10 February 2013

Viewed from the Rock

This photo was taken from le rocher, right by the Oceanographic Museum - looking towards the port and buildings of Fontvieille. Click on the link to see where I am.

09 February 2013

Fighting the Plastic

This guy looks like he's having a fight with the plastic cover that protects this restaurant terrace on le rocher.

08 February 2013

The Ramparts and Watch Tower

The watch tower and ramparts on le rocher. 

07 February 2013

Cross Street

This is a Monaco far from the expensive boutiques of Monte Carlo.  We are on 'le rocher' where tiny streets connect with more tiny streets.

06 February 2013

Mini Brit

Got a feeling the Mini might be British ...!

The doorman of the Hôtel de Paris has just moved it forward about a foot,  so now it's nose to tail with the Ferrari. Not sure why he moved it.

05 February 2013

Pause Café

The terrace of the Café de Paris a couple of days ago.

04 February 2013

Photography Exhibition!

Not a photo by me today but one that includes me! - it's the programme for a  an exhibition of photography at the Tour Lascaris/Fondation Raza in Gorbio village, just above Menton, from the 15 February to the 3rd March - 10h - 12h and from 14h to 16h. Closed on Tuesdays.

Khaled Youssef is a wonderfully creative Syrian-born photographer who lives in Nice. Khaled takes fabulous  photos of enormous bubbles, of beautiful reflections and of graffiti. It's an immense honour for me to be presenting my work at the same time. My photos will show what I adore about life here - the festivals, the ambiance, the food, the way of life in Menton and the medieval village of Gorbio. But most of all the people who live that life.

The vernissage is between 15h and 18h on Friday the 15th February (it will go on later than 6 p.m.) Everyone is welcome. Do mark your calendar and come along. And for anyone who wants to pass the evening in the village, the Restaurant Les Terrasses serves great pizzas.

Normal service will be resumed on this blog tomorrow!

Aujourd'hui, ce n'est pas une de mes photos, mais une photo sur laquelle je suis! - il s'agit du programme d'une exposition de photographie dans la Tour Lascaris / Fondation Raza au village de Gorbio du 15 Février au 3 Mars - de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 16h. Fermée le mardi.

Khaled Youssef est un photographe, merveilleusement  créatif, d'origine syrienne qui vit à Nice. 
Khaled prend de  magnifiques photos de bulles énormes, de beaux reflets et des graffitis. C'est un immense honneur pour moi de présenter mon travail en même temps que lui. Mes photos montrent ce que j'adore de la vie d' ici - les fêtes, l'ambiance, la cuisine, le mode de vie de Menton et du village médiéval de Gorbio. Et par dessus tout, les gens qui vivent cette vie.

Le vernissage aura lieu entre 15h et 18h le vendredi 15 Février (cela se poursuivra au delà de 18 heures) Tout le monde est  bienvenu. Notez la date dans vos agendas et venez. Et pour tous ceux qui voudraient passer leur soirée au village, le Restaurant Les Terrasses  sert de délicieuses pizzas.

Le blog reprendra son cours, demain!

03 February 2013

The Empty Beach

The far end of Larvotto Beach ...

'I need the sea because it teaches me.'

Pablo Neruda

02 February 2013


The promenade above Larvotto Beach is a great place for the kids to skateboard but there is no ramp from where they can take off - so kids being kids - they make their own, as you see in the second photo.

01 February 2013


Colour!  This lady and her twin daughters were walking along Larvotto Beach yesterday afternoon. 

31 January 2013

Shoes by Mui Mui

Just the thing for walking the dogs ...

Price: 790 Euros.

30 January 2013

Circus - the Piglets

Not every day you see a piglet in Monaco.  There were two running around in a pen outside the circus, along with a baby goat. Perhaps a sort of petting zoo for children but I'm not sure.  Nearby were lots of adult goats who were presumably part of a circus act.

29 January 2013

Double Trouble ...

Reflection in a window in Fontvieille.  And are those two girls texting the same person ...?

28 January 2013


Photo time for this group in the port of Fontvieille.

27 January 2013

Fontvieille from Cap d'Ail

We're in Cap d'Ail this morning looking towards Monaco and the heliport.  On our left is the Port of Cap d'Ail.  Ahead is Fontvieille and one of the luxury apartment buildings and behind it you can see the top of the Oceanographic Museum. 

The low white building is temporary - the circus is on and this is where the elephants sleep at night.

And in the distance, snow on the Alps.

26 January 2013

Just a Duck ...

Parc Paysager de Fontvieille.   Just a duck on a rock ... but do look at the wonder of those feathers.

25 January 2013

Reflecting on St. Nicolas

The steeple of St. Nicolas' church in Fontvieille reflected in a puddle.

24 January 2013

The Film Shoot

'24 Hours on the Cote d'Azur'
This is a scene being shot outside the circus tent a couple of days ago.  Perhaps it's a television interview,  perhaps a scene from a film.  Perhaps someone knows ...?


It is a great honour for me that 14 photos from Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo were featured on Carla Coulson's beautiful website, Carla Loves Photography.  Carla is an incredibly talented photographer who has been an inspiration to me so you can imagine how much it meant when she invited me to contribute to her website in the series '24 hours on the Cote d'Azur' - do clink on the link to see the post and and to browse and see Carla's stunning work.  Australian-born Carla has published several books, including Italian Joy, Paris Tango and Chasing a Dream, chronicling her move to Europe, first to Italy and then to France - filled with mouth-watering photographs and inspirational words on how she made a new and fabulous life for herself - in love and in photography.  Thankyou, Carla x

23 January 2013

Circus - the Lions are in Town

If it's January and there's a lioness in town, then it must be time for Monaco's famous Festival of Circus. 

