20 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 5

So after champagne in the American Bar of the Hôtel de Paris, we ladies need to go to the loo. Don't worry I'm not going to show you an actual lavatory but here's a corner of the Ladies' Room which I think is quite smart. Actually the most beautiful Ladies Room in Monaco is in the Hôtel Hermitage where they have antique painted porcelain toilet bowls and washbasins. I did hear recently that these had been replaced. I hope not.

You see the sort of things we discuss in Monaco!

19 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 4

We're in the American bar. How I wished I could have taken several photographs here. It's a beautiful room, dimly lit as you see. There's a wonderful long bar, a piano player in the far corner, elegant waiters - but mostly it's the clientele I'd wanted to photograph: a striking lady - of un certain age - elegant grey hair, a great slash of the reddest lipstick, a blond mink draped over her chair. Older men with gorgeous girls - wasn't it ever thus? A group of five young men with a dog jumping up for treats. . Now really I should have asked them if I could photograph the dog for Riviera Dogs but I was enjoying my champagne too much. The place was packed, the buzz palpable. A great place to sit and people-watch - but discreetly, doncha know? And really you can't take photographs...

We are drinking pink champagne. All the goodies on the table come with the drinks. In the foreground, to the right, you see a local speciality, particularly in Nice and Menton, called Barbajuan. Literally, Uncle John in Niçois, these are a sort of fried ravioli, usually stuffed with Swiss chard (a sort of spinach) and ricotta cheese. They are served warm and you dip them in the spicy orange sauce you see to the left. There are olives with garlic. The little green things look like peas and are crunchy. And the sticks in the background are light as air.

And yes, my companion smokes. Not sure what he'll do on the first of January when smoking is banned in restaurants and bars in France and I believe in Monaco too. He lives in Monaco where I'm told it is even to be banned in the streets as well, but honestly I find that hard to believe - how would they police it?

18 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 3

Another view of the magnificent lobby of the Hôtel de Paris. Note the enormous floral display in the centre. The hotel was built in 1864 and offered the very best in comfort and sophisticated décor. It was here, in the Hôtel de Paris, that the most eminent guests came to stay and where the most prestigious society events took place. Its rare woods and rich fabrics, its golden and pastel décors, all conspire to recall the hotel's fabulous past. The hotel has 196 rooms and suits.

I took the photograph as I walked back from the famous Empire Room which was unfortunately closed and curtained - so no photograph for you.

I'm not sure if this photograph isn't slightly out of focus - one isn't supposed to photograph inside the Hôtel de Paris - and this one I snapped quickly. My companion had asked permission for me to take yesterday's bronze horse, and seeing the lobby relatively empty at that moment, the door man agreed 'mais un seul' he said. I was lucky.

This one was taken as we returned to the lobby from the Empire Room, en route to the American Bar - where tomorrow we'll have pink champagne.

17 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 2

We've walked up the steps of the Hôtel de Paris, passed through the revolving doors, been greeted by one of the Lagerfeld-dressed doormen, of course. Just inside the lobby of this magnificent Belle Epoque building is a statue of Louis XIV on horseback. You can see the patina on the horse's knee, where it's been rubbed - for luck - by countless gamblers over the years. The casino is just a few steps away across Casino square.

Alain Ducasse's famous Michelin three-starred Le Louis XV restaurant is off to the right. You can just see the entrance in this photograph. It has a wine cellar with reputedly millions of dollars worth of century-old Napoleon brandy and Chateau Margaux 1920. No, I'm sorry, we are not eating there but do click on the link - you can do a virtual tour of the restaurant - and as you'll see it's absolutely stunning. You do need to mortgage your house to eat there tho.

To the left, out of shot, is the American Bar - that is where we'll be going for a drink before eating in Le Grill upstairs.

16 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 1

Let's have a glamorous night out in Monte Carlo. Come with me to the Hôtel de Paris. First, we'll take a look around the glorious foyer. Then we'll go into the American Bar - pink champagne? We can listen to the jazz being played on the piano and watch the Beautiful People. Later, we'll eat - perhaps in Le Grill on the 8th floor?

So, let's begin. We'll walk up the steps and through the revolving door. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you the bronze horse, so beloved of gamblers - and which stands on a plinth just inside the entrance.

15 November 2007

Leading Hotels of the World

This is how Monaco displays some of the events that are held in the Principality. These banners are throughout Monaco at the moment. In the background: the Salle Garnier (Opera house) which is of the ornate Casino building.

14 November 2007

The Silk Floss Tree

Monte Carlo has many wonderful trees and this is one of the most beautiful - the Silk Floss tree - correctly the Chorisia Speciosa. I've seen it flowering in several locations in Monaco, here it is in the gardens just below the casino. You can see the cruise liner, MSC Sinfonia through the branches.

13 November 2007


It's usually very difficult to get a shot of the Casino entrance without dozens of visitors to the Principality getting in the way. As I crossed Casino Square this morning - for one brief second only - the steps were empty. Not that the Square was empty - au contraire - opposite this entrance were dozens of people taking photographs of this doorman. I was just lucky to get the entrance from this angle.

