Showing posts with label Restaurants and bars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restaurants and bars. Show all posts

08 August 2015

Beach party

Beach party at Restaurant le Lamparo, Plage Marquet, Cap d'Ail last night.

13 May 2015

Lunch at Miami Plage.

Lunch at Larvotto Beach.  Good place to eat - 'Miami Plage'.

11 March 2015

Spring at the Note Bleue

It's spring at the Note Bleue on Larvotto Beach.

09 March 2015

Lamb shank at the Baobab

The food at the Baobab on Larvotto Beach is always freshly cooked with a menu that changes every day.

This is a 'souris d'agneau' which could be confusing as 'souris' means 'mouse' in French but when followed by 'd'agneau' then it's a 'lamb shank.'  It was served with squashed potatoes (not mashed) and gravy. Yet another of the delicious dishes served by talented chef, François.

03 March 2015

Baobab on Larvotto

The Baobab is one of my favourite restaurants in Monaco.  You'll eat great fresh food (the menu changes daily) cooked by chef François, who - by the way - is a superb photographer. 

There's not much wrong in life when you are sitting in the sunshine, overlooking Larvotto beach, drinking wine and eating lunch at the Baobab.

And it's not just the beach that is good-looking. Here are two of the beautiful servers. Meet Sonia on the left, and Vaitiare on the right (that's a Tahitian name, by the way).  Thanks for the photo, girls! x

26 December 2014

Bûche de Noël

The dessert tray at Restaurant La Piazza in Monaco yesterday.  3 different flavoured Bûches de Noël, no less! My lovely friend Millie and I had the marron et chocolat. Yummy!

Sorry for the slightly blurry foreground.... blame two glasses of champagne, followed by a good Italian red!

20 December 2014

Rigatoni La Voglia

Memories of a great birthday lunch on Rue Saint Francois in Nice in October.  This delicious dish is "Rigatoni La Voglia" at La Voglia.

Thank you again to Sylvie, Emma and Guillaume and Patrick and his beautiful 4L.  How lucky I am to have such wonderful friends.

23 August 2014

Miami Plage

Miami Plage on Larvotto, before the lunchtime crowds.

28 June 2014

Colour at Larvotto Beach

Colour at Larvotto Beach.

Monte Carlo Daily Photo is undergoing a slight change.  It will now be published less often, probably a couple of times a week, hence the change of name to Monte Carlo Weekly Photo.  I need to organise my time better in order to work on my book about Gorbio. Hope my loyal and much appreciated Monte Carlo follows will understand.

21 June 2014

09 June 2014

Eze Village - Tomato Temptation

Bunches of small tomatoes form part of the floral decorations at the Mas Provençal in Eze.

08 June 2014

27 May 2014

Eze Village - le Mas Provençal (2)

Here are some of the smaller tables at the beautiful Mas Provençal at Eze.

26 May 2014

Eze Village - Le Mas Provençal

You enter a world of flowers when you go to the beautiful Mas Provençal in Eze village.  I was invited to dine there yesterday by my dear friend Lynn Espie. She and her delightful granddaughter, Aimée are over from New Zealand, where Lynn will judge next weekend at the Euro-OES-Show near Lyon.  For those who don't know, OES stands for Old English Sheepdogs - the breed I used to breed, show and judge. 

Thanks dear Lynn for a fabulous fabulous evening. What a great time we had. Love you!

20 April 2014

A Pat on the Back

A pat on the back. 

This is the cafe outside the Carrefour shopping centre in Fontvieille.

13 February 2014

Waiting for summer

The beach at La Roses des Vents.  Waiting for summer - spring will do ...

12 February 2014


'Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession.  Friendship is never anything but sharing.' - Elie Wiesel

08 February 2014

Drink in a bag

Time for a cold drink at Monaco's indoor market.

23 December 2013

Lunch in Eze

Christmas lunch with friends in Eze. Bon appetit!

19 December 2013

Art Nouveau in Monaco

The Art Nouveau entrance to the Café de Paris on Casino Square.  Reminiscent of those gorgeous entrances to some Paris metro stations.
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