Showing posts with label Monte Carlo Gentlemen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monte Carlo Gentlemen. Show all posts

11 April 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 4

Eye candy for the ladies. Standing in front of the Hermès shop, which is just along from the Casino, how could I not notice this divine looking guy?

And if you're not into dishy men with long hair and irresistible smiles, take a look at the lamppost - it's beautiful too!

28 March 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 3

The tulips drew me to the Casino gardens yesterday but things pretty soon got more interesting. These two guys asked if I'd take their photograph in front of the casino. They've got to be Italian, haven't they? And of course they are. They're from Bologna. Lucky Bologna ladies is what I say.

And yes, this was much more fun than photographing tulips!

23 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 2

There's a fascinating exhibition of art on at the moment in the Casino Gardens and I was photographing many of the exhibits for a series that starts tomorrow - do come back, it's on Art and the Environment.

Anyway, I was photographing near to these two gentleman when the one on the right called out to me, 'Copyright for me if you take our photo,' and laughed. 'Right then, I'll take your photo,' I said. 'Smile!' And they did. I then asked if they lived in Monaco and the same guy told me, 'Yes, we live in these gardens.' I don't think so! Later I saw them walking around the Metropole Shopping Centre.

21 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 1

Here we are - as per the request for 'Monte Carlo Gentlemen' - I think you'll agree this first one properly fits the bill: tall, slim, good-looking (trust me) well-dressed, designer stubble, sunglasses - bien sûr - and car keys, presumably for something smart parked in the car park nearby.

Will this do, girls?
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