Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

30 June 2015


Showing off a tattoo ...

05 February 2015

Ciggie break

Cigarette break outside the Metropole Centre, Monte Carlo.

20 April 2014

A Pat on the Back

A pat on the back. 

This is the cafe outside the Carrefour shopping centre in Fontvieille.

01 September 2012

People Watching ...

I was on a boat watching her. She was on another boat watching someone else ...

It's what we love to do on the Côte d'Azur and Monaco - people watch!  But then doesn't everyone everywhere?

This was taken at Plage Mala, Cap d'Ail.

08 March 2012

The Accordion Player

How's this for a beard! This lovely man was playing the accordion in Beausoleil yesterday and was happy to let me take his photo. Carlo is a member of the Scottish Dance Group of Monaco. He lives in Menton.

09 October 2011

Street Scene

This is Monte Carlo's most expensive shopping street, Avenue des Beaux-Arts, where you'll find Dior, Yves St. Laurent, Cartier and so on.

16 May 2011

Garden Dreams - the Gold Shoes

Bling bling shoes on a young lady taking photos of a floral display.

19 January 2011

Right foot forward...

Right foot Larvotto. A family in step with each other.

Regrettably more fur, but you'll always see real fur in Monaco - perhaps this coat isn't?

05 November 2010

Noriko and Kaito

Crossing the Casino Gardens is always a pleasure and often a great place to grab a photo - a tree, a flower, people. And of course, with a camera in my hand, I often get handed a camera and asked to snap a couple or a family.

That's what happened a couple of days ago. Lovely Noriko asked if I would photograph her and her son in front of one of the fountains and afterwards I asked if I could repeat this on my camera and here it is. Noriko is Japanese and lives in Liguria which is across the border in Italy. And how adorable is her son Kaito!

04 November 2010

Cigarette Break

A book, a cigarette - a break from work at one of the up-market fashion or jewellry shops on Allée Serge-de-Diaghilev, just off Casino Square. The street is named after the famous Russian dancer who founded the Ballets Russes.

27 October 2010

The Knot in the Beard

Deep in thought sitting on a bench outside Decathlon. How does he do that clever thing to his beard?

18 September 2010


It's always fascinating to watch the way people use their hands so expressively in conversation.

This wonderful lady was sitting with friends drinking her morning orange juice at a bar in Monaco's market on Place d'Armes.

28 August 2010

'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'

Just across from Casino Square and looking down on Port Hercule, it's hard to tell if this is a professional photographer and her model or two girls having fun - or perhaps both!
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