Showing posts with label Restaurants and bars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restaurants and bars. Show all posts

13 December 2013

Café at the Metropole Centre

The café on the lower level of the Metropole centre is always buzzing with people taking their morning coffee or meeting friends for a light lunch. Meanwhile sales staff on the level above chat whilst they wait for customers.

14 November 2013

Peille: Chez Nana Cauvin

The chef at Restaurant Cauvin in Peille doesn't have far to go to collect his bread.  The baker's shop is the opposite side of the square to his restaurant. 

This restaurant is also known as Chez Nana Cauvin.  Nana was a friend of Léo Ferré, a Monegasque poet, composer and a dynamic live performer whose career in France dominated the years after the Second World War until his death.  He wrote a song to Nana Cauvin.

13 November 2013

Peille: Bar Tabac L'Absinthe 2

A different perspective on the Bar Tabac L'Absinthe in Peille.  Don't you just love these vaulted passageways in medieval villages?

12 November 2013

11 November 2013

Peille: Gaby

Yesterday we saw Gaby, owner of Au Petit Cabanon in Peille,  serving a couple of cyclists in the square.  Now a close-up of Gaby. Isn't he wonderful! And so was his pretty customer drinking her morning espresso.

10 November 2013

Peille: Coffee Chez Gaby

An early morning stop for two cyclists outside Au Petit Cabanon in Place Carnot in Peille.  That's the adorable patron, Gaby, serving coffee. Isn't this square heaven! 

A short history of the village: It's thought the area was once home to a little-known Ligurian tribe the Oratelli of Peille.

The village dates back to the 11th century and is of Celto-Ligurian origin.  In 1388 Peille passed to the Savoy, and later became the responsibility of the Sardis states in 1720, returning to French rule in 1792. From 1814 to 1860, it was part of kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia and finally became French in 1860.

28 October 2013

Pattern on Larvotto

Almost no one on Larvotto beach but the sunbeds make a pretty pattern, don't you think?

20 October 2013


I couldn't decide which photo to show you today so I'll show you a photo of a girl, at a bar on le rocher,  doing what we all spend too much time doing - staring at a computer screen.

05 October 2013

Coffee morning

Coffee morning ... at the Café de Paris.

30 September 2013

The Podfather Cometh

Who is the 'Podfather' I wondered, as I sipped my coffee on the terrace of the Café de Paris.

 Wikipedia says:

'Adam Clark Curry (born September 3, 1964 in Arlington, Virginia is an announcer, internet entrepreneur and media personality, known for his stint as VJ on MTV and being one of the first celebrities to personally create and administer Web sites.  In the 2000s, he became involved in podcasting, and has been called the 'Podfather' because of his efforts.'

22 September 2013

People Watching at the Café de Paris

On the terrace of the Café de Paris, everyone faces Casino Square so they can 'people watch.' 

And if you sit at the back with a camera, you can watch people watching people!

21 September 2013

Puff Puff

Seen on the terrace of the Café de Paris yesterday.  Presumably it's an electronic vapour pipe?

17 September 2013

Checking the Bill ...

Checking the bill?  Dividing the bill?  Foreign money is sometimes complicated ...

19 August 2013

Beach Prices at Larvotto

Neptune Plage. This is what a day on Larvotto Beach will cost you.

11 August 2013

Fun for Hire

These fun little cars are available for hire outside Stars 'n' Bars on the port of Monaco. Aren't they great and perfect for visitors! You see them whizzing about the Principality - and so easy to park!

10 August 2013

Black Hat

A black hat for the lady who serves in this bar in Monaco's market.

31 July 2013

Oleanders on the beach

Love the white oleanders on Larvotto Beach.

29 July 2013

Ni Box - over the sea

Ni Box is where adolescents go to play: there's a bowling alley, video games, a discoteque and Life Club which is for clubbers.  Now they have this area over the sea.

Ni Box is the white building on the right of the smaller photo.

21 July 2013

Miami Plage - Piquant Oil

If you've ordered a pizza you'll need a bottle of piquant oil on the table.

It's good on lots of things - goats' cheese for instance. Yummy ... or Miam Miam as the French say.

20 July 2013

Miami Plage

Miami Plage, Larvotto Beach 

Goodness! How many glasses does that waiter have in his arms?
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