29 June 2008

A decorated house

A decorated house in Cap d'Ail. Cap d'Ail, which adjoins Monaco, has so many beautiful houses. Here's just one.

28 June 2008

Just look up...

Wander around Monaco and just look up... this decorated building is just up from the port.

27 June 2008

Echelle a Bras Attelée

Fireman's ladder from the 1890's on display in Fontvieille just outside the police station.

26 June 2008

Monte Carlo Lady - 16

Shopping is obviously hard work - a Monte Carlo lady takes a rest.

25 June 2008

Miami Plage, Larvotto Beach

Early morning. Most of Monaco is asleep. Soon the day will burst into life but for a few precious moments, the beach is ours.

24 June 2008

The lunch break

The barriers put up for the Monaco Grand Prix are still being dismantled. Here we see a group of tourists taking a break and sitting on a barrier - the start finish line of the Grand Prix, full of normal cars today, is almost behind them. A rather noisy lunch venue I'd have thought although they are looking out at the yachts in the port - behind me. So lunch with a view.

23 June 2008

The eagle has landed

Eagle - or maybe a vulture? - on a roof in Cap d'Ail. In fact, there is an eagle on each corner of this lovely house.

22 June 2008

Behind the curtain

There's always something interesting to look at. This lady peers from behind her curtain in a first floor apartment on the pedestrian street that runs up from the port.

21 June 2008

The Sports Clinic

You probably don't need to be told that this is Monaco's medical clinic for sports injuries. Just look at the people outside. It's on the road that goes down from the casino to the port - hence the slope.

20 June 2008


Here you see the mirror above Moods, the new nightclub in Monaco. These photographs were taken the day after it opened - still workers around doing last minute touch ups. At night, cascades of water fall each side of the steps.

You can read more by clicking on the link.

(I'm in the USA at the moment - Westerville, near Columbus, Ohio - later I'll be in Utah - so big apologies for lack of comments over the last week and thanks so much to everyone who is commenting on my blogs. I really appreciate them. I hope, from today, to slowly start commenting again provided Internet access allows it).

19 June 2008

Monte Carlo Gentleman - 5

The photographer photographed. He's standing outside Moods, a great new music bar at the back of the Cafe de Paris - where he'll be videoing, I believe. Tomorrow I'll show you more - no ladies, not of this gorgeous creature, but Moods.

18 June 2008

Monte Carlo Lady - 15

An older lady today - walking her little Chihuahua in the gardens at the back of the casino.

17 June 2008

Water wings

The pool on the yacht you saw yesterday. The boy is about to take a swim. Perhaps he can't swim which is why he has the water wings.

16 June 2008

Pool aboard

Seems you can get most things on yachts these days. Here you see a swimming pool on one and games table on the yacht alongside. Come back tomorrow to see who is about to take a swim.

15 June 2008


Lazing about on his boat in the port of Monaco. Quite an 'embonpoint', wouldn't you say? Taken, I believe, from the French - en bon point = in good condition.

Note: The Frugal Traveler from the New York Times featured Monte Carlo and Menton recently. Click on the link read about Monaco and then see a video of Menton. Thanks so much to Alden for this information.

14 June 2008

A fountain in Fontvieille - 2

Here you see a detail from the fountain shown yesterday. When I was photographing earlier, a policeman came out of the nearby police station and asked me what I was doing. I told him I had a Monte Carlo blog and that I was taking shots for it. I asked if that was OK. No problem, he said. Off he went.

As I was photographing this spout, another policeman appeared. Good looking. As I said yesterday, Monte Carlo policeman are genetically programmed to look delicious. He also asked what I was doing. I told him and this time I said, 'You are the second officer to ask what I'm doing. Do you mind telling me why you are asking me. Don't you see tourists taking pics all the time?'

He explained that it was unusual for someone to be photographing detail. He said most tourists photograph the big picture and that's why I'd been asked. And then he told me to 'carry on' and it was just fine.

I still thought it a bit strange.

13 June 2008

A fountain in Fontvieille

A fountain in Fontvieille. This is just outside the police station and near to the church. Come back tomorrow for more detail and to read why I was asked twice - by the police - what I was doing. Monaco police are all gorgeous, by the way, so no complaints from me!

12 June 2008

Time to ponder...

This was taken at the time the Grand Prix was being set up - hence those temporary barriers. It's 8.00 in the morning - that's Cap Martin in the background and beyond it, Italy.

A Monaco policeman stares into the water. Time to ponder...

11 June 2008


These three little boats were being towed across the harbour yesterday. Don't you think this would be fun, sitting in a little boat with someone else doing all the work?

You can see the difference in sky here to yesterday's photo, yet taken a couple of hours apart. I took this from the Bateau-Bus - the ferry that crosses the harbour. Sally (Sydney Daily Photo) Piero, Ben and I lunched at Stars n' Bars in the port, then grabbed the Bateau-Boat (1 euro) and crossed the harbour where we then climbed to the casino area and had refreshing cold drinks sitting outside the Café de Paris. Why weren't you all with us?

10 June 2008

Sally from Sydney in Monte Carlo!

