Showing posts with label Near Monaco: Laghet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Near Monaco: Laghet. Show all posts

31 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Yellow House

This could be anywhere on the Cote d'Azur - soft yellow walls, green shutters, deep shadows and blue skies but in fact I took it from inside Our Lady of Laghet. The yellow building is where people stay if they take a 'retreat' here.

30 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - Our Last Day

A few final images taken within this beautiful and peaceful sanctuary.

In 1653, a commission of theologians, a doctor and a lawyer convened and confirmed the authenticity of the miracles and so the bishop allowed and encouraged the cult of Our Lady of Laghet. April 25, 1654 saw the the first official pilgrimage by the White Penitents from Eze to Laghet. Since then there are pilgrimages every year, including one from my own village of Gorbio.

It's also possible to take a retreat at Our Lady of Laghet - take a look at the website for more information.

29 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Chapel and the Organ

The intention was to show (in the main photo) the interior of the chapel but it's not a good photo. I'd grabbed a shot quickly with my small camera, no tripod, as I didn't want to intrude on the worshippers. No matter, it's shown on the left so you can get an idea of the colours and beauty of this place.

The main photo shows a model of the sanctuary - the chapel is in the centre of it. If you don't speak French, this is a request for donations towards an organ - the intention being to replace the old organ with a mechanical one.

28 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - Accidents, War, Exams

Many of the paintings give thanks for those who made it after an accident - for instance this little boy from Menton who was run over by a bus in 1921.

Others give thanks for sons and husbands saved in the Great War - see the hand-made sampler on the left. It's easy to imagine the lady who made this, giving thanks for the safe return of her husband and his four brothers.

And then, there is the girl who gives thanks for passing her exam at school. I only saw one of these.

27 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Nun

One of the nuns stands in comtemplation before entering the chapel.

Our Lady of Laghet is the name of the Virgin Mary associated with the name of this small village which was first mentioned in a charter of the 11th century. In the 12th century, Laghet was part of the fiefdom of Eze and mention is made of a small chapel. In the 15th century, the chapel served as a small shrine for shepherds and peasants but it was modest and had been built in an exposed position and was slowly falling apart.

In 1625 an ardent priest, Don Jacques Fighiera was so moved by the abandonment and decay of the chapel of Laghet, he decided to devote himself to rebuilding it. By 1628 it had a new roof, he leveled the land, he whitewashed the walls, and hung a door with a lock, He also repaired the path that leads to Laghet from Eze and all at his expense 'in honor of God and the Virgin Mary.' Then he announced to the public that the chapel of Laghet had been restored and he took the service, in a voluntary capacity, for the next 25 years.

More tomorrow...

26 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Accidents

Most of the drawings and paintings are simple but somehow so touching. Many, as you see, show accidents where the beloved husband or wife or child was saved and thanks are being given to Our Lady of Laghet.

More tomorrow...

25 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Walkway

This is the walkway with its vaulted ceiling that goes right around the church - the chapel itself is in the centre.

Here you'll find hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tokens of thanks to Our Lady of Laghet - tomorrow we'll see some of these up close.

24 October 2011

Our Lady of Laghet - the Church

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Laghet has been an important destination for pilgrims since 1654.

This is a church where people go to pray and to be cured. The inside - and we will see it - has almost every inch of its walls covered with tokens of thanks for a return to health.

Notre Dame de Laghet is not far from Monaco. It's just five minutes from La Turbie and is a place of beauty and peace, whether or not you are religious, whether or not you are a Catholic.

More tomorrow...
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