10 December 2007


This sculpture of Saint Nicolas stands just alongside the church you saw yesterday. Saint Nicolas is said to be just about everyone's saint. He's named the patron saint of more causes than any other. In France, the most familiar story, both told and sung, is of three little children lured into the clutches of an evil butcher and rescued by Saint Nicolas. In other parts of the world, however, Saint Nicolas is mostly known as the patron saint of mariners.

It seems the very first St. Nicolas was Greek and he became the Bishop of Myra which is mentioned in yesterday's posting.

And of course what do we call Saint Nicolas these days? Why Santa Claus, of course!

09 December 2007

Eglise Saint-Nicolas

An early morning photograph so perhaps a little too much shadow? This lovely church at Place du Campanile Saint-Nicolas was built between 1987 - 1989 in Fontvieille - the area of Monaco reclaimed from the sea. Its dedication to St. Nicolas is taken from the ancient church on Le Rocher, which was razed in 1873 to make way for the Cathedral of Monaco. The baptistry comes from the earlier church.

Although the exact date fo the construction of the first parish church cannot be traced in any archives, tradition leads us to believe that the church mention by Pope Innocent IV in December 1247, authorising the Genoese to build a chapel there, could well have been the first ever parish church. Such a church, placed under the patronage of Saint Nicholas of Myra was mentioned for the first time in 1322.

08 December 2007

Kermesse - Chaplain of St. Paul's

Yesterday you met the Archbishop of Monaco, today, meet the Scottish Chaplain of St. Paul's Anglican Church in Monaco talking to ladies on one of the British stands at the Kermesse.

07 December 2007

Kermesse - Archbishop of Monaco

Meet His Excellency Monsignor Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco. He was wandering around the Kermesse at the same time as Prince Albert and his entourage.

On November 19th, 2005, coinciding with Monaco's National Day, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II was formally enthroned as Sovereign. An emotional Mass was held in the 19th century Cathedral, conducted by Monsignor Barsi and attended by more than 800 invited guests, including H.R.H.the Princess of Hanover and H.S.H. Princess Stephanie and their families.

"By rising to the Grimaldi throne, Prince Albert finds His place in the continuity of this dynasty and with the help fo God, carries forward the destiny of the Principality dating back more than seven centuries."

06 December 2007

Kermesse - Lunch

I promised you inexpensive food. Look at those prices. The food is all home-cooked and really good too.

05 December 2007

Kermesse - Books

Books - certainly the reason I go to the Kermesse - apart from it being a great social get-together with friends. Amongst the many stalls are two selling books: one with books in French and the other - the larger stall - has books in English. At the English book stall, as soon as one book is sold, there is another to replace it. The hardbacks were 2 euros this year and the paperbacks were, I think, 1 euro. Many people arrive with a bag of books (this is a charity after all) hand them over and then proceed to buy more.

You can see, behind the stall, one of the supports for the circus roof that you saw yesterday.

Tomorrow I'll show you how inexpensive food can be in Monte Carlo.

04 December 2007

Kermesse - Le Chapiteau

This is the Big Top in Fontvieille. The Kermesse is held here each year, as is the dog show, the world-renowned circus competition, of course and all the big fairs. Fontvieille, which includes the apartment buildings you see, is built on land totally reclaimed from the sea. You can see the heliport - the flat white building. Menton and Italy are in the distance.

Tomorrow, we'll go back inside.

03 December 2007

Kermesse - Paella

Here you see Prince Albert sitting down to paella with the various organisers of the Kermesse. Don't you love that here you see a Prince drinking out of a plastic cup and I'm pretty sure those bowls are plastic too. Personally, I have a lot of time for Prince Albert - his interests are sport, the environment, Aids charities and much more. He always has time for people. I watched him as he walked around the Kermesse, meeting and greeting people with time to spare and with real interest.

The gentleman in the foreground is Colonel Lamblin. He used to be the late Prince Rainier's Chamberlain and stayed on for a while to help Prince Albert. Now he is retired but as you see is clearly delighted to be spending time with the Prince again.

02 December 2007

Kermesse - Prince Albert of Monaco

Each December, a Kermesse (charity bazaar) is held in the circus tent in Fontvieille. In aid of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Paul's Anglican Church, the Reform Church of Monaco, the British Association of Monaco, the Spanish community and the Greek Orthodox community, it's always a social occasion, particularly for the British community in Monaco. The circus tent is filled with stands selling old clothes (often designer clothes and you'd better believe it for 5 euros) - gifts for Christmas, English food for those that miss home, English books, French books - and later - lunch. We all stop for lunch (great food) and take over the tables that fill the centre of the tent.

Prince Albert visited every stall, spoke to all the participants, posed for endless photographs and then sat down and had lunch. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you what he ate and after that we'll take a look around the Kermesse - see what's for sale and meet a few people.

Yesterday was World Aids Day and you'll see Prince Albert is wearing the badge. His sister, Princess Stephanie, is President of Fight AIDS Monaco.

01 December 2007

Daily Photo Theme Day: Bridges

A temporary bridge but an iconic one for Monte Carlo at Grand Prix time. This bridge gives access to those holding tickets for stands in the port area. Anyone who has watched the Monaco Grand Prix, here or on television, will know this bridge is right by the Start/Finish line.

Today is Theme Day for the Daily Photo Family with over 120 of us posting photographs of a bridge from our city or town. Do take time to visit and enjoy:

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30 November 2007


A pot of spikey cactus at the entrance to a beautiful house adjacent to Casino Square.