Remember the Great Monte Carlo Swimming Pool Quiz? - click on the link. It was won by Sally from Sydney Daily Photo. Here is Sally - just out of the water this afternoon, where she'd been swimming with her son, Ben - two water babes I promise you. Sally, Ben and Sally's husband, Piero, have been brightening my life over the last two days and tomorrow I sadly say goodbye and put them on the train to Avignon and the wonderful and talented Nathalie.

09 June 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 14

These two ladies were posing for what appeared to be an official photographer in the Casino gardens. So I had to snap too! The lady in denim looks somewhat familiar to me. Perhaps she is a French actress?

08 June 2008

Harley for sale

Shiny, fascinating - anyone want a Harley? This one was parked along Avenue Princesse Grace not far from the Portier roundabout.

07 June 2008

Jean-Baptiste, le Monégasque

This sculpture - called Jean-Baptiste, le Monégasque - is by Rachid Khimoune, and stands outside the Grimaldi Forum on Avenue Princesse Grace. You can read more about the artist and his work by clicking on the link.

The sculpture is part of a series - Children of the World - click to see more.

06 June 2008

Elephant needing a haircut

This elephant is one of four animals standing at the children's playground in Fontvieille. Methinks he needs a haircut.

05 June 2008

La Note Bleue

Preparing for the day at the La Note Bleue on Larvotto Beach - one of the trendier beach restaurants, with great music. Don't be fooled by the bright blue sky. I took this a week or so ago. Weather isn't good here - raining, miserable - not at all what it should be in Monaco or the south of France in May/June. We are all complaining. Are you sorry for us?

Back from Spain last night and sick with fever and bronchitis, which is why I didn't comment on Theme Day on Monday or Tuesday. A visit to the doc this morning produced antibiotics, and a ton of other medication. French docs love to prescribe. It will surely sort me out before Sally (& famille) from Sydney DP arrives on Sunday. Spain has the same dreadful weather as much of southern Europe this year so I blame the weather and lots of work at the show.

Returned to no telephone or internet - again! A call this morning promised it would be done on the 11th June and then two hours ago - miracle! - two young France Telecom guys arrived and it's fixed. Rah, rah, rah. They said the line was damaged, bent and needed replacing and there was some other problem too. Thanks so much for all comments. Now, finally, with the Internet at home, I'll start to catch up with you all.

04 June 2008

Bring on the day!

Larvotto Beach early in the morning. Sleeping off the night before - or waiting for the sun to warm up.

03 June 2008

Cool pool

This reflective pool is on the left of the entrance to the Grimaldi Forum - above you see the entrance to the Japanese Gardens.

02 June 2008

The Beach Towel

If you want something to take home with you, why not a beach towel to remind you of the good times. These are for sale on Larvotto Beach.

01 June 2008

Theme Day - My Corner Shop

There is no 'corner shop' as such in Monaco - either supermarkets or street markets or, as here, a traiteur. (Truthfully, there could be one on le Rocher but I didn't get up there with all the chaos of the Grand Prix).

Mr. Brian's is owned by a charming Englishman called - no surprise - Brian. He started years ago by importing the best Scottish smoked salmon into Monaco and his business, like Topsy, just grewed. He now employs 4 chefs and produces beautiful food that is served to the rich and famous, often on their yachts. You can read about Mr. Brian's by clicking on the link. You can also read about the day Brian's dog was taken by clicking on The Day Lou was Stolen!

Do click here to view thumbnails of all 174 participants to see their take on today's theme.

I'm working at a dog show in Spain all day today (150 Old English Sheepdogs from around the world) but will spend tomorrow catching up and commenting. Meanwhile have a lovely Theme Day everyone!

31 May 2008

Beach Hotel

The Beach Hotel just before the Grand Prix. As you see, yachts at sea, unable to get into the over-crowded harbour. The restaurant La Vigie, which is on the promontory at the rear, isn't yet open. I believe that opens in June.

30 May 2008

Cleaning the Yacht

This was taken before the Grand Prix. The flag looks like the Welsh dragon but it's normally seen against a green and white background. Anyone know?

29 May 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 13 - The Roller Blader

At Grand Prix time, in particular, this is a great way to get about Monaco - or at least around the Larvotto Beach area, which is flat.

France Telecom paid another visit and it seems there are big-time problems - they will come back and install new cable from road to house. No matter, at the moment, I'm in Spain for a dog show and the hotel has internet access, so I've left my connection problems behind - for the moment.

28 May 2008

Early morning wash

The promenade along by Larvotto Beach is washed down each morning, as is much of Monte Carlo.

Internet & phone still down. Thanks so much for comments. My ability to comment is limited but am using neighbour's WiFi when poss. Will catch up with everyone eventually.

27 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Hugo Boss

Dusk off Larvotto Beach - the Hugo Boss boat. If anyone saw the David Coulthard interview on ITV the day before the Monaco Grand Prix, it was filmed on this boat.

Internet & phone still down. Thanks so much for comments. My ability to comment is limited but am using neighbour's WiFi when poss. Will catch up with everyone eventually.

26 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - No room in the Harbour!

