Showing posts with label Sculptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sculptures. Show all posts

22 June 2013

Blake's Phantom - Wax

Many of you know that from time to time I have the immense pleasure of taking photographs in the Monaco studio of Blake, the well-known Canadian sculptor.

Here he is holding his latest 'Phantom.' She has been painstakingly created out of wax and is kept in a large container of water before she goes to the foundry to be cast in bronze. The wax is kept in water to keep it cool in the heat and so that it doesn't deform. This is a very delicate sculpture and it's held together with small rods, all welded together.

17 June 2013

The Giant and the Passers-By

Here's another 'Giant' sculpture, this time inside the Metropole Centre. I like the delicate summer fabric of the girls' clothes, as they float by, compared to the solidity and weight of the sculpture - and neither aware of the other ...

12 June 2013

The Giant and the T-Shirt

There I was photographing this 'Giant' outside the Metropole Centre, when the doors opened and this beautiful couple walked through. Don't you just adore the three hands on the young man's t-shirt?

I assume the sculptor is called Alviati (written in small letters after the title of the piece) but can find no reference to him on the internet.

17 May 2013

Passing Strangers ...

La Reine Mariana and a passing stranger.  She was sculpted in 2004 by Manolo Valdés, the well-known Spanish artist who lives in New York.

30 April 2013

Blake - Fixing the supports

We're back at Blake's Monaco studio today.  Here he is fixing the metal rods that will hold the various parts of the sculpture together.  When this is completed, it will be sent to the foundry in Italy to be cast in bronze.

16 April 2013

Blake - the Wax Creation

Today Blake is pouring warmed wax into a mould that is the beginning of a new Angel creation.  Later he will join the delicate pieces together along with internal rods to hold the sculpture together.  Then it will be sent to the foundry in Italy to be cast in bronze. We'll see more of these processes another time.

Click on the link to see the beauty of a finished Angel by Blake.

14 April 2013

Blake - and Bling

It's always such a treat for me when celebrated Canadian sculptor Blake invites me to his Monaco studio to take photos of work in progress. 

In the main photo, you see Blake's assistant, a sculptor herself, applying gold leaf to the interior of this sculpture in his new series, Phantom.  The first in the series, 'Phantom Sky' was exhibited at the recent Monaco-Japan exhibition. (see photo below)

Blake has written about the Phantom series:

'We have gone Las Vegas!
Bling has entered into the realm of the Phantoms!

This new series of sculptures place great value on the interior space within us, it is an exploration of our inner selves and the ideas of our emotional and spiritual psyche. By bring the interior to our attention I place a high value on this area of our intellect and emotional being, by covering it in gold I add physical, symbolic and material value to the work.'

15 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Rhino and the Panda

This sculpture is called 'F... Panda.'  I'm not being prudish in not typing that four-letter word but I don't want all the spam that will arrive if I do.

The sculptor is Patrick Schumacher - he makes lots and lots of what he calls 'rhinozebros.' Click on the link to read more.

13 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Golden Elephant

This elephant reflected all the colours of the exhibition. It was fun to look at and see the constantly changing light and shade - lots of red -  as you walked by.  I couldn't find the name of the artist on the plinth.  

09 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco - Japan - Blake's Phantom

Last night saw the opening of the 7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco - Japan in the Auditorium Rainer III. It's a marvellous space overlooking Port Hercule and of course 'le tout Monaco' was there including many Japanese ladies wearing traditional dress - wonderful!

Each artist showed one work only.  This beautiful piece is by the well-known Canadian sculptor Blake, whose studio is in Monaco.  This is one of his new series called Phantom and yes, that's real gold leaf which I believe takes over a week to apply. This sculpture is called Phantom Sky.

The exhibition continues today and tomorrow - 11h to 19h.

08 March 2013

Jules Massenet

Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet was a French composer best known for his operas. His compositions were very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he ranks as one of the greatest melodists of his era.

This statue stands, where it should, outside Monte Carlo's opera house, which is to our left.

Today, Monaco doesn't look like this photo - it's raining heavily and has been for days ... 

20 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - Beauty

Another beautiful sculpture in the Chapel de la Miséricorde.  I wish I knew the story of this sculpture - perhaps someone does?

22 January 2013

Lodola's Ballerina

Marco Lodola's sculpture of a ballerina is seen here with the rear of the casino building as a back drop. If you look carefully you can see the wires inside her - they light up at night.  Most often though, she is photographed from the other side and against the sea.

19 January 2013

Before and After

I'm not sure if this silver foot is a sculpture on display or publicity for a restaurant on Port Hercule.

Perhaps it simply says 'before and after...'

In fact, it's outside a restaurant called 'Before.' 

08 January 2013

Dawn at the Grimaldi Forum

Dawn breaking near the Grimaldi Forum on Larvotto yesterday morning.  I got up early!

The sculpture is called Le Signe du Temps (Sign of the Times) by the Swiss sculptor, Andre Bucher and was given to the Principality by the Swiss community on the occasion of the Jubilee of Prince Rainier.

12 December 2012

Reine Mariana at Sunset

Queen Mariana enjoying last night's gentle sunset in Monaco.  She stands below the Casino and was sculpted in 2004 by Manolo Valdés, the well-known Spanish artist who lives in New York.

29 November 2012

Fallng Water

A  detail from the fountain that stands at the end of the Promenade de Larvotto, above the beach. It was created by Guy Lartigue in 1970 in homage to Princess Grace.

23 October 2012

Hôtel Métropole - Face Off

The Hôtel Métropole.seems to go in for faces on walls. Remember THIS one?

22 October 2012

Collywobbles at Casino Square

A wobbly Casino Square seen through Anish Kapoor's Sky Mirror.

16 October 2012

Princess Grace's Wedding Dress made of Diet Coke Cans

This sculpture based on Princess Grace's wedding dress was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of her death.  The dress is made of thousands of pieces of aluminium, using 4,000 cans of Coca-Cola Light (Diet Coke) in a unique design and intricate weave inspired by the magnificent fine lace original wedding gown.  It took over 2 years to complete.

The sculpture, by Nikos Floros, is on display in the foyer of the Hotel Metropole and is 10 feet long, 5.5 feet wide and 6.5 feet tall.

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