03 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: No Comment - Gilbert Casula

No, that's not my title - it's the name of the installation by an artist called Gilbert Casula who lives and works in Cannes.

"A writer and a poet, he was influenced at a very early age by the concept of geopoetics and Kenneth White's work. An inventor of poetic objects and designer of audio systems in which the word always maintains its rights." You can read more by clicking on the link.

Looking at this installation I have to say, I feel like this at times Do you?!

02 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Pas d'Art sans vie, pas de vie sans Terre - Ben

'This bench doesn't have a problem'

You saw Ben's art yesterday - one of 35 artists exhibiting in the Casino Gardens. Here's another of his benches. I love it when art and life meet like this - life with the ubiquitous portable telephone.

Ben Vautier was born in Naples and lives and works in Nice. His work has been bought by the National Museum of Modern Art. Click on the link to read more about this fascinating artist who believes that Tout est Art (All is Art).

01 March 2008

Theme Day: Street Mural or Graffiti

"Bench for philosphers seeking the truth" - Ben

Fortuitously there is an exhibition on at the moment in the Casino Gardens. It's called Expo Ecofuturist and features installations by 35 artists. Some we've seen over the past days. This artist has installed 7 benches throughout the gardens. Here is one and I'll show you others over the coming days. Ben Vautier, known as Ben, has a fascinating website - do click on the link above.

'If art is everywhere it is also on this bench' - Ben

There are 144 City Daily Photo bloggers participating in today's Theme who would love you to visit them:

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29 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Poseidon - Sosno

Artist, Sacha Sosno, was born in Marseille but his roots are in Riga, Latvia. He lives in Nice and New York. Click on the link to read more about this artist. (Note the pigeon - or dove - who has found a convenient perch)

'The sculpture must participate in the great salvation battle of quality of the environment. The monumental creation should be visible for young and old, for the rich and the poor, for those who have culture and to novices. Let's leave to "Poseidon" the care to preserve our Mediterrranean sea. ' - Sosno.

28 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Violata Pax Dove - Nall

This sculpture of a dove by the American artist, Nall, weighs 800 kilos. You can probably see the great size of this sculpture in relation to the beautiful old tree in the Casino Gardens.

Nall is a prolific and incredibly talented artist from Alabama, who lives in Vence. Do click on the link above to take a look at some of his work. Nall was one of Salvador Dali's disciples and the Violata Pax Dove is a motive he often uses in his work.

27 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: O ! Shilling (2) - David Shilling

Here's a closer view of David Shilling's installation. If you missed yesterday's post please click on THIS LINK to read about his work. This installation - one of 35 taking part in the exhibition - made me laugh. Somehow there's such a dichotomy between the luxury of Monaco and all these plastic items hanging in one of the beautiful fountains of the Casino Gardens.

'David Shilling's work is always innovative and he addresses light, space, joy and eternal optimism.'

The lady on the left has just the right colour umbrella, doesn't she?

26 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: O ! Shilling - David Shilling

This fun installation uses one of the main fountains in the Casino Gardens. The artist, David Shilling, is an Englishman, living on le rocher of Monaco. He's worked in many mediums, in particular I remember him as a famous milliner in London. His mother, Gertrude Shilling, was a much-loved British institution, with the press naming her 'The Ascot Mascot' as she always appeared at the Ascot races wearing extraordinary hats designed by her son. One year David's design outgrew his father's long wheel base Rolls Royce, and so the hat had to follow in a van. If you follow the link above, you can see some of the creations David made for his mother.

There is a sign near the fountain, written by the artist: 'Celebrating what we take for granted everyday...like love, colours and particularly water.'

'Either we leave the world a little richer than when we arrive, or poorer. Understand that if we don't leave it richer, one day there will be no world left.' - David Shilling.

Tomorrow - a closer look at this installation.

25 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: La Menace - Helena Drazewicz

Helena Drazewicz, lives in Monaco and works with Rob Rowlands on their installations.

'More than ever, art is a commitment, the urgency of the global situation that we express as strongly as we can with our materials and our style, an echo of all the other ways of fighting and will continue as long as it is still possible. The act of artistic creation is an act of hope.' - Helena Krazewicz.

24 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: La Pieuvre - Luc Boniface

There is a fascinating exhibition on at the moment in the Casino Gardens. Organised by the Monegasque association, Arty-Ecology, which is presenting works by 35 artists in this beautiful setting. Some are clever, some funny, some serious - all thought provoking. Do come back over the following days to see more and eventually, my own particular favourite - one that stopped me in my tracks.

