18 March 2013

Monte Carlo Dogs

Not all Monte Carlo ladies strut around in 6 inch heels. Some, like these two ladies,  are more interested in their dogs and were taking a rest with them on a bench in the Casino Gardens.  Note the water bowl.

The Griffon is called Xena and she is 4 years old. And the Jack Russell terrier is called Lana and she is 3.

Both are rescue dogs now living a wonderful life in Monaco with these two fabulous Monte Carlo ladies.

17 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique - Monaco-Japan - Viatcheslav Plotniko

Viatcheslav Plotnikov is a Russian artist who has lived in Monte Carlo since 2000.  He often paints glamorous scenes like this - the Hotel de Paris featuring famous American film stars long since dead. 

For instance, that's Ava Gardner sitting at the front.  Looks like Humphrey Bogart in the background. I'm sure others are recognisable too.The painting is called 'By Night Monaco.'

16 March 2013

The Flower Shop

This rather wonderful flower shop, Narmino-Sorasio, is to be found in Le Park Palace.

15 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Rhino and the Panda

This sculpture is called 'F... Panda.'  I'm not being prudish in not typing that four-letter word but I don't want all the spam that will arrive if I do.

The sculptor is Patrick Schumacher - he makes lots and lots of what he calls 'rhinozebros.' Click on the link to read more.

14 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - Reni

This lady is dressed somewhat differently to other ladies and you'd think she is young, wouldn't you?  But - good for her - she absolutely isn't.

Her name is Reni and she always wear unusual outfits. She's one of Monte Carlo's characters and loves being photographed.  You may remember her in the Casino Gardens posing for the camera on the night the casino was lit up pink.

13 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Golden Elephant

This elephant reflected all the colours of the exhibition. It was fun to look at and see the constantly changing light and shade - lots of red -  as you walked by.  I couldn't find the name of the artist on the plinth.  

12 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Cleaning Lady

Not everyone dresses up for the vernissage ...

11 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Shoes

A art gallery opening is always a good place to see what the ladies of Monaco are wearing. 

I give you - the shoes!

10 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco - Japan - the Ladies

In Monaco, you dress up for the opening of an exhibition.  These Japanese ladies did just that.

09 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco - Japan - Blake's Phantom

Last night saw the opening of the 7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco - Japan in the Auditorium Rainer III. It's a marvellous space overlooking Port Hercule and of course 'le tout Monaco' was there including many Japanese ladies wearing traditional dress - wonderful!

Each artist showed one work only.  This beautiful piece is by the well-known Canadian sculptor Blake, whose studio is in Monaco.  This is one of his new series called Phantom and yes, that's real gold leaf which I believe takes over a week to apply. This sculpture is called Phantom Sky.

The exhibition continues today and tomorrow - 11h to 19h.

08 March 2013

Jules Massenet

Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet was a French composer best known for his operas. His compositions were very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he ranks as one of the greatest melodists of his era.

This statue stands, where it should, outside Monte Carlo's opera house, which is to our left.

Today, Monaco doesn't look like this photo - it's raining heavily and has been for days ... 

07 March 2013

The Ring

Who would buy a ring like this - and why?  It's for sale in a shop just around the corner from the Café de Paris.

06 March 2013

The Fur Coat

You'd need to be rich to trail a mink on the ground like this, wouldn't you?  

And for all you animal lovers, I'm one too!  No animal should be killed for its fur - or for anything else, come to that.   I'm simply your friendly Monte Carlo photographer reporting on what I see ... on this occasion at the Cafe de Paris. 

05 March 2013

The Jolly Chef

What a jolly chef!  He's about to enter the plastic covered terrace of his restaurant on le rocher.

04 March 2013


This is the promenade between Fontvieille and Cap d'Ail - the port of Cap d'Ail is to the right.

Looks like Spring to me!

03 March 2013

The Watch Tower

The watch tower and beyond, Cap Martin and Italy.

