Showing posts with label Streets and Buildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streets and Buildings. Show all posts

19 July 2011

Roof Gardens in Fontvieille

No shortage of roof gardens in Monaco. Here are a few in Fontvieille, which is the area of Monaco built on land reclaimed from the sea.

04 January 2010


Ornate decoration on a building in Avenue Grande Bretagne.

24 February 2009

Nathalie's Apartments

Unattractive apartments galore in Monaco, seeming to grow out of the hillside.

This photograph is by Nathalie from Avignon in Photos. (see yesterday's post on Menton Daily Photo to read about her visit)

We were up on the Rocher, looking down over the harbour. These apartments surround the port, so they have a wonderful view. But look closely and amongst the horrid buildings you find the odd gem. Sadly, when these villas come up for sale, they are often knocked down to make room for yet another massive apartment block.

The late Prince Rainier III was known as the 'Builder Prince' and it was during his reign that Monaco grew so massively. He built, for instance, the area of Monaco known as Fontvieille on land reclaimed from the sea. At Fontvieille, you find some beautiful blocks of apartments, not like these.

This is a view of Monaco I'd probably never have shown you, simply because I don't like it. Nathalie shows you the truth!

Tomorrow: We visit the famous cellars of the Hôtel de Paris - this is a treat not to be missed!

08 January 2009


An apartment block with its balconies reflected in the mirrored exterior of an office building - just behind the main port of Monaco. I didn't realise how the reflection was jumbled up until I saw it on the computer screen and thought it quite interesting. Mind you, you'd not want to have had too much to drink, would you?

Update on Mama Mia and Mistral on Postcards from 'Pension Milou.'

05 July 2008

Tucked away

Another interesting facade in Monte Carlo - just up from the port. Yes, Monaco has some ugly apartment buildings, but amongst them you'll find gems.

28 June 2008

Just look up...

Wander around Monaco and just look up... this decorated building is just up from the port.

14 January 2008

Pretty money

Isn't this a pretty bank? I posted the front of this building once before - here is a detail from the side. It stands opposite Casino Square and looks down on the casino, which I suppose is as good a place as any for a bank.

12 January 2008

La Vigie -2

This photograph shows the beautiful white house in the foreground - La Vigie - which you saw yesterday. It stands on the promontory called Pointe de la Vieille. This is the boundary between Monaco and Roquebrune-cap-Martin. You can read more in yesterday's post.

11 January 2008

La Vigie

This beautiful house stands, as you can see below, just above the Monte Carlo Beach Hotel on a promontory of land called Pointe de la Vieille. The land was originally leased by the SBM of Monaco, and later in 1926 they bought it. The Pointe de la Vieille marks the eastern boundary of Monaco and France. In 1902, Sir William Ingram, a rich English baronet - who incidentally owned the Château of Roquebrune at one time - built this beautiful white house, La Vigie, when it was considered one of the finest houses on the Riviera. Following his death, and years later, after many disputes over the land, the house became the property of the SBM. It remained vacant for years until 1986 when, following restoration, it was lived in by the designer, Karl Lagerfeld until 1997. (this is a very condensed history - you can read the full story HERE).

07 January 2008

Let there be light

As you walk around Monaco, you'll sometimes see apartments with their balaconies covered in foliage - not for privacy, I'd venture to say, but to keep out traffic noise. This apartment is on Avenue de la Madone which rises up from the Casino area.

04 January 2008


The pedestrian street of Monaco, rue Princesse Caroline, dressed for the holiday period. The main port is behind us.

30 November 2007


A pot of spikey cactus at the entrance to a beautiful house adjacent to Casino Square.

29 November 2007

A boozy night?

Not a usual sight in the Principality of Monaco. The streets are normally pristine. Obviously the local residents had a 'very big party' or the company who empties these containers, didn't. This was taken in a small street just off the main port. And is that a small umbrella amongst the discarded bottles?

27 November 2007


Part of the façade of a building - perhaps in need of a clean-up - just around the corner from the market.

09 July 2007


This nicely proportioned building, with its pretty wrought-iron balconies and tall windows, is just behind the police station in Monaco - and one street away from the main port. Probably mostly apartments but there could well be some professional offices - dentists, lawyers, etc.

13 June 2007


Unusual 'port-hole' windows in a building near to the walking street of Monte Carlo. Presumably they'd be the bathrooms or loos? Perhaps hallways?

29 May 2007

A mix of styles

This building is a couple of streets in from the main port of Monaco.

21 May 2007

Away from the craziness

Did you think I'd made a mistake and posted a Menton photograph on Monte Carlo DP? Not so, this is one of the many small streets tucked away behind the port. You'll find shops and little restaurants in all these streets. It's much more tranquil than the bustle of the main roads, especially now it's nearly Grand Prix time. Amazingly, this little street is only a few yards from the Start/Finish line. Vroom vroom - just warming up...

20 May 2007

Window to the sky

I couldn't resist this mixture of a modern facade reflecting the old buildings opposite. The sky appears to have windows that open. Now that would be nice if it were real, wouldn't it? This building is near to the police station and one or two streets in from the port of Monaco.

08 May 2007

How pretty is YOUR bank?

Isn't this a pretty bank? I suppose it doesn't matter where we put our money - or our overdraft - but I'd think it would be rather nice to have it in a building like this. Mind you, you have to be a Monaco citizen or resident to have an account in Monaco OR (I believe) be in a position to deposit a specific (it's large!) sum of money to open an account. This building faces the casino gardens - in other words it's opposite the casino itself with the beautiful gardens in between. The building you see at the back - it's just peeking above the building is the Millefiore, the tallest building in Monte Carlo.
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