We'd probably all rather see beautiful animals like this roaming the wilds of Africa but I have to say the lionesses were rolling around playing like kittens.  When I arrived, three were outside in an enormous run and the rest were being organised to go into the circus tent for a rehearsal - maybe half a dozen lionesses, a lion and a tiger.  Whilst they were gone, the three in the run were jumping up and down every time they heard their owner's voice.

You have to be patient when taking their photo.  Mostly they turn their backs on you - can't blame them. But I waited and waited and eventually this beauty came up and said Hello and rubbed her gorgeous face against the bars.

If you want to see wonderful photos of lions in the wild, see my friend Maggie Calkins' Facebook photo.

22 January 2013

Lodola's Ballerina

Marco Lodola's sculpture of a ballerina is seen here with the rear of the casino building as a back drop. If you look carefully you can see the wires inside her - they light up at night.  Most often though, she is photographed from the other side and against the sea.

21 January 2013

The Opera House

We're looking at the back of the beautiful casino building in which you'll find the Monte Carlo Opera.  To the left is the Hotel de Paris.  On the right, in the foreground, is Botero's bronze sculpture - Adam and Eve.

20 January 2013

The Audi RS 5

This car, the Audi RS 5 cabriolet, was on display in the small area of garden in front of the Hotel Hermitage before Christmas. I wonder why it was on display here and not in a car showroom?

19 January 2013

Before and After

I'm not sure if this silver foot is a sculpture on display or publicity for a restaurant on Port Hercule.

Perhaps it simply says 'before and after...'

In fact, it's outside a restaurant called 'Before.' 

18 January 2013

Drunken Lamps

Even in in their drunken state these beautiful lamps, reflected in a window, look beautiful.  And below the lamps?  Are they loudspeakers or surveillance cameras?

17 January 2013

The new Yacht Club of Monaco

Here's a look at what will be Monaco's new yacht club.  Yes, the red rimmed structure in the foreground looks like a yacht, doesn't it?  Indeed it has been designed to be as 'slender as the liners which used to cruise between England and America in the early 20th century.' The architect is Lord Norman Foster.

The new Yacht Club de Monaco is on the opposite side of the port to the current yacht club.  Building work will be completed by the end of 2013, with a grand opening planned at the traditional summer cocktail for YCM members in 2014.

16 January 2013

Dismantling Chistmas

Time to dismantle the Christmas decorations and lights, after which the trees will be taken away.

15 January 2013

Reflecting on Coffee

This is a reflection in a brass plant pot.  We are in the café on the lowest level of the Metropole Centre.

14 January 2013

Pools and Reflections at Dawn

Another dawn photo.  This time we are looking at a corner of the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum with its pools and reflections.

13 January 2013


The Casino seen from the rear - perhaps the more beautiful side of the building

12 January 2013

The Lifesaver's Lookout

This is the lifesaver's lookout on Larvotto Beach at dawn.

11 January 2013


Bulustrades near the Hotel de Paris reflected in a puddle.

10 January 2013


Things aren't always what they seem in Monaco ...

09 January 2013

Winter Mode

A Monte Carlo lady, in her winter gear, crossing Casino Square.

08 January 2013

Dawn at the Grimaldi Forum

Dawn breaking near the Grimaldi Forum on Larvotto yesterday morning.  I got up early!

The sculpture is called Le Signe du Temps (Sign of the Times) by the Swiss sculptor, Andre Bucher and was given to the Principality by the Swiss community on the occasion of the Jubilee of Prince Rainier.

07 January 2013


A slice of pichade and a chat amongst friends.

Pichade is a dish from Menton and is a kind of pizza: a tomato sauce made ​​with cooked onions placed on a dough and decorated with cloves of garlic, black olives and anchovies.

If it's made without tomato, then it's a pissaladière.

So for anyone interested, here's a few words about it ...

Pissaladière is a pizza-like dish made in southern France, around the Nice, Marseilles, Toulon and the Var District, and in the Italian region of Liguria, especially in the Province of Imperia. Believed to have been introduced to the area by Roman cooks during the time of the Avignon Papacy, it can be considered a type of white pizza, as no tomatoes are used. The dough is usually a bread dough thicker than that of the classic Italian pizza (although a pâte brisée is sometimes used instead), and the traditional topping consists of caramelised (almost pureed) onions, olives, garlic and anchovies (either whole or in the form of pissalat, a type of anchovy paste). No cheese is used in France;[1] however in the nearby Italian town of San Remo, mozzarella is sometimes added. Now served as an appetizer, it was traditionally cooked and sold early each morning.

The etymology of the word seems to be from occitan peis, from the Latin piscis, which in turn became pissalat, (via peis salat, "salted fish" in Niçard).

06 January 2013

The Bicycle and the Ferrari

The lady on the left rode her bike into casino square, parked it alongside the Ferrari outside the casino and is taking a photo of it - much to the amusement of the doorman and policeman alongside. They seem rather non-plussed by the whole thing but I'm sure if she doesn't move it soon, she'll be told to do so ...

05 January 2013

A French Punch and Judy?

Punch and Judy for children on the Port of Monaco. Not that he looks like the Mr. Punch I remember, so perhaps someone will tell me who he is.

Pale face, sunburned hands, big ears, long nose...? Not sure I'd want to meet him in a dark alleyway ... scary.
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