21 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: The earth is in our hands - Claudia Albuquerque

Claudia Albuquerque was 'born in Paris at ...l'heure bleue. In the contemporary world of image, Claudia cruises around on the fringes, animated by the noblest driving force: Love!'

'She studied in Europe and the United States. Her wealth lies in the dual culture she has finely accumulated in Paris, Monte Carlo, New York, Bel Air, Hollywood, London, Mexico...the greatest stages in the world. "Monte Carlo is the Heart of glamour in this World!" says Claudia. "This is where you land in paradise. It's Magic you're here!"'

Apart from the painting displayed here, Claudia exhibited another painting commemorating one of the five Living Memorial Groves in the city of New York, each with a clear view of downtown Manhattan, where the Twin Towers stood. This is funded by the Living Memorial Tree Foundation under the patronage of HSH Prince of Albert of Monaco, with the help and support of the NYC Dept of Parks and Recreation, AMERICAN FORESTS and the Municipal Arts Society of New York. I plan on featuring this work on September 11 this year.

'The earth is in our hands' - Albert II, Prince de Monaco.

20 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Palm Trees - Paul Stapleton

Paul Stapleton was born in the UK and lived in Nigeria, Denmark and London before he joined the Leeds College of Art. He now lives in France and participates with his prints and sculptures in numerous exhibtion in the UK and in France.

'Biodiversity: posidonia is a grass just like palm except it decided to return to the sea. Will man force it to come back to land again?' - Paul Stapleton

Click on the link to read about 'posidonia,' which is what the artist has used to clad his sculpture.

19 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Arbres Brûlés - Philippe Pastor

Philippe Pastor's 'Burnt Trees,' were created using charred tree trunks from the beautiful Garde Freinet (near St. Tropez) forest which burned in the summer of 2003 - burned by arsonists. Thanks to the artist's involvement with UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) they will be on display throughout the world.

These sculptures give a certain form of life to the dead trees. (Small photo shows them taken from the other side) Please click on the link to read more about the artist and his paintings and sculptures - a fascinating website.

'I saw the fires ravaging the mountains. I will not resign myself to their destruction and refuse to forget. I am appalled by such disfigured nature, revolted by the perpetrators of this destruction...this bleak spectacle is a mirror of society...' - Philippe Pastor.

18 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Native Spirit - Elena Lindjo

In the beautifully produced catalogue that goes with this exhibition of 35 artists, this work is called 'Symphony of the Universe' but the sign in front of it says 'Native Spirit.' I didn't trim this photograph at all as the work seems to hang so beautifully amongst the lovely trees of the Casino Gardens.

Elena Lindjo is a Swedish-born artist who first came into contact with art and fashion at the age of 14, when she started modelling for Emilo Pucci in Italy during her vacation. She started acting in the theatre and was a finalist for the Miss Sweden contest. Combining modelling, acting, interior decoration and charity work for UNESCO, her life was between Paris, London, New York and Monte Carlo. Click on the link to see more of her work and read how she developed as an artist.

"Forever in motion, my paintings are expressions of energies existing in the Universe: a combination of rhythm and colour, emotion and shape, like music on canvas.'

'All things are connected in the endless symphony of the universe. Our beautiful planet is part of that harmony, so let's respect and preserve the essence of life that has created us.' - Elena Lindjo

17 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: 1er Secours - Alain Pérez

Alain Pérez is a "photographic artist who works on themes connected with museums, collections and objects relating to memory. 'First Aid' presented here is an installation for an event, a dreamlike space. The place of the human being as far as nature, time and the cultural reference brought into play are concerned.

Questioning the reality and the patrimonial representation raised by preserved animals, removed from their museum environment, regarding reality and the representation of heritage, in this case, is completed by contemporary creation. Thus this staging places the public at the heart of an approach focused on heritage, art and science."

'What if our presence on this planet depended only on our ability to dream' - Alain Pérez.

16 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Le Collier - Franz Stähler

German artist, Franz Stähler, started creating sculptures in ceramic. In 1987 he won the 'Premio Faenza' for ceramic sculpture. Since then he's worked in other materials and his work has become more focused on the environment. Here you see 'The Necklace.'

'I want to draw attention to the issues of nature and to create new avenues for exchange' - Franz Stähler.

15 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste - Time to sit and stare...

Lunchtime in the Casino Gardens. You can see one of the exhibits, Les Pirogues, in the background. For a better view please click on the link.

Meanwhile, when did you last take time to sit and ponder?

'A poor life this if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare.' - William Henry Davies

14 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Pédociraptor Rex - Franck Tassi

You can read much more of the sculptor, Franck Tassi, by clicking on the link - a fascinating website. Here tho is a small amount of his bio:

'His style of expression shows man as both a creator as well as a victim, and often a prisoner of his technology and even a slave of his own inventions. In this - sometimes unbearable situation - there still remains an omnipresent sense of humour, which he considers the supreme form of criticism.'

'Nothing is thrown away nothing goes to waste, everything can be recreated' - Franck Tassi.

H.S.H. Albert II, Prince of Monaco, is 50 years old today: Happy Birthday, Prince Albert!

13 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste - Visitors or Locals?

There are more exhibits to show you but today I fancied seeing people for a change. Here's a group crossing the gardens. I love the swish of the lady's skirt.

I wonder if they are local people taking a lunch break or visitors. Certainly the two on the left are in business clothes, aren't they? My bet is they work in Monaco - probably live here too or just outside. People watching is such fun, isn't it?

11 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: L'oiseau branche - Folon

The artist Folon, was born in Belgium. His sculptures, paintings, engravings and posters have been exhibited in many prestigious museums. His website has a particularly beautiful introduction - do click on the above link to see and hear it.

