30 April 2007

National Museum of Automatons and Dolls of Yesteryear

This is the entrance to the musuem - a fascinating world of automats and dolls of yesterday in period costume presented in showcases containing miniature furniture and everyday items, thus recreating the sophisticated atmosphere of the XIXth century. This was just what Madelaine de Galéo had in mind when she put together this collection, which is housed in a splendid campanile villa designed by Charles Garnier, the architect responsible for the Paris and Monte Carlo opera houses. The automats are demonstrated to the public several times a day. Prepare to be entranced at this website.

29 April 2007

Princess Grace

This statue of Princess Grace was given as an homage by the Belgian community in Monaco to Prince Rainier III. It was created by Livia Canestraro and her husband, Stephaan Depuydt in 2004 and sits in a small garden by Larvotto Beach on Blvd. Princess Grace. (Photo taken just before dusk yesterday evening - perhaps the reason it isn't that sharp.)

28 April 2007

Princess Grace Rose Garden

This rose is growing over the wrought iron archway that frames the entrance to the Princess Grace Memorial Garden.

27 April 2007

La Grande Laveuse

The Washerwoman is signed Renoir - Guino 1917 and is set in the beautiful pool of the Fontvielle Gardens, just by the circus tent. You can see the setting below and what one of the locals thinks of it.

26 April 2007

Train lines

This is not dissimilar to yesterday's photo except that here you see the railway line that runs along the coast. Alongside is the road - the Basse Corniche. Hopping a train is a great way to see the coast - commuters from Nice to Monaco have this view every day. There are three Corniches - the Basse, the Moyenne and the Grande - and also there is the autoroute.

25 April 2007

Riviera Dreams

This was taken at Eze-bord-de-Mer yesterday morning around 8.30h. There was a bit of a haze so the peninsula you see in the distance is not very clear but in fact, is Cap Ferrat. To me this photo says 'Riviera.' It's says everything I love about living here.

24 April 2007

Lovely weather for ducks

This is part of a pretty garden in Fontvieille - all on land reclaimed from the sea. Running from the Heliport and Circus and finishing at the Columbus Hotel - a beautiful hotel, partly owned by David Coulthard, the Grand Prix driver. This lovely garden opens onto the Princess Grace Memorial Rose Garden. The ducks and geese are enjoying the day as much as I did - and I hope you enjoy it too.

23 April 2007

The Winged Messenger

The Messenger, created in 1999, stands in a park in Fontvieille. The sculptor, Blake, was born in Canada and later trained in Paris.

"The angel-like “Messenger” is representative of the spirit, portrayed as striding forward as she gently lands, and begins to furl her dramatic wings. Demonstrating a continuing interest in mythological history this heroic figure represents the bearer of wisdom and enlightenment, much as flight has an affinity with both science and spirit. The movement of her arms confirm her attachment with the heavens as well as the earth with her right arm reaching to the sky and her own spirituality, as her left searches for the earth and its humanity.

The sculpture was originally created as a monument to the glory of peace and humanity. The expression of these very themes; the spreading of wisdom, and the bringing of intellectual light persuaded the Foundation “Education for Peace” to adopt “The Messenger” as their emblem in 1997, symbolising their philanthropic endeavours to educate for peace in war torn societies."

22 April 2007

A butterfly for Earth Day

This photo comes with apologies to Abraham (Brookville Daily Photo) who is the genius at photographing insects - and about everything else, come to that. This was taken with my simple Point and Shoot (that's right, Jilly, blame your tools) at the Princess Grace Memorial Garden and isn't as sharp as I'd like, but it seems apt for today - Earth Day. A fact I discovered, thanks to Isabella's wonderful Naples Daily Photo blog.

Many thanks indeed to Abraham, Alice and Isabella for help with the new format on this blog.

21 April 2007

Harbour of Cap d'Ail

This is the small port of Cap d'Ail - taken from an apartment in Monaco. In the distance you can just see Cap Ferrat. Ail is garlic in French - although I'm not sure of the signifance of the name in this case. Perhaps one time garlic was grown here. Now they grow apartments.

Lili writes -

'Ail is not garlic in this meaning in Cap d'Ail, but the distortion of the Latin word apicula (=abeille = bee) - during centuries the Cap d'Ail flag has some bees on it, too.'

Thanks so much for this clarification, Lili which is great to know.

20 April 2007

Le Millefiore

This is Le Millefiore, the tallest building in Monaco at 36 floors. Not a pretty building but the views from the balconies are stunning with views across to Italy - towards Cap Ferrat in the other direction - and all the time, overlooking the casino. Unless you are at the back of course and then you get the hillsides which are pretty good looking too.

