29 March 2010

The Museum of Old Monaco

Far from the glamour of the yachts in Port Hercule and tucked away in a tiny side street on le rocher is the Museum of Old Monaco or the 'Müseu d'u Veyu Mùnegu' as it is known in Monegasque.

The National Committee of Monegasque Traditions was founded in 1924, and in a tiny space of only 145 m2 - spread over three levels - you can discover Monaco as it once was. In all, 15,000 items are on display.

The Museum of Old Monaco was opened in 1974 by Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace. It is open to the public every Wednesday and Friday from 10.00h to 17.00h.

Click HERE to see four pages of the wonders you'll find inside.

28 March 2010


Yesterday, we saw the porthole. Today we see the boat itself - brand new and for sale. An upmarket trawler with every comfort you could want. Depending on specification and size the price is a little less or a little more than a million euros. Read more HERE.

27 March 2010


It's fun wandering Port Hercule, peering in portholes and looking at reflections in the paintwork.

Come back tomorrow and see the entire boat and I'll tell you about her.

26 March 2010

Grand Prix Preparations - the Road Surface

It's that time of year again and Grand Prix preparations are underway. These guys are working on the road surface which must adhere to rigid requirements of the Automobile Club of Monaco. The 3 kilometres, 340 metres of F.1 track must be made perfect before the big day. Monaco is one of the few cities in the world where the Grand Prix takes place on the actual streets, making it the most exciting race in the world.

The surface has been 'peeled' prior to a new top coat that went on the night after I took these shots. The tools are used to lower the water points you see in the last shot.

25 March 2010

People Watching

Sitting in the sunshine outside the Café de Paris on Casino Square, has to be one of the many pleasures to be found in Monte Carlo.

If you get fed up with 'people watching' - and you won't! - you can always admire the glorious Casino building alongside.

24 March 2010

The Nun and the Lilies

Too many reflections in the glass I know, but I couldn't resist snapping the nun admiring the lilies. This shop in Avenue des Beaux Arts always has stunning flower displays.

23 March 2010

The Lesson

Surrounded by somewhat larger boats, there's a lesson going on in the middle of Port Hercule.

22 March 2010

Palm Decor

Long strands of fruit hang off the palms in front of the casino.

21 March 2010

The Almost Silhouette

The light catches the water as it dances in the fountain. The casino is just behind. An iconic view of Monte Carlo - a photo taken by thousands of visitors each year. After all these years, I suppose I should feel it's all too corny for words, so don't tell anyone, but actually I still love it! Here it is almost in silhouette.

20 March 2010

Monsieur Dombey's Tree

Isn't this flower just beautiful? It's in the Casino Gardens and is called Dombeya x cayeuxii which originates from South Africa. The genus 'dombeya' is named after Joseph Dombey an 18th-century French botanist, doctor, and explorer.

There are many beautiful shrubs and trees in the Casino Gardens and it's always worth a stroll to see what is in flower.

19 March 2010

The Photographer, the Model and the Fur Coat

The model and the photographer were yesterday and today - drum roll...a lady in a fur coat joins the scene. Slightly out of focus but then ladies in fur coats tend to swish.

I don't need to tell you my feelings about the wearing of fur but if you photograph Monaco you will see fur coats from time to time - so please don't shout at me. I'm simply the messenger.

Once again we are at the entrance of the beautiful Hôtel Hermitage.

18 March 2010

The Photographer and the Model

Photographer and model outside the Hôtel Hermitage. In the smaller photo they check out the shots.

Is the walking stick, featuring a bird's head, part of a promotion?

17 March 2010

Finally it's Spring - Port Hercule

It's been such a long cold and wet winter. Yes I know it's colder and wetter elsewhere in the world but this winter has been most untypical in Monaco and the south of France. Here is Port Hercule yesterday where, at last, the sun is shining.

For more photographs of Monaco - in fact the same shot as this - take a look at Peter's Paris. Peter was here recently and the weather was horrible but it didn't stop him taking some super photos of the Principality, including a visit to the Oceanographic Museum. Do click on the link.

16 March 2010

The Golden Goat

The golden goat atop the Château de la Chevre d'or. I've never noticed this sculpture before so perhaps he's new? He looks rather pristine, doesn't he?

