08 May 2008

Garden Club of Monaco - The Setting

The exhibition is held in the grounds of the Terrasses du Casino which is a beautiful area just below the Opera House. Sometimes it's almost too much - magnificent buildings, a plethora of trees and plants and of course, the sheer beauty of the coastline. In the top right-hand photo we are looking towards Cap Martin and beyond that, Menton and in the distance, Italy.

07 May 2008

Garden Club of Monaco - Raku

The Garden Club of Monaco held their 41st Concours International de Bouquets last weekend - a welcome respite from the chaos of the Grand Prix preparations. This year the beautiful flower arrangements were on the subject of the Ecology. Princess Caroline opened the Concours alongside her husband, Prince Ernst of Hanover. She also acted as one of the judges. Apart from the main tents that housed the bouquets, there were many beautiful displays in the Terrasses du Casino. We'll see the overall setting tomorrow.

Here you see a stand selling beautiful Raku pottery and in the distance - Cap Martin.

The talented potter of these statuettes is Yana Frediani who lives in Mandelieu, just along the coast near to Cannes.

06 May 2008


A Lamborghini outside the American Bar of the Hôtel de Paris. Note the number plate- this is the Monaco temporary number plate which means this is a brand new car awaiting permanent plates or has been transferred from one owner to another. These temporary number plates are given whilst the permanent ones are being made.

05 May 2008

Le Rocher

Taken just after 7 a.m. yesterday on the way to Monaco from Menton. I stopped the car, Roquebrune village is way up to my right - this is the view from the road, zoomed in on the Rock.

The tall building you see is the Oceanographic Museum. Click on the link to see this beautiful building from the other side.

04 May 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 11

Remember Marlon Brando - and his leather jacket - in The Wild One? A 1953 movie that was banned in Britain for 18 years. As I walked up the hill from the port towards Casino square, I snapped this leather-clad couple, deep in conversation leaning over a wall, half hidden in vegetation.

Black and white or colour? In the end I felt colour shows better her beautiful skin - I like the contrast of skin, leather and palms. Richard's comment (Zurich Daily Photo) convinced me to change it. So here are both versions.

03 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - The Television Screen

Monte Carlo is slowly being surrounded by its annual ring of steel in preparation for the Monaco Grand Prix, and prior to that, the Grand Prix Historique. This enormous steel structure is for the massive television screen which can be seen by the spectators in the stands around the port area, which is to our right. They get the race twice - before their very eyes and on this screen, which gives all the technical detail they might need.

The road behind the barrier to the left is Avenue d'Ostende which is the part of the track that runs steeply uphill from the port (and the Start/Finish line) to Casino Square.

02 May 2008

Phoning home?

This man is working way above the Grimaldi Forum - that's the light green building you can just see in the small photograph. I haven't a clue what he's fixing. Does anyone know?

The Grimaldi Forum is where the beautiful exhibition - The Grace Kelly Years - was held last year.

01 May 2008

Theme Day: Numbers

Vroom-vroom! Monte Carlo is madly busy preparing for the 66th Monaco Grand Prix and so this sign - one of many you see around the track - seems appropriate for today's Theme. If you'd like more numbers take a look at the small photo (click to enlarge) - it shows numbered parts for the massive stands currently under construction in the Principality.

Today, being the first of the month, it's City Daily Photo Theme Day with 181 different cities taking part.Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants where you'll find originality and beautiful photographs waiting to delight you.

30 April 2008

Painters' Perks

Painting one of the beach showers on Larvotto Beach. These guys seemed very happy in their work...

29 April 2008

The Red Bicycle

Larvotto Beach - morning

"Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows."

- John Betjeman

28 April 2008

Morning Grace

Early morning, walking along the promenade above Larvotto Beach and the light is just catching this sculpture of Princess Grace. The statue was created by Livia Canestraro and her husband, Stephaan Depuydt in 2004.

27 April 2008

Chef's Perks

In the small photograph (click to enlarge) you can see the context of the main photograph. A group of young chefs taking a break at the back of the Café de Paris.

26 April 2008

Larvotto Life

Is he simply doing a 'stretch' and thinking of nothing but the physical feeling? Or is he deep in thoughts of his life? Maybe he just waiting for breakfast.

It took me a while to decide whether or not to crop this photo. I tried it cropped but preferred the sense of space - showing he was alone on this deck - and I didn't want to cut the shadows.

25 April 2008

Chaos in the Principality

The flags for the Masters Series represent only part of the chaos in Monaco today. President Sarkozy of France flies in by helicopter at noon for lunch with Prince Albert, and will then visit the Oceanographic Museum, which is closed to the public all day. He leaves at 5.

Meanwhile, the tennis draws capacity crowds - Federer plays Nalbandian and Nadal plays Ferrer today. Go Raffa! And work continues throughout the Prinicipality for the Grand Prix in May.

It's virtually impossible to get in and out of Monaco - police have closed many of the roads for Sarkozy.

I had a vet's appointment in Cap d'Ail to get my dog's teeth cleaned - had to cancel. Beau doesn't mind! Think he's about the only person (whoops, dog) who doesn't.

24 April 2008

Ahoy there!

At the far eastern end of Larvotto Beach is an area where you see young children playing. I think it's probably a properly run nursery for kids - babies, toddlers and upwards. It operates in the mornings.

23 April 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Flower delivery

Everyday life at Port Hercule - and all part of the preparation for the Monaco Grand Prix - and also the Masters Series tennis which is on at the moment. Here you see a crew member taking delivery of a flower arrangement.

22 April 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Tyre protection

More Grand Prix preparation. Old tyres everywhere - lining the route, against the walls and barriers - these protect the drivers, of course, in case of a crash.

I wonder why some are painted red and some are not? Does anyone know?

21 April 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Painting the Yacht

It's not just the stands that have to be constructed. The yachts arrive in port and naturally enough they need to be prepared too. I'm not sure if this man is on cleaning, repairing or paint duty.

The smaller photograph gives you an idea of the size of this yacht - click on the photo to enlarge. You can see this crew member way down the far end.

20 April 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - The Bolt Carrier

This young man's job is to deliver materials to other workers, such as those we saw yesterday. He's carrying what appears to be bolts (probably the wrong word) that secure one piece of scaffolding to another,

He doesn't look too happy, does he? Although later, he did give me the briefest smile.

19 April 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - Construction

This is dangerous work. You can see the height of this particular stand in the small photograph. Click on it to enlarge.

There are many stands to be constructed and all are temporary - put up each year specially for the Monaco Grand Prix.
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