This work, La Pieuvre (octopus) is by the French artist, Luc Boniface, and is made, as you see of strips of grass and pink rubber gloves.

'Live intensely without leaving any material trace' - Luc Boniface.

23 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 2

There's a fascinating exhibition of art on at the moment in the Casino Gardens and I was photographing many of the exhibits for a series that starts tomorrow - do come back, it's on Art and the Environment.

Anyway, I was photographing near to these two gentleman when the one on the right called out to me, 'Copyright for me if you take our photo,' and laughed. 'Right then, I'll take your photo,' I said. 'Smile!' And they did. I then asked if they lived in Monaco and the same guy told me, 'Yes, we live in these gardens.' I don't think so! Later I saw them walking around the Metropole Shopping Centre.

22 February 2008

Tunnel under the Rock

This tunnel cuts right under le rocher - you can see the palace on top. To the right is the edge of Fontvieille harbour. You can see a car driving down to an underground carpark - this is the parking area for Carrefour, the big shopping centre in Monaco. My car is in there. I arrived through the left hand tunnel - when I leave I'll take the right-hand tunnel which divides in the middle: straight ahead for the main port of Monaco and onwards to Menton. Or you could take another route that brings you up to the Jardin Exotique and the direction of Nice. The are several tunnels in Monaco - one for instance, will take you to the autoroute.

21 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 1

Here we are - as per the request for 'Monte Carlo Gentlemen' - I think you'll agree this first one properly fits the bill: tall, slim, good-looking (trust me) well-dressed, designer stubble, sunglasses - bien sûr - and car keys, presumably for something smart parked in the car park nearby.

Will this do, girls?

20 February 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 11

Three ladies walking along the port - the yachts are to the right of the photograph.

I've had a suggestion, by the way, for 'Monte Carlo Men.' Good idea! Watch this space.

19 February 2008


Colours - in the pedestrian street just up from Port Hercule. Looks like everyone has gone away for the winter?

18 February 2008

Monaco from the Moyenne Corniche

I was driving along the Moyenne Corniche the other day on the way from Menton to Cap d'Ail and stopped the car to snap this photo. The building in the foreground is the relatively new Monte Carlo Bay Resort. In the distance you see part of Port Hercule and behnd it, le Rocher, where you'll find the Palace. There are three 'corniches' - the Basse Corniche that runs along the sea, the Moyenne Corniche than runs along half way up the hills towards Nice. And then the Grande Corniche that is way up top and goes through La Turbie. And then, even further up, is the autoroute. So when you give someone directions, much depends on where they are coming from...

When I see a photo like this I realise I need a bigger camera with a better zoom - but anyway, it gives you an idea.

17 February 2008


We saw an orange tree in the pedestrian street two days ago. Here's another. This time in front of Scruples, the English book shop in Monte Carlo. Other towns along the French Riviera have English bookshops - Antibes, Cannes, Nice, Valbonne. Yet others have an English library, often part of the Anglican church. Indeed there is one of these in Monaco, attached to St. Paul's Anglican church and another in Menton, attached to St. John's English church.

16 February 2008

Bleu sur bleu

Not all the boats in Port Hercule are luxury yachts.

Many thanks to Chuckeroon from Richmond Upon Thames Daily Photo who suggested more and better trimming of this photograph. I've now done this and reposted. Thanks Chuckeroon!

15 February 2008

On a level

The majority of streets in Monaco slope - hardly surprising when the Principality is built on hills. This restaurant is the pedestrian street (rue Princesse Caroline) that runs from Port Hercule to rue Grimaldi. As you can see it appears to be having a deck built, presumably so it can accommodate tables and chairs.

Note the orange tree. You'd not lack for fresh orange juice at the moment.

14 February 2008

Veuve Cliquot

Valentine's Day in Monte Carlo? We'll have champagne - perhaps Veuve Cliquot? This little shop is in one of the tiny streets that runs from the Port to rue Grimaldi.

Veuve Cliquot is a champagne house in Rheims - veuve means widow. It was founded in 1772 by Philippe Cliquot-Muiron who played an important role in establishing champagne as the beverage of choice of European nobility and the bourgeoisie. A generation later, the son of the founder died, leaving his widow in control of the company. It is she, Madame Cliquot, who is credited with the industrialisation of champagne production. You see her portrait to the left. Happy Valentine's Day!

13 February 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 10

Here's yesterday's lady. All alone now. Still with her cell phone and this time stuck to her ear. She's facing the yachts but not seeing them.

I prefer this to yesterday's photograph although yesterday's, with woman and man both texting, told a strange story.

