26 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: O ! Shilling - David Shilling

This fun installation uses one of the main fountains in the Casino Gardens. The artist, David Shilling, is an Englishman, living on le rocher of Monaco. He's worked in many mediums, in particular I remember him as a famous milliner in London. His mother, Gertrude Shilling, was a much-loved British institution, with the press naming her 'The Ascot Mascot' as she always appeared at the Ascot races wearing extraordinary hats designed by her son. One year David's design outgrew his father's long wheel base Rolls Royce, and so the hat had to follow in a van. If you follow the link above, you can see some of the creations David made for his mother.

There is a sign near the fountain, written by the artist: 'Celebrating what we take for granted everyday...like love, colours and particularly water.'

'Either we leave the world a little richer than when we arrive, or poorer. Understand that if we don't leave it richer, one day there will be no world left.' - David Shilling.

Tomorrow - a closer look at this installation.

25 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: La Menace - Helena Drazewicz

Helena Drazewicz, lives in Monaco and works with Rob Rowlands on their installations.

'More than ever, art is a commitment, the urgency of the global situation that we express as strongly as we can with our materials and our style, an echo of all the other ways of fighting and will continue as long as it is still possible. The act of artistic creation is an act of hope.' - Helena Krazewicz.

24 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: La Pieuvre - Luc Boniface

There is a fascinating exhibition on at the moment in the Casino Gardens. Organised by the Monegasque association, Arty-Ecology, which is presenting works by 35 artists in this beautiful setting. Some are clever, some funny, some serious - all thought provoking. Do come back over the following days to see more and eventually, my own particular favourite - one that stopped me in my tracks.

This work, La Pieuvre (octopus) is by the French artist, Luc Boniface, and is made, as you see of strips of grass and pink rubber gloves.

'Live intensely without leaving any material trace' - Luc Boniface.

23 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 2

There's a fascinating exhibition of art on at the moment in the Casino Gardens and I was photographing many of the exhibits for a series that starts tomorrow - do come back, it's on Art and the Environment.

Anyway, I was photographing near to these two gentleman when the one on the right called out to me, 'Copyright for me if you take our photo,' and laughed. 'Right then, I'll take your photo,' I said. 'Smile!' And they did. I then asked if they lived in Monaco and the same guy told me, 'Yes, we live in these gardens.' I don't think so! Later I saw them walking around the Metropole Shopping Centre.

22 February 2008

Tunnel under the Rock

This tunnel cuts right under le rocher - you can see the palace on top. To the right is the edge of Fontvieille harbour. You can see a car driving down to an underground carpark - this is the parking area for Carrefour, the big shopping centre in Monaco. My car is in there. I arrived through the left hand tunnel - when I leave I'll take the right-hand tunnel which divides in the middle: straight ahead for the main port of Monaco and onwards to Menton. Or you could take another route that brings you up to the Jardin Exotique and the direction of Nice. The are several tunnels in Monaco - one for instance, will take you to the autoroute.

21 February 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 1

Here we are - as per the request for 'Monte Carlo Gentlemen' - I think you'll agree this first one properly fits the bill: tall, slim, good-looking (trust me) well-dressed, designer stubble, sunglasses - bien sûr - and car keys, presumably for something smart parked in the car park nearby.

Will this do, girls?

20 February 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 11

Three ladies walking along the port - the yachts are to the right of the photograph.

I've had a suggestion, by the way, for 'Monte Carlo Men.' Good idea! Watch this space.

19 February 2008


Colours - in the pedestrian street just up from Port Hercule. Looks like everyone has gone away for the winter?

18 February 2008

Monaco from the Moyenne Corniche

I was driving along the Moyenne Corniche the other day on the way from Menton to Cap d'Ail and stopped the car to snap this photo. The building in the foreground is the relatively new Monte Carlo Bay Resort. In the distance you see part of Port Hercule and behnd it, le Rocher, where you'll find the Palace. There are three 'corniches' - the Basse Corniche that runs along the sea, the Moyenne Corniche than runs along half way up the hills towards Nice. And then the Grande Corniche that is way up top and goes through La Turbie. And then, even further up, is the autoroute. So when you give someone directions, much depends on where they are coming from...

When I see a photo like this I realise I need a bigger camera with a better zoom - but anyway, it gives you an idea.

17 February 2008


We saw an orange tree in the pedestrian street two days ago. Here's another. This time in front of Scruples, the English book shop in Monte Carlo. Other towns along the French Riviera have English bookshops - Antibes, Cannes, Nice, Valbonne. Yet others have an English library, often part of the Anglican church. Indeed there is one of these in Monaco, attached to St. Paul's Anglican church and another in Menton, attached to St. John's English church.

16 February 2008

Bleu sur bleu

Not all the boats in Port Hercule are luxury yachts.

Many thanks to Chuckeroon from Richmond Upon Thames Daily Photo who suggested more and better trimming of this photograph. I've now done this and reposted. Thanks Chuckeroon!

15 February 2008

On a level

The majority of streets in Monaco slope - hardly surprising when the Principality is built on hills. This restaurant is the pedestrian street (rue Princesse Caroline) that runs from Port Hercule to rue Grimaldi. As you can see it appears to be having a deck built, presumably so it can accommodate tables and chairs.

Note the orange tree. You'd not lack for fresh orange juice at the moment.

14 February 2008

Veuve Cliquot

Valentine's Day in Monte Carlo? We'll have champagne - perhaps Veuve Cliquot? This little shop is in one of the tiny streets that runs from the Port to rue Grimaldi.

Veuve Cliquot is a champagne house in Rheims - veuve means widow. It was founded in 1772 by Philippe Cliquot-Muiron who played an important role in establishing champagne as the beverage of choice of European nobility and the bourgeoisie. A generation later, the son of the founder died, leaving his widow in control of the company. It is she, Madame Cliquot, who is credited with the industrialisation of champagne production. You see her portrait to the left. Happy Valentine's Day!

13 February 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 10

Here's yesterday's lady. All alone now. Still with her cell phone and this time stuck to her ear. She's facing the yachts but not seeing them.

I prefer this to yesterday's photograph although yesterday's, with woman and man both texting, told a strange story.

12 February 2008

Text message

Conversation? What's that?

11 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 4

Which one do you prefer?

10 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 3

This is the area - port and yachts to our right - that was filled with cars until the day before I took these photographs. Now it's emptying fast. This lady walked around every car, examining each one very closely. The Start/Finish line of the Monaco Grand Prix is on the road you see on the left.

09 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 2

Another dirty car for the petrol heads. This one is from the UK, isn't it, Gail's Man?

08 February 2008

11th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - 1

Following the Monte Carlo Rally, we had the Monte Carlo Rally Historique which took place from the 1 - 6 February, and so yesterday cars were leaving, goodbyes being said. So - if you like looking at dirty old cars, I'll post a few over the next days. Even I know this is a Mercedes.

Take a look at the Automobile Club of Monaco's website for more information.

07 February 2008

Stand up for your rights!

This is a section of the beautiful Jardin St. Martin on Le Rocher displays cactus. Another of the many gardens of Monaco, Le Jardin Exotique, has nothing but cactus and succulents and we'll visit that soon.


Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo - FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Thank you to the City Daily Photo family for your encouragement, generous comments, fantastic help from talented photographers and most of all, friendship. Working on Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo has changed my life. I now see - really see - my beautiful part of the world. I only looked before...

And of course, a massive thankyou to Eric of Paris Daily Photo, whose brilliant vision this was and to Demosthenes and Igor, who put in endless time working on the technical issues in keeping us all up and running.
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