Showing posts with label Public Buildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Buildings. Show all posts

24 June 2015

Goodbye Winter Sporting ...

Come to Monte Carlo and take the tourist train ... and view the destruction!   This is the back of what was the beautiful art deco Winter Sporting. Almost gone now ...

10 April 2014

Monte Carlo Railway Station

Monte Carlo railway station.

27 February 2014


Grimaldi Forum forecourt

'It's never too late to have a happy childhood.'  ~Berke Breathed

26 February 2014

Grimaldi Forum

There are always interesting angles to photograph on the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum. You can just see the heads of walkers and joggers in the background - they are on the walkway below.

19 February 2014

Reflections at the Grimaldi Forum

Apartment buildings along Larvotto reflected in the sloping windows of the Grimaldi Forum.

22 November 2013


It was rainy and cold in Monaco yesterday.  This is the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum. (a photo taken about four years ago but nothing has changed ...)

18 September 2013

Written in Glass

These are the windows of the newly built Conseil National of Monaco on le Rocher - the Monagesque Parliament building.

18 August 2012

Red at Night

The Grimaldi Forum at night - and on the far side of Avenue Princesse Grace, you see Sass Cafe - a trendy restaurant, usually full of pretty girls from eastern Europe. I've never eaten here but hear the food and service is really good and certainly the place rocks as you walk past the tables at night. It's always packed.

09 July 2012

Chicago at the Grimaldi Forum

Yesterday we saw a man who cleans the windows at the Grimaldi Forum - today the building itself.  In the main photo people are inside waiting to go down to the theatre for a matinee performance of Chicago.

The photo below shows the entrance to the Grimaldi Forum with people spilling out after the performance.

There is a lot of glass to keep clean.

08 July 2012

How many windowcleaners does it take to ....

Ever wondered how they clean the glass of the Grimaldi Forum. Here's how - one windowcleaner and three other men to hold the ropes.

17 February 2012


Lines everywhere outside the Grimaldi Forum, even on the runner's leg.

07 September 2011

Scene at Dusk

Early evening on the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum. The light is fading fast although the sun still shines on Cap Martin in the distance.

And a small boy does what small boys do...

20 July 2011

Makin' whoopee....

As you see Princess Charlene is not the only bride in Monaco. This wedding - a far more relaxed and casual affair - took place outside at the Mairie on le rocher just a few days before the the wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock.

Long life and happiness to the bride and groom.

'Another bride
Another groom
Another sunny
Another season,
Another reason
For makin' whoopee.'

21 April 2011

Bird's Eye View of the Grimaldi Forum

The Grimaldi Forum taken from high up in the Formentor building. Behind the Grimaldi Forum you can see an area of trees, which is the Japanese Garden.

18 January 2011

Garnier's Casino

The back of the beautiful Casino building. It was designed by Charles Garnier, architect of the Paris Opera House. Construction of this beautiful Belle Epoque building started in 1858 and finished in 1863.

03 December 2010

S.A.S. la Princess Caroline & the Nurses' Graduation

A couple of evenings ago my wonderful friend, Nathalie (Avignon in Photos) invited me to meet her at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco to witness the graduation from the nursing school of her friend's daughter. It's the day the nurses receive their official badges from S.A.S. la Princesse Caroline. S.A.S stands for Son Altesse Sérénissime, which translates as Her Serene Highness.

In the main photo, the graduating nurses are waiting for her arrival. The atmosphere - the enthusiasm and excitement - amongst all the nurses and there were seemingly hundreds of them aound the room was so contagious and such fun.

In the smaller photo two of the nurses deliver short speeches: one on Florence Nightingale and the other spoke, movingly, of her time at the school. You see Princess Caroline sitting on the left and a photo of her late mother, Princess Grace, prominently displayed. Monaco's hospital, of course, is named for her.

And in the last photo, a rather grainy shot of the beautiful S.A.S. la Princesse Caroline on the stage.

More tomorrow...

27 November 2010

Mountaineering in Monaco

Do you think someone should tell these guys that walking boots and spiked sticks aren't really necessary in Monte Carlo?!

24 November 2010


The forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum on Avenue Princesse Grace - looking towards Cap Martin.

11 October 2010

Gone Fishin'

Enter the tunnel (the one the Monaco Grand Prix cars whiz through) and you pass the entrance to the Centre du Congres, Auditorium Rainier III. Walk up to the first level and often as not you'll find some guys fishing. This was taken during the Monaco Yacht Show, hence so many yachts out at sea.

20 August 2010

The Grimaldi Forum

A view of the Grimaldi Forum from above. If it makes you feel slightly dizzy, let me tell you I was leaning over a balcony on the 19th floor of the Formentor building. The road you are looking at is Avenue Princesse Grace and Larvotto Beach is off to the left.

The smaller photo shows it from a slightly more normal angle and with a massive cruise ship leaving Port Hercule and its mooring on the digue.

To see a 2 minute video of the recent Flamenco Festival in Gorbio village (above Menton) do click on the link. It was on TF1 and really captures the atmosphere. Do look!
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