02 March 2013


Here's yet another passageway on le rocher - this one so narrow it needs to be properly lit.

Don't you just love imagining what it would have been like to live here centuries and centuries ago?

01 March 2013

Café de Paris - Coffee?

The terrace of the Café de Paris in Casino Square.  Fancy a coffee in the sunshine?


Click HERE to see how other City Daily Photo bloggers around the world have interpreted the theme of  'Café Chairs.'

28 February 2013

'There be dragons ...' in the Casino Gardens

'It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.'

~ J. R. R. Tolkien

27 February 2013

Marilyn and the Eiffel Tower

What's a tee-shirt of Marilyn Monroe and the Eiffel Tower doing on sale in Monaco? Anyway it's yours for 17 euros.

26 February 2013

A Fringe of Green

One of the many beautiful trees in the Casino Gardens.

25 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Painter

We are back outside the Chapel de la Miséricorde where the walls outside are still being painted. Remember this man and his shadow? I love watching artisans work - the concentration and attention to detail is evident in the expression on his face.

24 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Lamps

Our last day inside the beautiful Chapel de la Miséricorde on le rocher.  Here are some beautiful lamps tucked away behind the altar.

Happy Sunday everyone! Pouring with rain here and probably snowing higher up in the hills ...

23 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - Simplicity

As you see, no pews in the Chapel de la Miséricorde - just simple wooden chairs and a sculpture of Christ in a silk-lined glass case.

22 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Crosses

A similar shot to yesterday except this shows off the row of simple crosses to be found at the back of the altar. These would be used during the procession of the penitents.

21 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Painting

Walk behind the altar in the Chapel de la Miséricorde and this is what you find.

20 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - Beauty

Another beautiful sculpture in the Chapel de la Miséricorde.  I wish I knew the story of this sculpture - perhaps someone does?

19 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Golden Lady

This gold sculpture is one of many objets d'art in the Chapel de la Miséricorde.

18 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Beauty Inside

The Chapel de la Miséricorde on le rocher was completed in 1646.  25% of the population had died of the plague in 1631 with the last death on the 21st November which is the day of the Feast of Our Lady.  In recognition of this, Prince Honoré II  decreed that on the eve of Good Friday each year a procession of penitents, made up of local residents, should set off from the chapel.

These photos were taken with a 50mm lens but I'll  go back one day with a wide-angle. It's a truly beautiful chapel.

More tomorrow ...

17 February 2013

Chapel de la Miséricorde - the Painter's Shadow

This man, along with his shadow,  is painting the outside of a chapel on the rocher.

Come to think of it,  I can feel a little series coming on. So we'll start with the outside before going in.  This is the Chapel de la Miséricorde on Rue Ptincess Marie de Lorraine. It's one of the oldest buildings in the Principality and was completed in 1646.

More tomorrow ...

16 February 2013

Tipsy Building

A view of the side of the Oceanographic Museum and gthe beautiful lamps that lead the eye to the sea.

I was standing slightly off centre so although the horizon is straight, the building appears to tip slightly - or should I blame the building and say that perhaps it had had a glass of vino too many ... ?

15 February 2013

The Chocolate Shop

A reflection in the door of Monaco's chocolate shop on le rocher. 

You'll have to imagine the chocolates!

14 February 2013

Passageway on le rocher

One of the narrow passageways that cut through from one small street to another on le rocher. 

13 February 2013

Phone call at the Ice cream Bar

This is an ice-cream bar on le rocher.  The lady was so intent on her telephone call she didn't notice me.  The man behind the bar did - but then got on with his work. 

Talking on a portable telephone makes us oblivious to the world, doesn't it?

12 February 2013

Rue des Remparts

This is Rue des Remparts on le rocher.  Behind us is the palace and below us, way below to the left is Port Hercule. Pretty street, isn't it?

11 February 2013


Even the guys working on a building site on le rocher wear Dolce & Gabbana sweatshirts ...
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