5 minutes, and serve still slightly warm with some olive oil and lemon or prepare fettucine and mix with fresh chopped agretti, lemon and oil.
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