As you go up and down the many different levels of Monaco, there are often escalators to help you on your way. I had my camera dangling from wrist this morning - got on an escalator, which suddenly - in the middle of going up - abruptly stopped! My camera swung and bashed into the side with one helluva bang. I wasn't a happy camper. Touch wood, it seems to be working okay. Long live Canon!

12 November 2007

SS Delphine

This is the yacht you saw yesterday - in fact if you look at the photo below you can see a long-shot of the guy working on her. She is the SS Delphine, a steam yacht, built for the American automobile mogul, Horace Dodge, in 1921. During the war she was used by the U.S. Navy, and toward the end of the war, she became a venue for historical strategy sessions run by world leaders such as U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Years later she sat abandoned in Marseilles harbour until she was bought in 1997 by a Belgian family who restored her. You can read far more about her - and see some beautiful old photographs from her launch in Michegan, onwards - at this link: SS Delphine

Another link with even more information is HERE. Her home is in the harbour of Monaco. The yacht you see behind her is Atlantis II owned by the Niarchos family of Greece.

11 November 2007


This guy has his safety harness in place. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you the yacht he's working on - it's big one.

10 November 2007

Winner of 1st Monaco Grand Prix

This sculpture is of William Grover, known as Williams (1903 - 1945) who was the winner of the 1st Grand Prix of Monaco in 1929, driving a Bugatti 35 B. The sculpture was created by François Chevallier and inaugurated by Prince Rainier in 1991. It stands in the centre of the roundabout at Place St. Dévote.

09 November 2007


The palace on le Rocher, photographed from below - in Port Hercule. I've posted photos of the palace before but always taken on the Rock itself - for instance, HERE you can see the Palace at night. The flag is flying so presumably H.S.H. Prince Albert is in residence.

08 November 2007


Congratulations! Well, yes...I was saving this photograph for the day that England won the Rugby World Cup! Sadly, they didn't and of course neither did France so I couldn't use it to congratulate either country. So here it is. I can't find any information about the artist. Engraved into the plinth are the words Vax Cartie - and I don't know what that means? Does anyone know? There are several statues, made of rocks and barbed wire - around. For instance, there is one as you drive into Terminal One at Nice airport. This one is located at the far end of Port Hercule pretty much opposite the Monaco Yacht Club.

07 November 2007


In contrast to yesterday's Bateau Bus, here's something just a little bigger. This is the cruise liner that was in port yesterday - MSC Sinfonia. She's an Italian cruise ship (so the food should be good!) with 777 cabins, accommodating 2087 guests. She's on a seven-day cruise between Italy, Tunisia, Malta, Spain and Monte Carlo.

06 November 2007


The Bateau-Bus was introduced into Monte Carlo this year - it crosses the harbour regularly throughout the day. One end of the croisiere is near to where the big cruise ships come in and the other end isn't far from the casino. It costs 1 euro each way. I didn't have time today but next time I'm in Monaco will take this form of transport to cross the port and back again. Have a feeling I might get some good photos from the Bateau-Bus itself and it looks like fun!

05 November 2007

Atlantis II

The big yacht you see tied up to the digue is Atlantis II, owned by the Niarchos family of Greece. I'm told it's rarely used since the patriarch of the family, Stavros, died a few years ago. Atlantis II is a sister ship to the older Issham Al Baher, originally Atlantis, which Stavros Niarchos gave to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. You can see another photograph of this yacht at THIS LINK.

04 November 2007

A bumper crop

Bumper cars waiting. Quiet before the Fun Fair opens and the crowds appear. And when they do, wham, crash, bang - with perhaps a glance at the yachts alongside.

03 November 2007


All the fun of the fair, a return to childhood: toffee apples, beignets, lollypops. The smell of deep-frying. Is it tacky or is it fun? Somehow one thinks of Monaco as always offering the best of everything - perhaps a fair like this doesn't live up to that reputation but it draws children and fun-loving adults from all over. The Fair will run in the main port - le port Hercule - until the 19th November.

02 November 2007

All the fun of the fair!

All the fun of the fair is on in Monte Carlo at the moment. The collage above represents just one of the entertainments on offer. Below you see the top of this ride showing you where it's situated in front of the port. I'll show you more tomorrow so do please come back.

01 November 2007

Daily Photo Theme Day: Blue

The dancer stands on a blue globe of the world, with the Principality shown in gold - of course! Actually it's not a globe of the world but simply depicts the Mediterranean coastline of France and Italy , with Monte Carlo clearly marked - more detail in the photo below. It stands in the centre of Avenue Princesse Grace near to the Grimaldi Forum.

And if you'd like to stay in today's blue mood, please check out all the other Daily Photo bloggers around the world for their take on today's Theme:

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31 October 2007

The Portier Fountain

More blue. Here is the Portier Fountain which sits in the centre of the roundabout which leads to the Voie Rapide - to the Avenue Princesse Grace - up to the Casino - and is part of the hairpin bend that leads to the famous tunnel you see at the Monaco Grand Prix.

30 October 2007

Getting in a blue mood...

