Showing posts with label Near Monaco: La Turbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Near Monaco: La Turbie. Show all posts

03 June 2011

La Turbie - Play Time

One of the great things about medieval villages is that the streets are too narrow for cars, so children can play freely.

02 June 2011

La Turbie - A restored village

La Turbie is a totally different sort of village to Gorbio, where I live. You won't find many ruins. It's much more restored and everywhere you'll see pots and plants and even handsome young men...

01 June 2011

La Turbie - Under Construction

If you are doing any construction work in the medieval village of La Turbie, then watch out as you carry old doors through the narrow streets. La Turbie stands at over 500 metres on the Grande Corniche above Monaco.

Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants in this month's theme of Under Construction.

31 May 2011

La Turbie

Let's leave the chaos of the Grand Prix for a few days and pop up to La Turbie, the charming medievale village above Monaco. La Turbie is best known for its extraordinary Trophée des Alpes, a sixth-century monument to the power of Rome but more of that another time...

So often, people think of La Turbie simply as an exit off the autoroute - the one between the Monaco and Menton exits. As you can see, it's so much more than that...
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