15 March 2010

Set in Stone

Look up. It's surprising what you find in Eze village.

14 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - the Curly Whiskers

The menu. We chose 'the Prince's Menu' and this is what we ate:

Butternut pumpkin soup with aged Parmesan sprinkled with olive oil.

A slice of Ciabiatta rubbed with garlic and topped with marinated sardines and young salad leaves.

Sautéed prawns atop a gateau of blettes (sugar beet) - note the curled whiskers in the photo.

An individual basket of caramelised apple with toast flavoured with orange flowers.

And a wonderful bottle of white wine and I forget what it was. This is the only dish of the four that I photographed - proof, if needed, as to how good the food and wine was.

We finished with coffee served with delicious petits fours. And then our wonderful, generous, dear divine Peter from Paris treated us to this wonderful lunch. Thank you, dear Peter.

13 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - Amuse Bouche

Let's tuck in to the amuse bouche that arrived with the champagne...

Served on a slate platter - in the square glass pot are tiny concoctions of roquefort and bread - yet they were quite sweet - with honey, perhaps? In the base of the glass pot - several different olives that were fabulous.

In the centre - a confection made of snails. And in the tiny pots, a fishy mousse base covered in fish eggs. Excellent.

And now - drum roll - the Chef: Axel Wagner. Before joining Château Eza as Chef de Cuisine in spring 2007, Axel Wagner, from Germany, was the Executive Chef of the three-star Michelin restaurant of renowned French chef Georges Blanc in Vonnas.

Tomorrow: the Menu du Prince.

12 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - the Bay of U2

So here we are, sipping our champagne in the Lalique glasses and looking down on the bay of Eze. Bono has a house down there, on the area of land between the railway and the sea - and just along is the one belonging to The Edge. The Bay of U2, one could say.

Tomorrow: the tasty morsels we ate with our champers.

11 March 2010

The Oceanographic Museum for Eric Tenin and Paris Daily Photo!

We're taking a one day break from lunch at the Château Eza because today is an important day for the City Daily Photo community. It's the 5th anniversary of Eric Tenin's Paris Daily Photo. It was Eric who started it all and today, we are paying tribute to Eric by posting photographs representing the 'Tenin Perspective' - POV from the ground up or slightly skewed. (Thankyou Kim for the great idea of making a tribute in this way.)

Eric is an impossible act to follow but I hope you like this photo of the Oceanographic Museum on le rocher.

Happy 5th birthday to Paris Daily Photo and many thanks as always to Eric for everything, for the brilliant CDP idea, for sticking with it, for the friendship and inspiration you give to us all. To see the tributes of other CDP bloggers, please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

And do visit Paris Daily Photo - you'll see Eric's brand spanking new fabulous look to his blog.

10 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - Champagne

Dave from Tamarindo Daily Photo will be as surprised as I was to see this champagne glass. Dave and his wife, Julie, spent part of their honeymoon on the Riviera - along with mother-in-law, Glenda (yes, some people take their mothers-in-law on their honeymoon!) They had lunch at the other Eze restaurant, the Chèvre d'Or where the champagne glasses look incredibly similar to this one - except this glass seems to depict an angel, the one at the Chèvre d'Or unsurpringly features a goat! Click here to see the goat.

Both glasses are made by Lalique and can be bought from the shop in the village at no small expense. We were offered pink or white champagne and chose white - it was to die for - and from then on I didn't notice what was depicted in the base of the glass!

Friday: Looking down on Bono...

09 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - the Restaurant

These photos were taken in February two years ago - all that has changed is the weather! The last one showing the hotel and the setting is over-exposed but I wanted to show you how the building hangs over the beautiful bay of Eze with the peninsula of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat in the background and beyond is the bay of Villefranche. We are sitting where you see the white parasols.

And if you are unfamiliar with the village of Eze, please click on the link HERE to see the whole village in a shot taken from high up on the Grande Corniche.

The Château Eza is actually a group of dwellings that opens onto this view - one of the most beautiful on the French Riviera. It was chosen by Prince William of Sweden, the eldest son of King Gustav, as his winter residence. Between 1923 and 1953 the royal family used to spend their holidays here. The Château Eza was famous until 1976 as the 'Prince of Sweden's Castle.'

