24 February 2014

The Bees are a-buzzing...

Rosemary tumbles over a wall alongside St. Nicolas' Church in Fontvieille.  We have sunshine, we have rosemary, we have bees a-buzzing. Spring can't be far away ...

23 February 2014

The Port of Fontvieille and the Tunnel

This is the edge of the port of Fontvieille and the tunnel that runs under le rocher (where you find the Palace, the Oceanographic Museum and so on).  If you drive thru this tunnel you come to the main port of Monaco, Port Hercule. 

This photo is so typical of Monaco. Extreme beauty alongside roadworks, or massive cranes looming into the sky.

22 February 2014

Upside-down steeple

The steeple of St. Nicolas' church in Fontvieille, reflected in a puddle.

21 February 2014

The False Pepper Tree

We are on the lowest terrace (behind the casino) looking towards Cap Martin and beyond that, Menton and Italy.

20 February 2014

Waiting for the Lotus

Waiting for the lotus.  The pots you see on the upper right are filled with lotus plants waiting to burst into leaf and then glorious flower.  The crazy patterns are reflections of apartment buildings on Avenue Princesse Grace.

19 February 2014

Reflections at the Grimaldi Forum

Apartment buildings along Larvotto reflected in the sloping windows of the Grimaldi Forum.

18 February 2014

Pebble in the Brook

'The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone.' 

~ Japanese proverb.

17 February 2014

Locked-in Love

Padlocked love.  I've never seen these before in Monte Carlo. I wonder if the authorities will leave them as they do in other towns and cities.

16 February 2014

Japanese Garden - the Greens and the Blues

If you can't cope with the madness of the Menton Lemon Festival or the Nice Carnival, take a stroll in the Japanese Gardens of Monaco.  You'll soon de-stress and relax.

15 February 2014

Larvotto beach

Larvotto beach yesterday morning at 9h.00.

14 February 2014

Happy Valentines - Coo like the pigeons!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Go on ... coo like the pigeons!

13 February 2014

Waiting for summer

The beach at La Roses des Vents.  Waiting for summer - spring will do ...

12 February 2014


'Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession.  Friendship is never anything but sharing.' - Elie Wiesel

11 February 2014

Piglet and Pooh on Larvotto

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.

"Yes, Piglet?"

"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.”

―  A.A.Milne, Winne-the-Pooh  

10 February 2014

The Big Jetty

Today, we're on the top level of the relatively new 'digue' or jetty, which is where the massive cruise liners tie up. If memory serves, this structure was towed from Portugal where it was made.

Meanwhile, it's a good place to walk the dogs ...

09 February 2014

Pressure Cleaning

Pressure cleaning the hull of a boat at Port Hercule.

08 February 2014

Drink in a bag

Time for a cold drink at Monaco's indoor market.

07 February 2014

Walking in Water

There are always a few diehards who swim at Larvotto beach in winter.  This guy, though, is walking ... he has walked from one side of the beach to the other.

06 February 2014

The Little Mermaid of Denmark at Larvotto

'The Little Mermaid' looks out over Larvotto beach.  She was created, in 2000, with layers and layers of metal by Kristian Dahlgard, in hommage to the Danes who live in Monaco and for the late Prince Rainier III to mark the 50th year of his reign.

05 February 2014

Walk on Larvotto Beach

Larvotto Beach - Hard to believe this was taken only a week ago. Since then we've had endless rain and it's still coming down ...

04 February 2014


Togetherness on Larvotto Beach.

03 February 2014

Cloudy Larvotto

Clouds over Larvotto beach.

02 February 2014

The new Yacht Club de Monaco

The new Monaco Yacht Club, designed by Lord Norman Foster, looks not far from being finished.

Here is an artist's impression of how it will eventually look.  The new Yacht Club de Monaco is due to open this summer. 

01 February 2014

Whoops ...

Whoops ...

31 January 2014

Bateau Bus

The Bateau Bus - Monaco's best kept secret. For 2 euros you can cross the port and pretend you are in one of the luxury yachts. It runs every 30 minutes and is powered by solar energy.

30 January 2014


Shadowplay in Monaco.

29 January 2014

The Summer Sporting of Monaco

Yesterday in Monaco.  We are looking at the Summer Sporting in the foreground - here you find all the big stars performing in summer. And here you'll find Jimmyz nightclub too.  Beyond that you see a  tiny promontory with the Restaurant La Vigie. And in the distance, Cap Martin.

28 January 2014

How to Relax ...

Fontvieille Harbour

Too much technology?  It's always therapeutic to walk amongst the boats and look at the ever-changing patterns in the water.

27 January 2014

Louis Vuitton's geese

This is a photo I took before Christmas - hence the Santa Claus hat on the top goose! I'd rejected it because the woman's feet are out of frame - but needs must - with so many roads still impassable in Gorbio it takes so long to get to Monaco at the moment then I'm showing you old pics.

26 January 2014

Love in Monte Carlo

'Where there is love there is life.'

Mahatma Gandhi

25 January 2014


Designer bag, cute dog - must be Monte Carlo ...

24 January 2014

Asleep at the Wheel

If the guy who parks those expensive cars outside the casino blinks as he is parking a car and you click the shutter at the same time he looks 'asleep at the wheel' - which he isn't.

23 January 2014

Larvotto in winter

Larvotto beach in winter. No tanned bodies - just seagulls.

22 January 2014

HĂŽtel Hermitage - Gustave Eiffel's cupola

This is the beautiful cupola of the Winter Garden in the HĂŽtel Hermitage - designed by the renowned Gustave Eiffel of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.

21 January 2014

HĂŽtel Hermitage - the Winter Garden

The central seating arrangement in the Winter Garden of the HĂŽtel Hermitage.

20 January 2014

Steps, steps

You need to be fit if you live in this part of Beausoleil.  Beausoleil is in France, of course, but borders Monaco.   In fact, some streets are Monaco on one side and Beausoleil on another.

This photo was taken in 2010 on the camera before the camera before the .... and in those days I took photos only in jpg format.

19 January 2014

Morning constitutional

An early morning walk near the Grimaldi Forum.

18 January 2014

Bubble wrapped!

Bubble wrapped!

17 January 2014

Mirrored columns

This is a photo of reflections from two mirrored columns in a Monaco shopping centre. The first two sections are two sides of one column.  The third one is not a reflection. And the fourth is another reflection.

16 January 2014

Ferrari and Rolls Royce

This is an alternative view of the cars we saw yesterday.  That's the Hotel de Paris on the left, the Casino entrance is behind me.  The Christmas trees have now been removed so if you'd like to see a LIVE WEBCAM of Casino Square, click on the link.

15 January 2014

Cars at Place du Casino

You only get your car parked on Casino Square if it's something special ...

14 January 2014

Walk to Monaco

Monaco seen from the point of Cap Martin.  You can walk along the Promenade Le Cobusier all the way from here to Monaco.

13 January 2014

Ignoring Dior ...

Ignoring Dior ...

12 January 2014

Celebrity cow!

The cow seems more interested in being photographed than in holding the little girl's hand. 

Obviously a cow who craves celebrity.

11 January 2014

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