24 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Clergy

The clergy enter the cathedral. Incense is creating the mist you see.

23 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Law Courts

Yesterday, we saw members of the legal profession about to enter the cathedral. Dressed in red, they'd just walked down this beautiful staircase of the Palais de Justice, followed by those you see above - in black.

Red and black, robes flowing, moving fast, animated. It was theatrical. dramatic and so impressive.

22 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Weight of the Law

Clad in their bright red robes, members of the legal profession are about to enter Monaco's beautiful cathedral.

Built in 1875 using stone from La Turbie, the present-day Cathedral stands on the site of a 13th century church dedicated to Saint Nicolas and houses the tombs of the former Princes of Monaco. It is also the final resting place of Monaco's much loved Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, the parents of H.S.H. Prince Albert II.

21 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Call

Everyone needs a cell phone these days.

20 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Guests

The mass in the cathedral is by invitation only. The building on the left is a corner of the Palais de Justice (law courts). The cathedral is to the right of the photograph.

Tomorrow - more guests.

19 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Prince's Carabinieri

We've left Eze village for a while as we have interesting goings on in Monaco. Today is the Fête Nationale - a important day for Monégasques citizens when they get the opportunity to show their love and respect for their Prince - Albert II.

Monaco is a tiny principality of only 2 kilometres - the second smallest state in the world. It has just over 6000 citizens and 40,000 residents and a history that goes back over 700 years.

It's coming up to 10 a.m. and we are standing outside the cathedral on le rocher (the rock) waiting for the arrival of the royal family to celebrate mass. You see the Prince's Carabinieri in attendance.

Tomorrow, let's take a look at others who are waiting to enter the cathedral. And then later, we'll walk to the Palace and see the parades and glimpse the Prince, the Princesses and the rest of the royals as they enjoy music at the Palace balcony.

18 November 2008

Eze Village - Wall decor

A hole in the wall - so let's put a flower pot in it. I love that people decorate a street even if it's not part of their property - and presumably water the ivy from time to time.

17 November 2008

Eze Village - the Touch

What is he saying to her?

Note the glass cases fixed to the walls. Shop windows are tiny, or non-existent, so shopkeepers use these boxes to display their wares.

16 November 2008

Eze Village - Keep Out!

So many tourists visit Eze village - hardly suprising as it's so beautiful. This resident is giving due warning that the staircase is private and doesn't lead to a restaurant or a shop.

15 November 2008

Eze Village - Through the Archway...

Walk through the archway and you'll see the scene - The Back Street - that we saw two days ago. Eze village has many archways and short tunnels like this.

14 November 2008

Eze Village - The Waiter

As you walk the streets of Eze village, you'll sometimes bump into staff who work in one of the two hotels. This waiter would have just served a guest whose room is perhaps across the street or down an alleyway. As the hotels expanded in this tiny medieval hill village, they couldn't build upwards or even outwards, they had to expand by buying up other properties in the village and using them for extra accommodation.

13 November 2008

Eze Village - the Back Street

Turn a corner, go through an archway, explore...there are wonders everywhere in Eze Village. This little area has no shops so quieter for the residents.

12 November 2008

Eze Village - a narrow street

We didn't finish our tour of Eze, so today we are back, walking a narrow street on our way to the Jardin d'Exotique at the top of the village. Note the tree that seems to grow from nothing.

11 November 2008

The Sailing Lesson

This was taken at the beginning of October - the tiny boats with striped sails are taking part in a sailing lesson. The instructor is in the small red boat.

By the way, the red and white boat with the canopy - you see its wake as it moves over the water - is the ferry that crosses the harbour every half an hour. It costs one euro and for anyone who doesn't happen to own a yacht, it's a fun way to pretend! Not bad for one euro.

10 November 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 23

Multi-tasking - telephone on one ear, music in the other (alright perhaps the music is turned off).

Note the bench set in its own little area - rather as if it has its own tiled rug.

09 November 2008

The Walking Street - the Man who Walks

This carving is by Louis Dollé, a sculptor who lives in Nice. I couldn't get far enough away to photograph it properly - so you get the foot apart from the man. Don't you love the detail?

Do click on the link as you'll see a better photograph of this sculpture and many more of this talented artist's work.

08 November 2008

The Walking Street - Spider Man

You never know who you'll meet at the Artists in Movement exhibition in the pedestrian street. Here's what I take to be Spider Man.

I don't know the artist - a friend walked the street this morning, trying to find names but as we've had so much rain, she told me the little stickers with the artists' names have been washed away.

One or two words remain - for instance, talking about the whole exhibition:

'You are in a gallery open to the sky. ' and 'Open your eyes, look up and enjoy.'

07 November 2008

The Walking Street - Frédéric Falsetti

Another sculpture displayed at the 'Artists in Movement' exhibition in the pedestrian street.

06 November 2008

The Walking Street - Helena Krajewicz

No, it's not clothing hung out to dry but part of an exhibition taking place in the pedestrian street of Monaco - rue Princesse Caroline. In the smaller photograph you can see part of the street with the main port ahead of us.

It's called 'Artists in Movement' - and this work is by Helena Krajewicz (click to view more).

05 November 2008

Obama - the Eagle has Landed!

A stone eagle in the grounds of the Chèvre d'Or in Eze. Today it represents the proud American eagle.

Thankyou America, thankyou!

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