09 April 2007

Girl on a Swing - times three

Driving along Avenue Princesse Grace today (that's the lowest road through Monaco and therefore at sea level) what should I see, but these three young girls having fun in the middle of a roundabout. I don't know anything about them, the artist, nothing - sorry. Just thought I'd grab a quick photograph to show you so I quickly parked on a bus stop. You are not allowed to park on a bus stop! When I got back to my car, a dishy Monte Carlo policeman read me the riot act. All Monaco policeman look dishy - and young - to me. What is it they say when policeman start to look young? Luckily I didn't get a ticket, just a warning. The things I do for Daily Photo...

08 April 2007

Wot, no choccie shop?!

Yeah, yeah, I know. Monte Carlo is awash with amazing handmade chocolate shops, so where's the chocolate egg, where's the Easter bunny? Truth is I couldn't get in to Monaco this last week so here's a photograph taken from a terrace of Seaside Plaza, in Fontvieille, Monaco about a week ago.

So you can get your bearings - here's today's geography lesson. Imagine you are sitting on your yacht out at sea (you with me?) Monaco is in front of you - indeed you might even be moored in the harbour alongside the Lady Moura of course. The steward has brought you a drink - a Kir Royale, I think, in a crystal glass of course and you are munching on Nicoise olives - those tiny tasty ones. Are you with me so far? Before you is Monaco, to your right is France, to your left is France and behind Monaco is more of France. The Principality of Monaco is very small.

Look to the left and you'll see Roquebrune and in the distance is Menton and Italy. Ahead of you and behind Monaco is Beausoleil. You know all about that, of course, because we had photos of Beausoleil over the last couple of days. And to your left is Cap d'Ail and all places west until you eventually get to Nice.

Today's photograph is of Cap d'Ail and in the distance is St. Jean Cap Ferrat. Who lived in Cap Ferrat? How about Somerset Maughan for starters. He lived at the Villa Mauresque. Add David Niven, Agnelli of Fiat fame, King Leopold of the Belgians, Charlie Chaplin, the Rothschilds and more recently, Paul Allen. The magical penisula of Cap Ferrat has some of the most expensive real estate in the world.

I trust you are relaxing, enjoying the gentle movement of the water. Are you enjoying your drink? I'm enjoying mine. And hey, Happy Easter everyone from Monte Carlo Daily Photo.

07 April 2007

Good for the thighs!

Slightly blurred photo today - just I wanted to show you why the locals are so fit! In Monaco (one street below) you will find steps too, but you'll often find escalators and lifts as well going from one level to another. Here in Beausoleil it's necessary to walk up those steps with the shopping bags.

06 April 2007

Yellow against Blue

As I said yesterday, Beausoleil borders Monaco. I had believed this photograph to be of the Riviera Palace but as you'll see in the comments, I was wrong. One day I'll get to the Riviera Palace and photograph it.

05 April 2007

Escalier St. Cecile

Monaco is built on many levels. This stairway takes you from Monaco to Beausoleil. Some of the streets that border Monaco and Beausoleil are interesting in that one side of the street is Monaco and the other side is Beausoleil, France.

04 April 2007

On the other hand...

This apartment building is not far from the one you saw yesterday, yet this is a modern block and with a totally different feel.

03 April 2007

The apartment

This apartment building is just below the steps featured in yesterday's photograph. I love the detail in the design and the ornate balconies - even the sweep of the curtain at the window on the left.

02 April 2007

Boulevard Princesse Charlotte

These steps lead to Boulevard Princesse Charlotte which leads in turn to the Boulevard du Jardin Exotique (the beautiful cactus and succulent garden of Monaco). The tall building at the rear of the photograph is the block of apartments called the Le Millefiore, probably the tallest building in Monte Carlo.

01 April 2007

Theme Day: a Public Mail Box

All Monaco mail boxes are red, some are fixed to walls, some are free-standing like this one. The olive tree and the bench are optional extras.

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31 March 2007

Looking at Italy

Here we are at Fontvieille - the heliport is behind us - and we are looking towards Menton and in the distance Italy. The building you see is an apartment block with rather nice views.

30 March 2007

Gardens of Fontvieille

The gardens in Fontvieille (the area of Monaco reclaimed from the sea) are absolutely beautiful. This area adjoins the Princess Grace Rose garden.

29 March 2007

French and Monégasque

So now you know how to write 'Principality of Monaco' in English, French and Monégasque.

28 March 2007

Lady Christina

This beautiful yacht is seen in Cap d'Ail harbour. Cap d'Ail borders Monaco and in fact I took this photograph from Monaco - from high up in an apartment in Seaside Plaza in Fontvieille. If you click on this link, you can see Seaside Plaza in the background. The Lady Christina, a 203 foot long super yacht, was first launched in 2005.

27 March 2007

Princess Grace Rose Garden

Here you see one of the gates to the Princess Grace Rose Garden in Fontvieille, the area of Monaco reclaimed from the sea. Dedicated in 1984 to the late Princess Grace of Monaco, the garden, currently dormant, holds 4000 rose bushes representing 180 different cultivars. It's a place of meditation and is open each day from sunrise to sunset. I'll try and get back in late Spring, early summer and photograph the garden for you.

26 March 2007


This is how Monaco encourages people to pick up after their dogs. Does your town or city do the same? This box was near to the Heliport in Fontvieille.

25 March 2007

Les Atlantes

This sculpture is by the Canadian figurative sculptor, Blake. It's installed in gardens by the Heliport of Monaco in Fontvieille. Les Atlantes is dedicated to the celebration of life. Depicted are three men representing various aspects of physical, emotional and spiritual existence. In the background of the photograph above, you see part of the luxury apartment building called Seaside Plaza, where incidentally, Princess Stephanie of Monaco has an apartment.

24 March 2007


This sculpture, which stands in front of the main port of Monaco, is by Emma di Sigaldi.

23 March 2007

Lady Moura

The 'Lady Moura' is the largest yacht in Monte Carlo and apparently in the world. Built in 1990 at a cost of $100 million, which makes her reputedly the most expensive private yacht in the world, she is owned by a Saudi business man, Nasser al Rashid. She carries a crew of 60, and incorporates features such as a beach resort complete with sand, a large pool with a retractable roof, and a 75ft dining table custom-made by Viscount Linley. She has an onboard helicopter and you can see more photos of her here.

22 March 2007


This is a typical scene in Monaco - building cranes everywhere. Work never seems to stop in what is, after all, a tiny place. The rather beautiful building you see top left is the Hôtel Hermitage - many consider this hotel to be superior to the famous Hôtel de Paris. One of the smaller bars of the Hermitage was converted from what used to be Maria Callas' dressing room!

21 March 2007

Up, up and away...

This helicopter took off seconds before I took the photograph this morning. There are flights throughout the day to and from Nice airport - quicker than the drive and much more fun! The Heliport is situated at Fontvielle and very near to the circus tent. I noticed some private helicopters on the pad too. Up up and away...
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