05 September 2008

A House with a View

Monaco has so many beautiful houses - not just the blocks of apartments we see in the postcards. This house, on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, has wonderful views - from the left, it looks down on the Church of Saint Devote - and ahead and to the right is the Port Hercule. You can see a little more detail in the smaller photograph.

A friend told me that Radio Monte Carlo used to occupy this building. I really don't know who owns it now. It would seem building work is going on. Someone reading this may know?

04 September 2008

The Chess Board Car?

Not all cars in Monaco are Ferraris or Rollers - here's a Mini (I think) - I'm not quite sure what the squares on the roof are all about though. Looks a bit like something I see on racetracks - or perhaps if the owner gets bored he climbs onto the roof and plays chess?

I'm sure someone will tell me.

This is for you - Gail's Man at Nottingham Daily Photo - who always welcomes car pics on this blog. Sorry it's not from British Motors yesterday - but yes, come to think of it, this is a British car, isn't it?

It's parked outside the Metropole Centre, the owner chatting on the phone - although you can barely see that.

03 September 2008

British Motors

When your Jaguar needs a service, this is where you go. And other British cars too, of course. You'll find it in Boulevard Princesse Charlotte.

Princess Charlotte was the mother of Prince Rainier and therefore the grandmother of Prince Albert. Prince Albert's sister, Princess Caroline, named her daughter, Charlotte Casiraghi, in her memory. You can read about Charlotte Casiraghi on her My Space profile. It seems even princesses have a My Space page. Charlotte is a beautiful young lady - hardly suprising with her genes - and a very talented horsewoman.

02 September 2008

The Hat

September but still very much summer here. No rain for months - don't tell the visitors but we need it for our gardens. Of course when it eventually arrives and doesn't stop, then we'll complain again.

We are in the Casino gardens. He's reading the Financial Times. The lady - no longer young - dresses smartly, conservatively even as befits her age - but don't you just adore the hat? Go girl...

01 September 2008

Theme Day: Sister Cities

Monte Carlo doesn't have a sister city - but it does have a piece of another city within the Principality. Outside the new railway station is this large piece of the Berlin Wall depicting the dove of peace. You see this moving piece of history, behind glass, below.

There are 148 City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's theme. Why not pay some of them a visit and view their sister city or see how they have interpreted the subject.

31 August 2008


Sometimes in Monaco or Beausoleil, you'll find that one side of the road is Monaco and the other side is Beausoleil, in France. There are so many beautiful buildings in this part of Monaco and Beausoleil. Here you see a balcony and in the smaller photograph, the whole building. (click to enlarge). Note the tall windows opening onto balconies, so typical - and how pretty are those lovely curves at each end.

The building is called Palais du Midi and is now mostly apartments with commercial enterprises at street level.

30 August 2008

Cheap Eats

As you see, you don't have to be rich to eat in Monaco. This little restaurant is right on the corner of the port - across from Saint Devote.

29 August 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 20

Remember the jeans-clad lady the other day - well here's another. This time in cut-offs and standing just along from the entrance to the Café de Paris and somewhat smarter than the people behind her in flipflops and trainers.

What would you wear if you visited Monaco? And if you are a visitor - what DO you wear in Monte Carlo?

28 August 2008

Sophia Vari - exhibition

Each summer an exhibition of sculptures is presented in the Casino gardens. Last year it was on the subject of the environment and around 30 artists were represented. This year, the exhibition is devoted to the work on one artist, Sophia Vari.

To see a short video of this Greek sculptor - she speaks briefly - and to see many more of her monumental bronze polychrome sculptures in the gardens this year please click on the link below.

27 August 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 19

A Monte Carlo lady - chic, in jeans, I think. Many think jeans cannot be chic. What do you think?

She's standing at the entrance to the Metropole Shopping Centre which is opposite the Casino Gardens.

26 August 2008

La Porte Rouge

The Red Gateway is named for its ochre colour. You can see an alternative view in the smaller photo. It's situated between Boulevard Suisse and Avenue de la Costa, which is an area very near to the Hôtel Hermitage. Originally it was the entrance to an enormous private domain called Roqueville. The gate was built in 1819 by the son of the owner.