29 November 2007

A boozy night?

Not a usual sight in the Principality of Monaco. The streets are normally pristine. Obviously the local residents had a 'very big party' or the company who empties these containers, didn't. This was taken in a small street just off the main port. And is that a small umbrella amongst the discarded bottles?

28 November 2007

Monte Carlo Ladies - 7

This Monte Carlo lady is walking towards the gardens that are just below the Casino.

27 November 2007


Part of the façade of a building - perhaps in need of a clean-up - just around the corner from the market.

26 November 2007

Market - Flowers

The market is in the Places des Armes. You can see a photograph of this beautiful square by clicking on the link. It's situated below Le Rocher (where you'll find the palace) - you can just glimpse Le Rocher behind the flower stall.

25 November 2007

Market - Fish

Monte Carlo market. I stopped to buy a fish for dinner and asked the fishmonger the name of the eel-like creature with the decorative skin - and if I could take a photo. A few minutes later, he was arranging his best fish on this white board for me to photograph. He explained that his brother is the fisherman and he sells the fish and a few minutes later, I found myself with an invitation to go out on the boat one day to take photographs!

I just love people who take such obvious pride in what their sell or what they do. You can see the care he is taking to artistically arrange the fish for me to photograph. What a guy!

The eel-like fish is called murene (moray eel) which he explained is a carnivorous fish - a type of conger eel - but one with really vicious teeth. The ancient Romans bred this fish and used to satisfy its voracious appetite by feeding it a wicked slave or two. The big red fish is called chapon - another name for rascasse, which is the scorpion fish or hog-fish, much prized in the making of Bouillabaise, as is the eel. The smaller red fish is a rouget (red mullet) .

24 November 2007

A smile for you

I snapped this man up a ladder outside the Metropole Centre (see below) and thought he'd not noticed me, but when I walked past him later, he called out - 'Hey, take a photo of me smiling then!' - so I did. Has this sort of thing ever happened to you?

23 November 2007

The Church of St. Charles

When Prince Charles III decided to create Monte-Carlo in 1866, this area of the Principality was nothing but a huge plateau sloping gently towards the sea from the top of Monte Agel. At that time a sparse population lived in the few villas and houses scattered over the olive groves and scrubland. The only chapel that existed on the plateau of Monte-Carlo was Saint Laurent's chapel which was an ordinary private oratory, so any religious services had to take place in Saint Nicolas' on Le Rocher - Monaco's only parish church.

Prince Charles III had already anticipated the rapid growth of Monte Carlo due to the Casino and the rapid rise in the population and between 1879 and 1883 he built this church, replacing Saint Laurent's chapel, and naming it after Saint Charles Borromeo, his patron saint.

In shadow and half way up the steps is a modern sculpture of Cardinal Seduto, which I'll show you another time.

This photograph was taken from the Boulevard de Moulins, from which you can gain access to the church.

22 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 7

We've dined, we cross the square and walk past the brightly lit Casino on our way to the carpark. The red and white flags, by the way, are to celebrate Monaco's National Day.

Another 'Night out in Monte Carlo' might include a visit to the Casino, perhaps we'd go to Jimmy'z, the famous nightclub - or to The Living Room, a piano bar where we can dance. Monte Carlo isn't short on nightlife.

When you visit the Casino you have to show your passport - which will then be photocopied - and you have to hand in your camera before entering this magnificent Belle Epoque building, designed by Charles Garnier, who designed the Paris Opera House. (Do click on the link) There is a charge for entering but it's well worth it to see the splendours within. Monaco citizens, called Monegasques - are not permitted to enter the casino. Monaco residents (there is a difference) are.

This is the last day of our Night out in Monte Carlo, but I know it won't be the last time we visit this part of Monte Carlo. Thanks so much for sharing the evening. I enjoyed your company.

And happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today.

21 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 6

We've had our champers and nibbly-bits in the American Bar, the ladies visited the loo, now we go to Le Grill for dinner. We cross that beautiful lobby and take a lift that goes only to the restaurant on the 8th floor. I couldn't take photographs in the restaurant but I can tell you it's decorated in dark blue - tables are wide apart - and it was full of The Beautiful People. There is a central roof that opens to the sky - in fact, the roof was opened whilst we were dining, but the edges of the Mistral were hitting Monaco, and the wind whipped the tablecloths, so it was quickly closed again. The views from Le Grill over Casino Square are wonderful but all the doors to the terraces were closed and whilst I did take one photograph through the windows, it's not good enough as the flash caught the glass.

Le Grill has one Michelin star. The waiter almost apologised that they didn't have more. The Louis XV downstairs has three. I've only ever eaten in two Michelin one-star restaurants in my life and this is the second, so I wasn't complaining and I'm glad my menu didn't show the prices. My companion told me I could have anything except the caviare from Iran. We had poached eggs with white truffles to begin - the freshest eggs imaginable and perfectly cooked (I think they must keep chickens in the basement along with all that amazing brandy) - then I had a grilled sole with steamed vegetables and my companion had Lobster Thermidor. We drank a bottle of Le Bellet, which is a really good Côte de Provence from the Nice region. It's the oldest wine of the area and has a faintly floral fragrance much sought-after by connoisseurs (I copied this from the Internet!) - it was good tho and very different to the usual Provence wines that I often drink.

And look how good I was! I hid one of the chocolates, that came with coffee, in my bag so I could photograph it for you on my terrace table.

Tomorrow will be the last day of our Night out in Monte Carlo, when we leave the Hôtel de Paris and take a look at the Casino by night.

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