09 April 2014

Hotel de Paris, Monaco

A welcome over the entrance to the Hotel de Paris in Casino Square.

08 April 2014

07 April 2014

People and phones

Metropole Centre

With their eyes fixed on their phones, people are so easy to snap these days.

06 April 2014

Fit and Zen

Keeping fit.  This lady is running along Avenue d'Alsace, which is opposite the entrance to Monaco's railway station - but is in Beausoleil, and therefore France.

05 April 2014

Breakfast Meeting

Marble floors, marble walls, a sweeping staircase, a towering plant pot, beautiful art on the walls - this is the cafe on the lowest floor of the Metropole centre.  A good place for a breakfast business meeting.

04 April 2014

Red Tulips

Red tulips in front of the casino.

03 April 2014

02 April 2014

Monte Carlo Dogs

If you want to meet people, buy a dog!

01 April 2014

Life's a Beach

It could be a desert island, couldn't it? In fact, it's Larvotto Beach in Monaco.

31 March 2014


Dichotomy in the Metropole Centre.

30 March 2014

Walk on the beach

It's getting nearer to beach weather at Larvotto.

29 March 2014

Surprise encounter ...

Fancy seeing you here!

28 March 2014

Reflections in the Metropole Centre

Reflections in the Metropole Centre.

27 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - our Last Day

A cheeky 'goodbye' from Villefranche-Sur-Mer.

26 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Day's Haul

It's the end of the day, the Naval Battle of the Flowers is over and this young man has quite a haul of mimosa and carnations to take home.

25 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Concentration

Such concentration on the face of a child. She's looking at the many flowers that are floating in the sea after the Naval Battle of the Flowers in Villefranche-Sur-Mer.

24 March 2014

Ferrari watching ...

You'd think, with all the Ferraris you see in Monaco and along the Cote d'Azur that people would ignore  them.  Not so. Everyone eating in the celebrated La Mere Germaine in Villefranche-Sur-Mer  is intrigued by either the car or the driver.

23 March 2014

Another Red Lady

This is a photo I took in March 2011 at the Fete du Citron in Menton - almost the same outfit as the 'red lady' yesterday - different performer. 

21 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Mimosa Man!

Sometimes you take a photo and don't notice the detail until you see it on screen - like this guy's mischievous eyes ...

20 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Lunch for Three

Quite rightly, the beautiful golden retriever is welcome at this restaurant in the port of Villefranche-Sur-Mer.

18 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Siesta

For some people it all got too much - time for a siesta.

17 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Woman in Red

You never known who might sit down next to you at a carnival!

16 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Feminine Side

Don't you just love a policeman with a sprig of mimosa in his hand?

15 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Gratuitous cuteness

Gratuitous cuteness at the Combat Naval Fleuri ...

13 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - 'My little dog ...'

'My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.'  ~ Edith Wharton

12 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Girls!

It wouldn't be a festival in France without the girls!

11 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Time for Lunch

This is a photo I took earlier in the day.  The boats are decorated and ready for the 'battle' which starts at 14h.30.

So ... time for lunch.  Pretty spectacular view, wouldn't you say?

10 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - Mimosa Hair-Do

Don't you love that this lady is getting in the mood with her hair decoration, whilst waiting for the Naval Battle of the Flowers at Villefranche-sur-Mer to begin?

08 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Young Man

No explanation needed. Just a beautiful young man to brighten our day, along with the mimosa.  Happy weekend everyone ...

07 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Battle

The battle isn't really a battle!  It's mostly people collecting flowers to take home with them! Just a few of the kids throw the flowers back at the boats. And lots end up in the sea.

06 March 2014

Combat Naval Fleuri - the Gorilla

The sun shone and the gorilla had the best seat in the house!  What a fabulous day in Villefranche sur Mer, with my friend Sylvie, for the Combat Naval Fleuri (Naval Battle of the Flowers).  The boats (these are called pointu) take off for a parade around the port.

Later the battle begins ... 

05 March 2014

Rained out at Villefranche sur Mer - the Fish and the Car

Depite the rain, two of the boats were already in process of decoration - one with a fish and another with a car.

The festival is due to take place today with hopefully better weather than Monday when it had ot be postponed due to rain.

More tomorrow ...

04 March 2014

Rained out at Villefranche sur Mer

Yesterday, the annual Naval Battle of the Flowers was due to take place in Villefranche-sur-Mer, just along the coast from Monaco.   I went along with my friend Sylvie but it rained and it rained and eventually it was postponed.  It will now take place tomorrow.  Here you see some of the boats, waiting to be filled with floats made of flowers  - which stand, happily undercover, on the edge of the port.

Sylvie and I got rather wet but ended up having a great lunch and drowning our sorrows.  We'll go back on Wednesday.

03 March 2014

The Champions Parade - the 'Golden Foot'

This girl  has removed one shoe and is trying out for size one of the famous footballer's feet, cast in brass, on the Champions Parade in Monaco.

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, a keen football fan, made the decision to dedicate part of the Principality’s waterfront to this Walk of Fame of the greatest footballers of all time.

The Golden Foot award is an international football award, given to players who stand out for their athletic achievements (both as individuals and team players) and for their personality.

Ten nominees are chosen by a panel of international journalists based on the criteria that they are at least 28 years of age and still playing. Out of this list, the winner is selected by an online poll, where anyone can vote.  The winner of the award, given by HSH Prince Albert II,  leaves a permanent mold of his footprints on "The Champions Promenade", on the seafront of the Principality of Monaco.

Since 2009, there has been a charity auction accompanying the Golden Foot event. The auction is held during the gala evening at the HĂŽtel de Paris, and raises funds for fighting AIDS.

02 March 2014

The Breakwater at Larvotto (2)

An alternative photo to yesterday's.  Same scene but a longer shot.

01 March 2014

The Breakwater at Larvotto

Sunbathing on the breakwater at Larvotto Beach. 
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