12 February 2008

Text message

Conversation? What's that?

11 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 4

Which one do you prefer?

10 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 3

This is the area - port and yachts to our right - that was filled with cars until the day before I took these photographs. Now it's emptying fast. This lady walked around every car, examining each one very closely. The Start/Finish line of the Monaco Grand Prix is on the road you see on the left.

09 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 2

Another dirty car for the petrol heads. This one is from the UK, isn't it, Gail's Man?

08 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 1

Following the Monte Carlo Rally, we had the Monte Carlo Rally Historique which took place from the 1 - 6 February, and so yesterday cars were leaving, goodbyes being said. So - if you like looking at dirty old cars, I'll post a few over the next days. Even I know this is a Mercedes.

Take a look at the Automobile Club of Monaco's website for more information.

07 February 2008

Stand up for your rights!

This is a section of the beautiful Jardin St. Martin on Le Rocher displays cactus. Another of the many gardens of Monaco, Le Jardin Exotique, has nothing but cactus and succulents and we'll visit that soon.


Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo - FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Thank you to the City Daily Photo family for your encouragement, generous comments, fantastic help from talented photographers and most of all, friendship. Working on Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo has changed my life. I now see - really see - my beautiful part of the world. I only looked before...

And of course, a massive thankyou to Eric of Paris Daily Photo, whose brilliant vision this was and to Demosthenes and Igor, who put in endless time working on the technical issues in keeping us all up and running.

06 February 2008

Trunk decoration

Such a beautiful trunk on this tree in Casino gardens. I think it's a magnolia. A young climber, perhaps a bougainvillea, grows against it. Note the smart rubbish bins in Monte Carlo.

04 February 2008

Sainte Devote and the burning of the boat

This bronze of St. Devote stands in front of the church which you can see if you click on the link.

According to legend, on the 27th January 312, a ship bound from Corsica, bearing the lifeless body of a young Christian martyr, ran aground here. It was discovered by some fishermen and the young martyr delcared the patron saint of Monaco.

Every year, with the Royal Family in attendance, a fishing vessel is burnt, from which rises a white dove symbolising the spirit of the Saint. One year my best buddy, Candy, was over from America and we went along to watch the burning of the boat. I'd forgotten the dramas that night and asked Candy to remind me:

"So...you've forgot what happened on the night of St. Devote, eh? I can't see HOW. It wasn't just the royal family-- Prince Rainier and Prince Albert and Stephanie and Caroline and all their chirren--we almost went up in flames too! If you remember, there was an enormous bonfire pile of palm fronds--with a wooden dory on top of them. There were about a half dozen Pompiers--every single one of them smoking--nonchalantly standing around with huge jerrycans of gasoline. The combination of Gitanes and gasoline alone gave me some pause...but nevermind...it looked very French. You and I were waiting next to the bonfire area--we'd decided to stand on the quai and see the fireworks. It turned out to be a perfect spot, because we were right next to the damn thing--which is where the Royal lighting-of-the-beacon was about to occur. As the Rainier entourage approached--the pompiers began sloshing away, emptying an alarming amount of gasoline on the pile. But I figured, hey-- there were a lot of fronds, and they'd probably need a good boost to get going. I also assumed that some designated fireman-flunky would do the actual lighting. I was so wrong. As I recall, almost all the adult members of the Royal family were handed some sort of burning torch (the pompiers were apparently lighting anything they could get their hands on). Now, remember, the Royals hadn't seen the gallons of gasoline that had just been glugged all over the fronds. They innocently stepped forward and put their torches on the pile and FWOOOOMPH!! There was a fireball that could be seen from outer space. I thought my face had melted. Whichever Princesse it was who was wearing the full length mink--jumped back and started patting her coat frantically, so as to put out any stray embers. I have this vision (seared, as it were, into my brain) of Prince Rainier and Prince Albert completely outlined in a corona of flame. Everybody was sort of stunned for a moment--the flash had been like one of those cartoon explosions--there was total silence (except for the crackling fire). Then bits of ash began to float gaily around us like black snowflakes, and everybody started to laugh. The fireworks went off with a bang, too, but they weren't near as dramatic as the lighting of the dory! Now do you remember?"

Now, of course I do. After, we sat on the port, feet dangling over the edge and watched the fireworks and listened to the accompanying music.

Dull day

A dull day at the port but the light is somehow rather peaceful and romantic - the sea was so still. How spoiled - and lucky - we are here when a dull day is of note!

03 February 2008

Cheap eats

You don't have to be rich to eat in Monaco. This little place, overlooking the port serves sandwiches and snacks. Once winter is over, the protective covering will be removed.