Apologies I've not been commenting much lately. Will catch up next week. Thankyou for comments on this blog. I've friends staying for the Monte Carlo Open Tennis plus 10 dogs en pension and all in the house! Woof woof

19 April 2007

Heavy arms

Whenever I see a statue of women holding up a bowl or a fountain or whatever, I'm exhausted. This is situated right near to the public mail box featured on the 1st April.

18 April 2007

A boat?

This was snapped from Larvotto Beach the other day. I should be giving you information on this boat, but I don't have any. Is it a ferry? Is it a liner? I don't know. Looks to me like a ferry en route de Corsica but maybe it's a visitor from Russia or maybe the moon - I don't know. I do know it's boat...

17 April 2007

Happy to be...

Here we are outside the Monaco Dog Show, which is held in the circus tent. Exhibitors are queuing for a cup of coffee. Dogs are just being dogs - happy to be with their owners.

16 April 2007


Beausoleil is in France but adjoins Monaco on its northern border. This is how they surround some of the trees in Beausoleil. That green centre piece is made of some rubbery, synthetic substance, disgustingly dirty, covered in chewing gum, holes in it. Do they think it looks like grass?' Huh? Not 'naice,' folks. Surprised me, I must say. Decidely yuck.

15 April 2007

Larvotto Plage

Here you see the central area of Larvotto Beach and on the right, the edge of the Grimaldi Forum. In the distance, the 'digue semi-flottante ' at the port, which allows massive cruise liners to tie up and disgorge passengers into Monaco.

14 April 2007

Masters Series Monte Carlo Tennis

The qualifying rounds for the Monte Carlo Tennis Open began today. On the way back from the Monaco Dog Show, which is at the opposite end of Monaco to the tennis courts, I stopped on the road above to grab this photograph. The Centre Court where the finals are always played, is below the white tented area.
You can find more information here.

13 April 2007

Monaco Dog Show

Every year Monaco holds a two-day championship dog show in the Circus tent in Fontvieille. It's part of what is known as the Riviera circuit: Monaco, San Remo in Italy and Frejus in France. Exhibitors can enter their dogs in three different shows in three different countries over a period of one week and so stand the chance of points towards their dogs' international titles. Today and tomorrow the show is on in Monaco.

A little quiz - no, I'm not Isabella, and this isn't Naples, Florida DP and goodness, it's not even Tuesday but I'm borrowing Isabella's brilliant quiz idea (just for one day, Isabella?) to ask if anyone knows what breed of dog this is. Woof woof.

12 April 2007

Monte Carlo Beach Hotel

This is the Monte Carlo Beach Hotel which is actually in France! Yes, Monaco leases the land from France. The restaurant on the point is called La Vigie, which, as you can imagine, has amazing views as you dine on the terrace under the trees. My neighbour's husband, a lovely old boy called Daniel, who sadly died a few years ago, used to work at La Vigie. He worked on the speed boats as they arrived with the lunch or dinner guests - helping visitors to disembark and generally doing whatever boat people do. He was a lovely man, born in Algeria - he left school at 13 when his first job was to lay sardines out to dry in the sun. Daniel's work always involved the sea. He told me he made very good tips in his work at La Vigie.

The tall building you see in the background belonged to the designer, Karl Lagerfeld, until he sold it to the SBM (Société des Bains de Mer) - the company that IS Monaco - ie owns the casinos, hotels, restaurants etc.

11 April 2007

Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort

This is Monte Carlo's newest hotel and it's right on the eastern border by Roquebrune. It's absolutely massive and is almost like - not quite! - a Las Vegas hotel. This is what you'll find:
  • 334 rooms including 21 suites 4 restaurants (2 in the hotel and 2 in the gardens).
  • A bar with sea-view terrace.
  • A business center composed of 10 meeting rooms.
  • Sand-bottomed lagoon with solarium, gardens and water attractions.
  • An indoor swimming pool with jacuzzi and children's paddling pool.
  • A contemporary spa.
  • A children's club.
  • An in-house casino : the Bay Casino
  • In the gardens, the "Bar & Boeuf - Alain Ducasse" and "Le Fuji" restaurants, "Le Jimmy'z" night-club... and during the high season, the "Summer Casino" as well as shows at the "Salle des Etoiles" will welcome you for a particularly special evening during your stay.
A friend took me there a week or so ago for a drink prior to dinner in Monaco - a treat for my birthday. (My birthday was last October, folks! but I'm not complaining). As it happened we chose the night of the Bal de la Rose in Monaco so the place was buzzing, ladies in beautiful gowns, le tout monde was there as we sipped our champagne. But somehow the place was too too big! Know what I mean? It didn't feel like France or even Monaco. We could have been anywhere in the world. Perhaps we were?
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