Getting in a blue mood...ready for our Theme Day on Thursday. Blue sea, blue sky - the obvious in Monte Carlo, I suppose, but tomorrow and on Theme Day, there'll be something different so do come back. Today, tho, we are on Larvotto Beach - this was taken 9 days ago - weather still warm as you see.

29 October 2007

Hommage a Princesse Grace

This beautiful sculpture/fountain was created by Guy Lartigue in 1970 in hommage to Princess Grace of Monaco. Made of copper, brass and bronze, it stands on the eastern end of the Promenade de Larvotto, just above the beach. You can see more of this artist's work at this LINK - where you'll also find a photo of the sculpture taken at night.

28 October 2007


This sculpture by Arman, created in 1988, stands in the Chemin des Sculptures in the gardens of Fontvieille. Arman (Armand Pierre Fernandez) an American, was born in Nice in 1928 and died in 2005. You can read more about this celebrated artist HERE.

27 October 2007

Pelouse pour Chiens

In the gardens of Fontvieille, there is a small fenced area reserved for dogs - a doggy toilet. See photo below. Hope the dogs can read!

26 October 2007


This beautiful yacht, Imagine, is currently moored in the harbour of Cap d'Ail. Below you see a guy - music while you work - cleaning the decks. You can read more about this 49 m (161 ft) yacht, which was built in Gulf Port, Mississippi, HERE. (Scroll down the page)

The tall apartment buildings you see are in Monaco (Fontvieille). The harbour is in France - Cap d'Ail.

25 October 2007

Japanese Garden - 10

Green and blue and rocks - another shot of this wonderfully peaceful and beautiful garden with the Mediterranean in the background.

24 October 2007

Woman smoking a cigarette

This sculpture called 'Woman Smoking a Cigarette' is by Fernando Botero and was created in 1987. It stands in the gardens of Fontvieille, near to the circus tent. Botero was born in Colombia in 1932 and is famous for his wonderful inflated shapes. Personally I adore his work. Do you?

23 October 2007

Lunch on the beach

On Larvotto beach, in fact. Taken two days ago, the normally calm Mediterranean is still churning from the winds of the previous day.

22 October 2007

This little piggy...

...went to market. Well actually he went to the foire in Monaco. Every October there's a big Fair in the circus tent in Fontvieille. You can buy anything from a new kitchen, to designer office chairs from Italy costing 1500 euros, to wines, to cheeses, to meats. There are stands from Morocco, India, Russia - many countries are represented - selling local artisan-made products. My favourite is always the Moroccan stand with its wonderful lamps, mirrors and pots.

This stand is called Divin Porcello and comes from Budrio in the province of Bologna in Italy.

21 October 2007

Beach Hotel

The sea is churned up today, following yesterday's fierce mistral. Today, just a bit of a breeze which is heavenly. This is looking at the Beach Hotel, Monaco which is, in fact, on land leased from France. Restaurant La Vigie is located on the land jutting out to the right.

20 October 2007

Police boat

In sharp contrast to the gleaming white yachts: the police boat.

19 October 2007

Anyone for golf?

A Smart car parked in the port area this morning and fairly near to Stars 'n' Bars.

18 October 2007


There are other sculptures in the Principality by the sculptor, Emma de Sigaldi. This one, located in the gardens opposite the Place des Moulins, is called Maternity and was created in 1966. You can see another, by the same artist, at THIS LINK.

17 October 2007

Monte Carlo Ladies - 6

I couldn't resist photographing this Monte Carlo lady as I crossed the gardens opposite the Europa Residence on Boulevard des Moulins today. The contrast between Monte Carlo ladies and those who live in the hill villages is vast. Take a look at these Gorbio ladies who live just 13 kilometres from where I took this photograph.

16 October 2007

Japanese Garden - 9

This enchanting garden, designed by the landscape architect Yasuo Beppo was commissioned by the Prince Rainier for Princess Grace. It covers 23,000 square feet right next to the Mediterranean and has been blessed by a Shinto High Priest. The garden is an authentic work of art that unites stone, water and vegetation in the most marvelous harmony. The pine and olive trees are pruned in the pure tradition of the Land of the Rising Sun.

(Back home from Germany - thanks so much for comments).

15 October 2007

Hanging flowers - 2

These hanging baskets are on the other side of rue Princesse Caroline to the ones you saw recently at THIS LINK.

14 October 2007

Japanese Garden - 8

A traditional part of any Japanese garden.

13 October 2007


In contrast to yesterday's Riva, here is one of Monaco's pilot boats - very necessary to bring in some of the super yachts that visit the Principality.

12 October 2007


A Riva - surely the best and most famous motorboat in the world. If you click on the link, and then go to archives, you'll see some of the older models, like this one.

(I'm in Germany to judge the Old English Sheepdogs at the Bundesseiger show so forgive me, but I won't be able to comment much before getting home on Monday evening. )

11 October 2007

Japanese Garden - 7

You've seen the little boy before, but I hope you'll enjoy seeing him again, this time with his mother and sibling, watching the fish in the Japanese gardens.
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