Nowadays, no domain - all is urbanisation - but the Porte Rouge remains.

25 August 2008

The Headless Horse

A pretty niche above a gate (see the smaller photograph) - with a sculpture that has known better days.

This was taken on the Boulevard du Jardin Exotique. Walk up the steps to the left and you are in Beausoleil, France.

24 August 2008

Petite Pool

A small pool for a large block of apartments. The setting is gorgeous - look over the edge and you see the beautiful church of Sainte Devote - and ahead the harbour of Monaco, where there is an enormous pool if you want to do lengths.

23 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Fireworks Competition

Each year Monaco holds its Concours International de Feux d'Artifice Pyromélodiques. 4 or 5 'firework and music nights' are held throughout the summer and for each one, Monte Carlo is packed to the gills. You can't park, you can't get a meal in a restaurant unless you've booked well in advance. The festival has been running since 1966 and a win in Monaco is enormously prestigious. The five judges consider the style of the display, the quality of the colours, the quantity and effects and also that the fireworks synchonise with the music.

This year the contestents were Great Britain, Poland, Austria and Denmark - you see part of their presentation in these photo. Notice the lady's hand in the lower photograph.

When the fireworks start, all the lights around the harbour are extinquished - there's quiet and then suddenly - it all begins -it really is exciting.

And the winner? Austria who presented their display on the 11th August. They take away a cheque for 100,000 euros although the displays probably cost not much less than that.

You can see the photograph from last year's competition by clicking on the link.

22 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Bathrobe

No, you don't often see a gentleman walking about Monte Carlo in a bathrobe. He's probably been to the Thermes Marin de Monte Carlo - the Monte Carlo Spa - which is a fabulous gym/pool/everything for health and well-being - and is connected to the Hotel Hermitage, and I think, to the Hotel de Paris too, by an underground tunnel. He is about to cross the road at the level crossing you see to his left - this would lead to the Hermitage. So doubtless he decided to take the above-street route today.

21 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - August

Monte Carlo in August - A Ferrari, yachts and lots of visitors. Not that you don't see Ferraris and yachts all the year round - you do. More tourists though in July and August.

20 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - Black and White

For one second, I thought these three were real. They sit on a wall above the Park Palace shopping centre which is opposite the Casino Gardens.

19 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - la Gare

Monaco has a fairly new railway station. You can enter from various levels. Here is the view as you come down the escalator from the highest level - we are looking at the harbour from the St. Devote corner.

To get up or down involves escalators and lifts and happily, views like this. I look this standing on the moving escalator so am surprised the view remained pretty much in focus.

18 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - Le Louis XV

One day I'm going to rob a bank and eat here...

Alain Ducasse's Le Louis XV restaurant in the Hôtel de Paris on Casino Square is Monaco's most famous restaurant - 3 Michelin Stars. Mortgage your house to eat there. Drool, drool....

Click on the link and take the virtual tour. Don't forget the ceiling.

I'm told they have a camera hidden in the ceiling above each table so the waiters can see (from afar) when service is needed and the chefs know when to start preparing the next course. And anyway, don't you just hate a hovering waiter?

17 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - Silver

Take a stroll around the port - yes, it's opulent, big yachts, speedboats, trendy restaurants, you get the feel of wealth - but there is wonder just in the reflections on the water.

This silver sea took my breath away.

16 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - Hot Dogs

The young man had been carrying the girl around on his shoulders - he lowered her onto a plant stand by the port. She jumped off and immediately threw her arms around him - a flower above their heads.

Hot dogs in front of a hot dog stand!

To see The Barack Obama Dog please click on the live link to Riviera Dogs.

15 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Beach Cleaner

Monaco's beaches are not pristine by luck. Here you see one of the clean-up guys. It's early morning, already people are taking a dip but for this man, it's a working day on Larvotto Beach.

14 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Palm Fronds

If you tire of the beaches, you can always find peace and beauty in one of the many gardens in the Principality. Here we are in the Casino Gardens. These palm fronds entranced me. (Click on the small photo to see the palm)

I believe this is called Erythea Armata, a palm from California and sometimes known as the Blue Palm. If not, I hope the knowledgeable-on-all-things-horticultural, Tog of Coral Gables Daily Photo will correct me.

