Showing posts with label Streets and Buildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streets and Buildings. Show all posts

20 April 2007

Le Millefiore

This is Le Millefiore, the tallest building in Monaco at 36 floors. Not a pretty building but the views from the balconies are stunning with views across to Italy - towards Cap Ferrat in the other direction - and all the time, overlooking the casino. Unless you are at the back of course and then you get the hillsides which are pretty good looking too.

Apologies I've not been commenting much lately. Will catch up next week. Thankyou for comments on this blog. I've friends staying for the Monte Carlo Open Tennis plus 10 dogs en pension and all in the house! Woof woof

04 April 2007

On the other hand...

This apartment building is not far from the one you saw yesterday, yet this is a modern block and with a totally different feel.

03 April 2007

The apartment

This apartment building is just below the steps featured in yesterday's photograph. I love the detail in the design and the ornate balconies - even the sweep of the curtain at the window on the left.

22 March 2007


This is a typical scene in Monaco - building cranes everywhere. Work never seems to stop in what is, after all, a tiny place. The rather beautiful building you see top left is the Hôtel Hermitage - many consider this hotel to be superior to the famous Hôtel de Paris. One of the smaller bars of the Hermitage was converted from what used to be Maria Callas' dressing room!

12 March 2007

Sunday mornin'

11.45 on a Sunday morning - Boulevard des Moulins - shops all closed, hardly anyone about. Behind me is an outdoor café, filled with people taking coffee or a glass of wine - but here, nothing much stirs...

06 March 2007


Apartment building on Boulevard des Moulins, in Monaco.

02 March 2007

Take a stroll to the harbour...

This is Monaco's walking street - rue Princesse Caroline. It's lined with cafés and shops. There's even an English bookshop called Scruples. So take a stroll, stop for an espresso and a croissant, and then keep walking till you get to the port where you can sit and watch the yachts bob about at anchor. You could even pick an orange if you are tall enough! The only thing I can't provide is sunshine - this was taken on a grey day.

25 February 2007

Pink and yellow

Taken on a rather grey day in Monte Carlo, this is one of the rather nice buildings in the pedestrian street, rue Princesse Caroline. Really just to show you that not all Monaco buildings are skyscrapers - indeed, now it's forbidden to build higher than, (I believe, not sure) 5 storeys.
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