'He is the inventor of a language that enables him, like Chaplin, to be understood by the eyes of all.' Ray Bradbury.

A UNICEF Ambassador, awarded the Legion of Honour, he has often worked for humanitarian causes such as Ecology, Human rights, Sister Emmanuelle, the Rights of the Child, etc. He passed away on the 20th October 2005 and rests in Monaco cemetery.

'It is never too late to save the future of our planet.' - Folon

Folon created one of my favourite Monaco sculptures - La Fontaine aux Oiseaux - you can see this by clicking on the link. In fact it's since been moved from the Place des Casino, where I photographed it, and is now installed in one of the gardens of Fontvieille. I'm looking forward to visiting it again soon.

Reading of Folon's humanitarian interests I think he'd be interested to know that today is the first International Online Free Expression Day. Nathalie at the beautiful Avignon in Photos has written in detail on this. Please click on the Avignon to read her post and how to Take Action.

Expo Ecofuturiste: Structure 1 & Structure 2 - Luz

Luz is a photographer who "uses photography as a means to retranscribe stories emanating from her imagination, presented through a parallel world, which each spectator, using his own sensibility, can uncover."

She has two works installed in the Casino Gardens - they stand opposite each other. The small one on the left features a standing nude - the one above - well, you can see she is sitting. To see more of her photographs, please click on the link.

'Because time is precious, we need to act now' - Luz

10 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: L'Atlas - Jean Paul Bongibault

The way in which steel is worked fascinated the artist, Jean Paul Bongibault, who is a protegé of Pierre Cardin. You can see more of this artist's work and read about him by clicking on the link.

'The earth respects us! So show respect! Thank you for your understanding' - Jean Paul Bongibault.

09 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: My Engine - Jean-Noël Fessy

Alongside this sculpture, by the French artist, Jean-Noël Fessy, is a sign that says: 'Apricot branches and vines, bound and oiled. An engine, that could have been mine, on a wooden base.'

'The tool, the fire, the engine. Main steps in man's story of power taking over his Mother Earth. A might that is today overflowing her limits. It can leave you thoughtful - pensive' - Jean-Noël Fessy.

You can see more of this artist's work by clicking on the link above.

08 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Roundown - Denis Gibelin

The artist, Denis Gibelin, writes: 'Photo shots enable the beholder, through the lens, to see and place the spotlight on "subject matter."

Hope you can see it - in the centre of the construction, is a dead tree.

'Ecologists should take inspiration from the creative world of myth construction [...] in order to understand what we are and what we need to be.' - Denis Gibelin.

I hadn't decided which installation to feature today until I saw Nathalie's post at Avignon in Photos. Do click on the link to see my inspiration.

07 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: The Freezer - Renaud Vassas

Artist Renaud Vassas works in wood, bronze, stainless steel, glass or just items of minor importance. Humour and mockery are present in each and evrey object. You can read more about the artist by clicking on the link.

"Contemporary art transpires the biodiversity of the moment, in line with the naturalists of the 21st century, Grimaldi, Mariotti, Bouzou, Powers. - The 'Freezer' sculpture suspends the stata of my world for a brief instant: memories, meetings...a true ecosystem of friendship" - Renaud Vassas.

06 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: le Scalaire - Patrick Gibelli

There were better photographs of this sculpture but I couldn't resist the little boy. He didn't feature in the others. Le Scalaire is a work by the sculptor, Patrick Gibelli. Born in Monaco, Patrick used to be a car body repairer and changed direction to become an innovate artist who regularly features in European galleries. Read more about the artist by clicking on the link.

Note: you'll see a couple of ducks seeking shade under the sculpture.

'Je suis évolution et là ou tout devient possible c'est dans mon univers...' Patrick Gibelli.

05 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Les Pirogues - Gérard Roveri

This sculpture is made from the black pines of Austria collected after the storms of 1999. The artist, Gérard Roveri, has worked in advertising, fashion and decoration, particularly in Japan. He has created frescoes in Mexico and in Gérard Depardieu's home.

His pirogues (canoes) are the symbol of a voyage from one world to the next.

"The world is like a pirogue, which, as it turns around and around, no longer knows whether the wind intends to laugh or to cry' - Saint-John Perse.

04 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Impulz-tree - Saskia Koning

Saskia Koning is a Dutch sculptor who works with different materials and techniques. You can read more about her by clicking on the link.

"One of her leading themes is trees. These living creatures have a long history which shows in their shape and the way they have grown. They also hold memories of events they exerienced, children playing underneath, someone taking a nap against the tree, a horse passing by. These memories are represented in the bronze trees that are part of the Ecofuturist Exhibition. This is just one of them. The statues are based on actual casts from the bark of the living tree."

A sculpture by Saskia Koning was chosen for the 'Tsunami momument' in remembrance of the victims of the 2004 tragedy.

'I hope that people will look at trees differently, with wonder and respect' - Saskia Koning.

03 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: No Comment - Gilbert Casula

No, that's not my title - it's the name of the installation by an artist called Gilbert Casula who lives and works in Cannes.

"A writer and a poet, he was influenced at a very early age by the concept of geopoetics and Kenneth White's work. An inventor of poetic objects and designer of audio systems in which the word always maintains its rights." You can read more by clicking on the link.

Looking at this installation I have to say, I feel like this at times Do you?!

02 March 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Pas d'Art sans vie, pas de vie sans Terre - Ben

'This bench doesn't have a problem'

You saw Ben's art yesterday - one of 35 artists exhibiting in the Casino Gardens. Here's another of his benches. I love it when art and life meet like this - life with the ubiquitous portable telephone.

Ben Vautier was born in Naples and lives and works in Nice. His work has been bought by the National Museum of Modern Art. Click on the link to read more about this fascinating artist who believes that Tout est Art (All is Art).
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