09 November 2013

Peille: - the Gothic Fountain and Old Lavoir

This is the Place du Mont Agel in Peille, with its gothic fountain and lavoir.  And as you can see it's a fountain that is still used by the villagers.

You'll find a 'Circuit of Postcards in the village - 14 in all - each featuring a reproduction of an old photograph alongside each ancient monument or place of interest - see the smaller photo.  This was taken around 1910.

Tomorrow, we'll learn some of the history of this beautiful village.

08 November 2013


Sometimes it's nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of Monaco and take a short trip into the mountains.  So leave your Louboutins behind and let's spend a while exploring the magic that is Peille. The medieval village is 630 metres above sea level and only 25 kilometres from Monaco.

We'll walk its ancient streets on stones weathered by time, wind our way through vaulted passageways, have a coffee in a magical square and doubtless fall in love with this beautiful village.

The sign, as you enter the village, says 'Peille, the most curious village in the Alpes-Martimes.'

More tomorrow ...

07 November 2013

Lunch on a Bench

The casino gardens, lunch on a bench and a chat with friends before going back to work.  Not a bad way to spend your lunch break.

The dark green area in the background is part of the enormous fence that blocks off the centre of the gardens whilst construction goes on for the new shopping centre.  Oh dear ...

06 November 2013

The Sphere at Jimmy'z

The side of the casino reflected in the mirrored sphere above Jimmy'z night club.

05 November 2013

Fishing for Rubbish

This young man isn't fishing but is clearing rubbish from the waters of Port Hercule. 

04 November 2013

Swimming in November

We've had glorious weather lately, although the meteo says we may have rain today.

Bit chilly for swimming though?

03 November 2013

Walking the dog ...

Walking the dog below the Grimaldi Forum.

02 November 2013


Hibiscus at Larvotto Beach.  Happy weekend everyone ...

01 November 2013

Supplier to HSH Prince Albert II

This is what you'll get if you own a shop in Monaco that supplies HSH Prince Albert II.

31 October 2013

Craned reflet

Everywhere you look in the casino area at the moment, you'll see a mass of building work going on. Even the windows reflect the cranes.

30 October 2013

The White Line

Steps leading up to the Hotel de Paris.  Is that a ladder I see in her stocking? ...

29 October 2013



28 October 2013

Pattern on Larvotto

Almost no one on Larvotto beach but the sunbeds make a pretty pattern, don't you think?

27 October 2013

Garden Crane

The joys of Monaco - massive cranes in the Casino Gardens.

26 October 2013

Bentley Dreams

Reflections of Casino Square in the wing of a Bentley.

25 October 2013

Diamonds and Crosses

Seen in Monte Carlo yesterday. Are these stockings (or tights) trying to copy the design on the Louis Vuitton handbag?

24 October 2013

Folon's The Fountain of the Birds

Jean-Michel Folon's La Fontaine aux Oiseaux is a sculpture I've always loved and we've seen it before but taken from the other side of this street - so here it is from back.  It stands on le rocher.

23 October 2013

Larvotto Beach

Larvotto Beach on a day when it's not warm enough for beach clothes.

22 October 2013

Skinny People

If you are having a 'fat' day,  just look at your reflection in one of the curved glass doors alongside the casino!

21 October 2013

Reflection at Dusk

A corner of Fontvieille at dusk.  Fontvieille is the area of Monaco reclaimed from the sea.

This was taken from outside the palace on the 'rocher.'

20 October 2013


I couldn't decide which photo to show you today so I'll show you a photo of a girl, at a bar on le rocher,  doing what we all spend too much time doing - staring at a computer screen.

19 October 2013

A Rock and a Cigar

A rock, a cigar and fish to look at in the Japanese gardens.

18 October 2013

Monaco by Night

The Hotel de Paris in black and white.

17 October 2013

Drama in the Sky

Port Hercule on a day we had dramatic clouds roll in.

16 October 2013

The Head of the Dog

The 'TĂȘte du Chien' (head of the dog) that looms over Monaco.  This photo was taken from Fontvieille, near to the Parc Paysager.

15 October 2013

14 October 2013

Double Cuteness

It doesn't matter your age, everyone enjoys looking at the boats in Port Hercule.

13 October 2013


A crocodile of young kids, probably on their way to the Oceanographic museum.

12 October 2013

Oceanographic Museum - the Wonder of Fish

The wonder of fish at the Oceanographic Museum.

11 October 2013

The Washerwoman

Shafts of sunlight pass through the fountain and land on Renoir's La Grand Laveuse (the Washerwoman) - by Renoir - Guino 1917. It stands in the Parc Paysager of Fontvieille.

10 October 2013

Moody Blues

Reflection between two boats in Fontvieille Harbour.

09 October 2013

A Gentle Sunrise

A gentle sunrise over the Grimaldi Forum on Larvotto.

08 October 2013

Kicking the carpet

This girl has just kicked the rolled-up blue carpet into place.  It's a setting-off point for the jet-skis on Larvotto.

07 October 2013

Larvotto Beach

Testing the waters...

06 October 2013

The Last Days of Summer

Not long now and summer will be over. 

05 October 2013

Coffee morning

Coffee morning ... at the Café de Paris.

04 October 2013

Scooting Along ...

Togetherness on a scooter.

03 October 2013

Volleyball on Larvotto

Reflection in the windows of the gym on Larvotto Beach and in the smaller photo - the reality. Not much volleyball going on but lots of discussion on the rules!

02 October 2013

Squashed Balconies

Mirrored glass reflecting balconies and a road (notice the white van in the lower left section) is always fun to photograph.  This was taken on Boulevard Princesse Grace on Larvotto.

01 October 2013

The Monte-Carlo Casino Lit up Pink - Thursday October 3rd 2013

If you're in Monaco on Thursday evening - 3rd October - go to Casino Square where you'll find the Monte-Carlo Casino will be illuminated in pink as a gesture of support towards breast cancer victimes. This will be the 3rd breast cancer aware campaign by Pink Ribbon Monaco.  

And take your camera!

30 September 2013

The Podfather Cometh

Who is the 'Podfather' I wondered, as I sipped my coffee on the terrace of the Café de Paris.

 Wikipedia says:

'Adam Clark Curry (born September 3, 1964 in Arlington, Virginia is an announcer, internet entrepreneur and media personality, known for his stint as VJ on MTV and being one of the first celebrities to personally create and administer Web sites.  In the 2000s, he became involved in podcasting, and has been called the 'Podfather' because of his efforts.'

29 September 2013

Vineyard in Sky Mirror

The vineyard planted in the garden in front of the casino is reflected in 'sky mirror.'  You can see the Casino building top centre.  The Cafe de Paris is to the right - everything is the wrong way around of course! In reality, the Cafe de Paris is off to the left ...

28 September 2013

The Casino Vineyard

The small round garden in front of the casino is happily untouched by the renovations in the upper gardens.  In fact, it has been transformed into an ephemeral vineyard!  Right down to the traditional rose bush at the end of each row.

This is to mark the 150th anniversary of SBM (Societe des Bains de Mer).  In fact, you can now order a Bordeaux Grand Cru by the glass in any of the SBM hotels, restaurants or casinos.  There is a choice of 150 different wines.  This started on June 22nd and continues for 150 days.

27 September 2013

Progress at Casino Square! - the Silk Floss Tree and the Digger

The scoop of a digger seen though the beauty of a Silk Floss Tree as the destruction of the Casino gardens continues.  The Latin name of this gorgeous tree is Ceiba specioso - it's the same family as the Baobab tree.

Let's hope it survives ...
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