08 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - the Kitchen Workers

Regular visitors to this blog may remember a lunch we had at the Chèvre d'Or in Eze Village. Well, today you are invited to a lunch at Eze's other famous restaurant, the Michelin-starred Château Eza. For the moment tho, we pass these guys who probably work in the kitchens.

Hope you are hungry - get those taste buds working...

07 March 2010

Here come the French Fries!

One chef and a bag of potatoes - probably French Fries for Stars 'n' Bars or perhaps Quai des Artistes, both on Quai Antoine 1er, along the port.

06 March 2010


One of the best things to do in Monaco is wander amongst the yachts and dream. How about this beautiful sailing yacht, the Xarifa.

She was designed by J.M.Soper and built in 1927 by JS White & Co. in Cowes for Franklin Morse Singer a well known American yachtsman, and one of the many sons of Isaac Singer, the multi-millionaire king of the sewing machine. The yacht was considered one of the more elegant and rich of the time. In 1951 Xarifa was bought by the famous German scientist and voyager Hans Hass. The ship took many voyages around the world most specifically in the Pacific and Indian oceans and was well-known in the world of oceanographic and scientific research. In 1960 she was purchased by Italian multimillionaire, Carlo Traglio who kept her based in Monaco, where she is always greatly admired. In 1970, the owner provided Xarifa with an extensive restoration.

Accomodations include six guests cabins ensuite; captain & officers cabins; crew cabins for ten; separate Dining Room, Library, and Smoking Lounge

And if you wanted to buy her, well you'd need a spare 3 millions euros. Click on the link to read more.

05 March 2010

Butterflies and Bent Spoons

There's a stunningly beautiful restaurant at the foot of the medieval village of Eze on the Moyenne Corniche. It's called Le Mas Provençal and normally has massive flower arrangements hanging from the ceiling, fixed to walls - it's like walking into a jungle of flowers and tropical vegetation, but this is winter and the restaurant doesn't open until the end of the month.

Hanging outside on a wrought-iron door was this fun arrangement of butterflies and bent spoons. Do click on the link - it's a truly beautiful restaurant, probably one of the loveliest on the Côte d'Azur. If you go, take your camera!

04 March 2010

Hommage to Princess Grace

This sculpture/fountain was created by Guy Lartigue in 1970 in hommage to Princess Grace of Monaco. Made of copper, brass and bronze, it stands on the eastern end of the Promenade de Larvotto, just above the beach.

I featured it once before, around two and a half years ago, but I've a better camera now so thought I'd snap it again for you.

03 March 2010

Messing about...

Not everyone in Monaco has an enormous yacht. Some have small boats that need work on the outboard motor.

'There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.'

~ Kenneth Graham ('Ratty' from Wind in the Willows)

02 March 2010

A Read in the Park

The Casino Gardens, right by one of the fountains seems a good place to read the local rag, Nice-Matin - but not when the front page talks of a train strike.

Caption competition result from last week HERE - look at end of comments.

01 March 2010

Theme Day: Passageway...through the Winter Sporting

The Winter Sporting is a building with an entrance on Avenue Princess Alice, opposite the Hotel Hermitage. The other entrance is on the Casino Gardens and these photos show the passageway from one to the other. The Sporting d'Hiver is an Art Deco building that houses Monaco's cinema, several art galleries, a coffee shop and so on. Recently there was talk of it being demolished but there was such a hue and cry that happily we've heard no more about it.

In the main photo we are looking towards the gardens and in the smaller photo, in the opposite direction, with the cinema - out of shot - to the left.

To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

28 February 2010

Lanvin in Sepia

Regular visitors to this blog will know I adore the Lanvin windows in Casino Square. You've seen them before HERE and HERE and HERE. Today - we see another in sepia.

27 February 2010

The Rowing Regatta - Ready to Race

Last day of the regatta as the boats make their way to the open sea - including the boat you just see in the smaller photo - after the rower had retrieved his dropped oar, that is!

The boats make their way through the entrance to the harbour - ahead is Cap Martin and beyond is Menton. And then Italy.

There's still time to enter the Caption Competition - results on Tuesday. A postcard of Monaco to the winner.
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