02 February 2008

'Three Part Object'

This sculpture by the celebrated sculptor, Henry Moore, stands in a small garden alongside the steep road that goes up from the port to the casino. Note the ornamental cabbages and the mimosa in bloom.

01 February 2008

Theme Day: When people think of my city...

There are so many iconic images of Monte Carlo: the port with its luxury yachts, the casino, the Hôtel de Paris and the Monaco Grand Prix but probably it was Princess Grace - the beautiful American actress, Grace Kelly, who married Monaco's Prince Rainier - who really put it on the map.

Today is Theme Day with 136 participants from all over the world taking part. Do take time to visit them and see what other bloggers think is considered iconic about their cities.

Portland (OR), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Memphis (Tennessee), USA - Manila, Philippines - San Diego (CA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - New York City (NY), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Mexico City, Mexico - San Francisco (CA), USA - Mumbai (Maharashtra), India - Mainz, Germany - Weston (FL), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Turin, Italy - Las Vegas (NV), USA - Hobart (Tasmania), Australia - Bicheno, Australia - Durban, South Africa - Joplin (MO), USA - Nashville (TN), USA - Stockholm, Sweden - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Brussels, Belgium - Chicago (IL), USA - Montpellier, France - Seattle (WA), USA - Mazatlan, Mexico - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Sesimbra, Portugal - Toulouse, France - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Susanville (CA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Helsinki, Finland - Pilisvörösvár, Hungary - Lisbon, Portugal - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Trujillo, Peru - Dunedin (FL), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - London, UK - Baziège, France - Jefferson City (MO), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Mumbai, India - Naples (FL), USA - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Setúbal, Portugal - Stayton (OR), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Sofia, Bulgaria - Arradon, France - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Athens, Greece - Austin (TX), USA - Singapore, Singapore - West Sacramento (CA), USA - Jackson (MS), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Budapest, Hungary - Rotterdam, Netherlands - St Malo, France - Chandler (AZ), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Cleveland (OH), USA - Nottingham, UK - Kansas City (MO), USA - The Hague, Netherlands - Crystal Lake (IL), USA - Wrocław, Poland - Chateaubriant, France - Cheltenham, UK - Moscow, Russia - Monrovia (CA), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - Toruń, Poland - Grenoble, France - Lisbon, Portugal - New Orleans (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia - Boston (MA), USA - American Fork (UT), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Wichita (KS), USA - Radonvilliers, France - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Christchurch, New Zealand - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Wailea (HI), USA - Aliso Viejo (CA), USA - St Francis, South Africa - Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Seattle (WA), USA - Pasadena (CA), USA - Vienna, Austria - Orlando (FL), USA - Torun, Poland - Delta (CO), USA - Santa Fe (NM), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Haninge, Sweden - Paris, France - Stavanger, Norway - Niamey, Niger - Le Guilvinec, France - Bogor, Indonesia - Saarbrücken, Germany - Auckland, New Zealand - Wellington, New Zealand - Budapest, Hungary - Juneau (AK), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Glasgow, Scotland - Chicago (IL), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Sydney, Australia - Riga, Latvia - Subang Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia - Terrell (TX), USA - Terrell (TX), USA - Inverness (IL), USA

31 January 2008

A walk and a chat

Two winter-clad ladies walking up from the port towards Casino square.

30 January 2008

Principatu de Munegu

On Sunday I was driving along the Basse Corniche, from Beaulieu to Menton - via Monaco. I'd forgotten it was the final day of the Monte Carlo Rally and so we were crawling, nose to tail, trying to get into the Principality. The world and his mother comes into Monte Carlo for this race.

This stone, which I snapped from my stationary car, marks the boundary between France and Monaco at Cap d'Ail. The lower set of words on the stone - and title of this post - are in Monégasque.

29 January 2008

Pug watch

This little pug seems more interested than his owner in watching the skaters. This is the swimming pool in front of the main port - the very one the Formula One cars whizz around during the Monaco Grand Prix in May. For Christmas and well into January it is transformed into an ice-rink.

If you'd like to meet Prickle, whose home is one of the most famous gardens in Menton - click on the link.

28 January 2008


You see a lot of these spiky plants as you walk around Monaco. These are in the gardens just below Casino square as you walk down towards the port. I'm not sure if they are Agaves or Aloes but they are tough as old boots, don't need water and produce these beautiful flowers. What more can one ask of a plant?

27 January 2008

Window shopping

It's not only the ladies who enjoying window shopping for jewellry...