13 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Funfair - Boating

Are they practicing for the day they'll have a boat like Daddy's?

12 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Pool Man

Early morning and the young man is putting out the umbrellas ready for another hot day. We are at the swimming pool in Port Hercule.

This one is for you, Sally from Sydney Daily Photo. Sally swam in this pool when she and her family visited in June this year.

11 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Funfair - Waiting

These children are watching the bungee jumpers at the funfair on the port. Perhaps waiting their turn, perhaps just dreaming. What a mixture of faces and expressions. And how beautiful is that little boy on the left?

10 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Conversation

It's just gone 8 in the morning. These two guys are sitting, deep in conversation, at La Note Bleue, which is a jazz lounge, beach restaurant on Larvotto Beach.

09 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Opera House

A view of the Casino (in fact the back of it - ie the Opera House) taken from the far side of Port Hercule, which is way way below. This shot shows Monaco's setting in the hillside.

08 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Riva

A canvas cover on the boat and its reflection. A Riva speedboat. Probably the most prestigious speedboat of all. Click on the link. Once into the website, it's worth looking at the 'Historical' link to see some lovely old boats.

You'll see quite a few Riva yachts in the harbour of Monaco.

07 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Dragon

This fearsome chap peers out from the vegetation by one of the pools in the Casino Gardens.

"It's hard to stop Muggles from noticing us if we're keeping dragons in the back garden - anyway, you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous."
- Ron Weasley

"We're our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves."
- Tom Robbins

06 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Funfair - Boo Hoo

It's late afternoon at the Funfair in the port - these kids have had ENOUGH ALREADY!

05 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - Le Mas Provençal

The medieval village of Eze is on the Moyenne Corniche and very near to Monaco. Climb the village to the cactus gardens and you'll find views to die for. You'll find galleries and workshops galore as you climb the steep cobbled streets. Eze is known for its little art shops.

At the foot of the village you find the Fragonard perfume factory (which also operates in Grasse) and just along from there, you'll find what is probably the prettiest restaurant on the Côte d'Azur - it's called Le Mas Provençal and is decorated with thousands of fresh tropical flowers. Specialities are milk-fed suckling pig, roast lamb - and also a great risotto served in a hollowed out parmesan cheese. It's not cheap tho. I've eaten there a couple times in the past. Yesterday, it was closed for lunch, but I peered in through the wrought-iron gates to take these photos.

Later, walking back to my car, I passed Jude Law getting out of his - waiting for a lady to get out her side. I didn't like to invade his privacy and ask for a photo - perhaps I'm too English! - would you have done so? He's too gorgeous...sigh...

04 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Crew

Head down, legs up - sorting out the engine. One of the many guys who work as crew on the yachts in Port Hercule. Well, actually, he could be the owner...nice legs regardless.

03 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Ferrari Ride

You'll always find a Ferrari or ten in Monaco but the other day, driving around, I seemed to be seeing far more than usual - and here's why.

These people are queuing for a ride around the Grand Prix circuit in a Ferrari 360 F1 Spider. This you can drive yourself - cost is 85 euros for the driver and 45 euros for your passenger. If you want to be driven around you can hire a 430 CH with driver.

To read more, click on THIS LINK and don't forget to have the volume loud. You won't want to miss that engine roar - or, should I say, purr.

02 August 2008

A Monte Carlo Summer - the Diving Helmet

This is a U.S. Navy Diving Helmet from the 1940s. The photograph was a possible choice for yesterday's Theme Day.

It's on display in a shop (see the smaller photo) that sells equipment for the many yachts moored in Port Hecule.

01 August 2008

Theme Day: Metal

The first of the month so it's Theme Day and this month's Theme is Metal. Here you see part of a gate frame to the Casino Gardens with the largest of the fountains behind it. Beyond the fountain is the Casino of Monte Carlo - an iconic view of Monaco.

It's hot and humid in Monaco at the moment. The ozone level is not far off critical - people with breathing problems are told to stay indoors and the speed limit has been reduced on all motorways in the Alpes-Maritimes.

There are 184 City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's Theme. Do visit some of them and and see what 'metal' they have found in their city to delight you. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
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