Dusk. Two nights before the Grand Prix. Larvotto Beach. As you can see, there are many more boats than usual and, as is usual at Grand Prix time, no room in the harbour. Apologies for lack of clarity but I took this at 8 p.m.

(Internet & phone still down. Hopefully up by Wednesday. Now posting from my neighbour's house - thankyou AgnĂšs).

25 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Fangio

Monaco Grand Prix today! Monte Carlo is abuzz with excitement.

Today, another sculpture - this time of the late, great Juan Manuel Fangio. It stands on the corner of the Port of Monaco, not far from the Start/Finish line. Created by Joaquim Ros Sabate it was inaugurated by H.S.H. Prince Albert in 2003. It depicts Fangio after he won the Grand Prix of Monaco in 1955 in a Mercedes Benz.

Stop press: Crazy race - rain, shine, crashes... --- and Hamilton WON! Rah! rah! rah! Go Lewis!

(Internet & phone still down. Hopefully up by Wednesday. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).

24 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - a Brag!

A Monte Carlo Daily Photo (see above) appears today in the International Herald Tribune, the global edition of the New York Times. Guess who is dead chuffed!

There are several pages of articles on the 'Glamour and dazzle at the Monaco Grand Prix' by Brad Spurgeon. In particular, there is a fascinating article by Joe Seward, on the first man ever to win the Monaco Grand Prix, one William Grover, who was an undercover agent during World War Two. Click on the link to see a different photo of this sculpture, when it was first posted on Monte Carlo DP.

This sculpture stands near to the church of St. Devote in the centre of a small roundabout - it's removed each year as it's part of the Grand Prix track.

I did request that the International Herald Tribune credit the photo to Monte Carlo Daily Photo but unfortunately they just put my name. How did it happen? I had an email from the Int. Herald Tribune in Paris asking if the photograph they'd seen on Monte Carlo DP was in fact mine and would I give permission to use it. They also asked if I had a version with higher definition. I didn't but said I'd go into Monaco to take more. Off I went only to find that the sculpture had been moved for the Grand Prix. No matter - they said the photos I'd sent (only 1600 x 1200) would be fine.

(Internet & phone still down. Hopefully up by Wednesday. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).

23 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - How Much?

Yes, it's the Monaco Grand Prix this weekend. The harbour is choc a bloc with yachts, there isn't a hotel room to be had for miles. You can pay up to 150,000 euros for a villa for a week in Cap Ferrat. If you stay in an hotel in Monaco you have to stay for three or four nights and if you don't, then you pay anyway. Prices can be up to 12,000 euros for three nights. A suite at the Fairmont - dig deep - it will cost you 160,000 euros.

Many people who rent or own apartments along the race track rent their apartments and balconies to corporations for a fortune for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the race, making around 28,000 euros during those three days. Big companies reward their best employees by flying them to Monaco for what is without doubt the greatest of all the Formula 1 Grand Prix races, run as it is through the streets of the Prncipality. Renting at Grand Prix time in Monaco often pays the yearly rental. There are strict rules tho. Only a certain number of people per square metre are allowed on each balcony - this for saftey reasons. The highest rental being paid for this weekend's Grand Prix - for 30 privileged people - 50,000 euros.

Other residents simply leave the Principality - they can't stand the noise.

Prices in the stands range from 70 euros to 420 euros. And the cheapest way to see the Monaco Grand Prix? Come into Monaco on the bus or train (you'd not get a car near the place anyway) and then pay 40 euros to sit on the grassy slope below le Rocher.

(I've had no telephone or internet connection for two days - France Telecom tell me it'll not be up for a few days. Some problem between my house and the road. Grrrrrrr. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).

22 May 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 12

A Monte Carlo lady! Wonder if this smartly dressed lady has just bought something in a red bag that coincidentally goes with her floaty dress? Perhaps she keeps it at home specially to go with this outfit? She's walking across Casino Square towards the Café de Paris.

21 May 2008

Garden Club of Monaco - Dreams for Sale

As you see, you can buy the dream... (everything here is for sale - maybe even the sand!)

20 May 2008

Garden Club of Monaco - Ceramiques

Meet Stephane Montalto. Stephane is a Ceramiste Potier who has his atelier in Roquebrune Cap Martin. He makes these beautiful pots and much else besides. This is his signature colour. I remember buying several smaller pieces when I first came to the region - his smaller pieces are in a slightly paler turquoise. I love his pottery.

This pot is a traditional Provençal pot and is an art that Stephane has revived. Stephane's work is installed in many parts of Monaco, including the Japanese Garden, St. Martin's Garden on Le Rocher and in many of the beautiful Belle Epoque villas on Cap Martin. His work has been shown in many different exhibitions and he's also won many awards. Such a dedicated and charming man.

19 May 2008

Garden Club of Monaco - The Golfer

We're back at the Garden Club of Monaco with a golfer looking a little bare around his middle.

18 May 2008

Larvotto Beach - Carla

Much of France is up in arms at Sarko (what the French call President Sarkozy) - the country is knee-deep in strikes at the moment. Others seem to be happy to read about the new Madame S.

Discarded - this magazine had been left on a wall at Larvotto Beach.
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