This shop is just around the corner from the Café de Paris and the Casino. You can see more window shoppers at this same window by clicking on the link.

26 January 2008

Port Palace - 2

This little girl couldn't wait to enter this restaurant. I know the photo isn't sharp enough but I liked the movement in it. I believe she is English - if my ears didn't deceive me, that is. This restaurant overlooks the main port of Monaco. For a better look at this hotel/restaurant click HERE.

25 January 2008


For the dog who has everything? Spied in a shop in the Metropole Centre.

24 January 2008

Circus! - the photographer

Isn't this beautiful lady well dressed for a photographer? Look at the lot below - that's what I'd expect: jeans and a jacket. I watched her for a while - she always stood so elegantly - even when she bent down to take a photograph she didn't look awkward.

What do you wear when you go on a photo session?

23 January 2008

Circus! - the balloon man

I haven't a clue what this act is called but as you can see if you look at the individual photographs, he starts off with a balloon on his head and then pulls it down and gets in it! And then keeps popping up - well bits of him do. Rather peculiar...but clever.

If you would like to see the amazing 'Chinese Ballet Circus pas de deux Troupe de Guangdong' who performed in Monaco last year - please click on the link below. It starts off with Claude Bessy (head of the ballet de l'Opéra de Paris) introducing the act - then, just sit back and enjoy. They are incredible.


22 January 2008

Circus! - Bikers: Hard rock sur pneumatiques

You'd better believe the hard rock part. The decibels were incredible, the energy of the bikers just fabulous. They got into the list of winners at this, the 32rd international Festival of Circus in Monaco. Created in 1974 by Prince Rainier, this festival has become of the most important and prestigious in the world. The top award, the 'Clown d'Or' (not just for clowns) is considered by circus folk the supreme award in the world of circus. The bikers (I don't know their nationalities) won the Prix du cirque Kobsov de Kiev.

The President of the Festival is Princess Stephanie who adores circus and it plainly shows in everything she does for this event.

21 January 2008

Circus! - the sealions

Here are the sealions. Personally, I don't visit the circus because of the animals. We have surely grown beyond all that and their exploitation. I did take some photographs of the elephants but I won't be publishing them. I thought them in poor condition and remember last year, when I saw them in their tent, one was rocking back and forth - not a happy camper. As for the big cats in their cages - no way.

However, my friend, whose apartment overlooks the circus, tells me she hears the sealions having the best fun in their area of water and certainly they looked happy to perform at this outdoor event.

First and last of the animals. Tomorrow - the bikers!

As an aside, and a very important one, Prince Albert has sent two leopards from the Monaco Zoo to the Born Free reserve in South Africa. There have been endless complaints over the years about the poor conditions in the zoo. I believe Virginia McKenna, from the Born Free foundation, campaigned for years to get the place closed, but in Prince Rainier's years, nothing was done. An elephant died, as well as a white tiger last summer and finally, at last, the zoo, as it was will come to an end. There is still a hippopotamus and a dromedary but presumably these will find a new home too.

Prince Albert plans a farm for children where they can come and see and pat donkeys, goats, sheep, rabbits etc. A far better idea. Good for the Prince!

20 January 2008

Circus! - the ballet

The Troupe Freedom de Kiev - but introduced simply as The Ballet. They were fabulous - tons of energy, vibrant music and great fun.

19 January 2008

Circus! - the clowns

Every January we see the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival which takes place in the beautiful circus tent in Fontvieille. Today, following tradition, there was an Open Air Circus Show on the port on Monaco. I couldn't get through the crowd looking down on the show, so walked down to the level where it was being held, right in front of the yachts in the harbour. It was worse - people standing ten deep and I'm a titch so didn't have a hope of seeing what was going on, let alone getting a photograph. Suddenly I saw a few people sneaking through a barrier. Naturally I did the same. An official stopped me. 'Just one photograph?' I asked. He agreed and turned away - by then he had many more people to deal with so I carried on walking and ended up standing near to the dignitaries and official photographers. In fact, at one point, I tried taking a photograph of some cute children who were standing alongside me until the bodyguard stopped me and I realised they were Princess Stephanie's children.

You can see the decorative Casino building on the left hand side of the photograph. More fun at the circus tomorrow.

There were so many dogs waiting patiently whilst their owners watched the circus. If you want to see one - please click on the link.

18 January 2008

Sainte Dévote - 2

Here's a closer look at this lovely church. You can read about the legend of St. Dévote by clicking on the link.

Followers of the Monaco Grand Prix will know that the corner called St. Dévote is notoriously one of the most difficult and dangerous in the race.
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