08 November 2010

A View from Cap Martin

We've walked past the point of Cap Martin and are on the Promenade Le Corbusier. In the distance we see Monaco.

The smaller shot was taken from le rocher, looking down over Port Hercule and in the distance is Cap Martin - where I was standing to take the main photo. Beyond Cap Martin is Italy.

07 November 2010

Brigitte for President

Brigitte Bardot, screen icon and animal rights activist may run for the French presidency in France's 2012 elections. The 76 year old star of 'And God Created Woman' has been asked to stand by the Ecology Party. In a letter to Mr Sarkozy, she told the president that 'someone's voice is needed to defend animals as neither the Right nor the Left give a damn!'

Read more here - Daily Telegraph.

This painting of the star stands in the window of an art dealer in the Scala building in Monaco.

06 November 2010

Hermitage Hotel

A double 'H' for the Hôtel Hermitage. Brass, set into the paving of the street in front of the hotel.

05 November 2010

Noriko and Kaito

Crossing the Casino Gardens is always a pleasure and often a great place to grab a photo - a tree, a flower, people. And of course, with a camera in my hand, I often get handed a camera and asked to snap a couple or a family.

That's what happened a couple of days ago. Lovely Noriko asked if I would photograph her and her son in front of one of the fountains and afterwards I asked if I could repeat this on my camera and here it is. Noriko is Japanese and lives in Liguria which is across the border in Italy. And how adorable is her son Kaito!

04 November 2010

Cigarette Break

A book, a cigarette - a break from work at one of the up-market fashion or jewellry shops on Allée Serge-de-Diaghilev, just off Casino Square. The street is named after the famous Russian dancer who founded the Ballets Russes.

03 November 2010

Off to work we go...

The side entrance to the Café de Paris - almost time to start serving lunch. Don't you love the beautiful Art Nouveau glass.

02 November 2010

Jean Reno?

This guy was part of a football team made of up French firemen - in Monaco for a national game. Some of the players dragged this man forward, teasing him and telling me he looked like French actor, Jean Reno and insisting I photograph him. So I did.

01 November 2010

The Bateau Bus

The solar-powered Bateau Bus is Monaco's most fun form of public transport. It takes off from the
Terminal Croisière (where the big cruise ships come in) and crosses Port Hercule every twenty minutes. And at only 1 euro it's probably the world's cheapest charter and a fabulous way to get up close and personal with the mega yachts in the harbour.

To see how other bloggers in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted today's theme of 'Public Transportation' please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

31 October 2010

Zoom on the Palace

We're looking at the Palace taken from the far side of the port - below Casino Square. That's a long way for my relatively small zoom.

30 October 2010

Hector Berlioz

The Hector Berlioz sculpture stands in the small garden just below the entrance to the Monte Carlo Opera House. It was erected in 1903 to mark the centenary of this celebrated composer and conductor's birth. Berlioz died in 1869.

29 October 2010

Ready Money

One of the wrought-iron lamps hanging over the entrance to the Casino.

'Ready money is Aladdin's lamp' ~ Lord Byron

28 October 2010


At the recent Monaco Yacht Show, the company called Moonen Yachts drew attention to themselves with this sign - and it worked!

27 October 2010

The Knot in the Beard

Deep in thought sitting on a bench outside Decathlon. How does he do that clever thing to his beard?

26 October 2010

The Recycling Bins

I wouldn't normally post a photo of a rubbish bin, but these have to be the neatest, cleanest re-cycling bins I've ever seen. In France, they are enormous and usually overflowing and often dirty.

We're in Fontvieille, almost opposite the Columbus Hotel and with the Princess Grace Rose Garden behind that tall hedge you see on the left of the small photo.

25 October 2010

Email with View

The terrace below the Elsa restaurant at the Monte Carlo Beach Hotel is a good place to check emails.

24 October 2010

Late Afternoon

Late afternoon sun on the yachts in the bay although it's already left the square by the Grimaldi Forum. This was taken on the last day of the Monaco Yacht Show hence so many boats out at sea. That's Cap Martin off to the left.

23 October 2010

Chanel's Snow Lady

Last winter we had snow in Monaco so Chanel have produced an outfit to keep us all warm! Meanwhile, one of the gardeners in Casino Square works in his shirt sleeves.

22 October 2010

The Truck on Stilts

You don't really expect to see a truck on stilts in Monaco. I turned the corner in Fontvieille, just by the Princess Grace Rose Garden, and there it was. It houses a sort of cradle that gets the guys who prune the trees high up into the branches.

And naturally, because it's Monaco, notice how clean and shiny it is.

21 October 2010

Trimming the Olive Trees

We in the centre of Fontvieille today. Three men - one steadies the ladder, one is half way up and there's another hidden in the branches.

20 October 2010

Tree Lopping Time in Monaco

It's tree pruning time near the Princess Grace Rose Garden in Fontvieille and the guys are all so friendly.

Rather him than me tho! That's a long ladder and look, he's not standing on it, but on a contraption wrapped around the palm he is lopping.

19 October 2010


More of Villefranche-sur-Mer's charming old village.

Tomorrow - back to Monaco.

18 October 2010

The Kitchen Worker

We're at Villefranche-sur-Mer today - a beautiful town along the coast from Monaco, just before Nice. The Old Town dates back to 130 BC and one day I'll get some shots in decent weather. Yesterday it rained - as you see.

17 October 2010

The Old Shop

Not all of Monaco is high rises and posh hotels. Here's a charming building with an old shop on street level. It's on Boulevard Charles III which is just above the market place in Place d'Armes.

16 October 2010

Quai des Artistes

An interior shot of the brasserie - Quai des Artistes - which is on the edge of Port Hercule. Good food and atmosphere here. You may recall the ladies who lunch shot.

15 October 2010

Nude with Mirror

Fancy a decorated screen? You'll find this at the International Fair in Fontvieille.

14 October 2010

The Bra Strap

This is apparently what you wear when you don't want your bra straps to show! It's on sale at a fair that is currently taking place in the circus tent in Fontvieille.

The model, as you'd have realised, is a dummy!

13 October 2010

The Golden Man

More from a Lanvin window. Reflections of palms from the Casino Gardens.

'All that glisters is not gold'

- William Shakespeare

12 October 2010

Gone Fishin' - 2

Just to prove that the guys in yesterday's photo really did fish!

11 October 2010

Gone Fishin'

Enter the tunnel (the one the Monaco Grand Prix cars whiz through) and you pass the entrance to the Centre du Congres, Auditorium Rainier III. Walk up to the first level and often as not you'll find some guys fishing. This was taken during the Monaco Yacht Show, hence so many yachts out at sea.

10 October 2010

The Yike Bike

We're back at the Monaco Yacht Show where a guy was walking around with this brilliant electric bike that folds to almost nothing. It was named by Time Magazine as one of the top inventions of 2009. Take a look at the YikeBike website or click on the video below to see this little wonder in action. It will cost you approximately 2,635 euros or $3425. The YikeBike is designed and assembled in New Zealand.

09 October 2010

The Sandals

We're back at the Monaco Yacht Show where these sandals intrigued me. How long would they take to get off - and on?

But look carefully - is that a zip that runs all the way down the back?

08 October 2010

The Brabus Smart

It looks like a Smart car but the quality hits you in the eye. It's a Brabus Smart.

Brabus is a German high-performance aftermarket tuning company which specializes in Mercedes-Benz and Smart cars, turning them into amazing creatures. This one poses in Port Hercule.

07 October 2010

Ladies who Lunch...

...at Quai des Artistes on the port.
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